Feature #1454

Loading in the background

Added by Brecht De Man almost 9 years ago. Updated almost 9 years ago.

Status:ResolvedStart date:2015-11-18
Priority:UrgentDue date:
Assignee:Nicholas Jillings% Done:


Target version:-


It would make remote tests much easier if the audio for the following pages were loaded in the background. Now, on a slow internet connection, it can take several minutes to load, and it's a huge difference if that doesn't happen every time, but only at the very start.
On a similar note, the audio should start loading during the pre-test questions, so that one can e.g. open the window and wait for the participant to come...


#1 Updated by Nicholas Jillings almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

Audio is loaded at the beginning once parsed so data is downloaded directly. Any repeated fragments are not re-downloaded.

#2 Updated by Brecht De Man almost 9 years ago

Awesome. Works really well and is so convenient.

Just wondering in hindsight what the impact would be on memory usage etc., or in other words, is this something someone would want to make optional? E.g. when comparing several pages of very high quality audio. I'm sure that wouldn't often happen, but it might occur, maybe on mobile devices? (I really don't know)

Also, the sample rate is only checked AFTER the pre-test questions. In cases where e.g. the complete survey is at the start, this would be a problem. Can the sample rate check be immediate?

I've noticed sometimes the interface doesn't load for a while - this is not a consistent error and I don't know how related it is to this sample loading. If it is, and priority can be given to the interface (or at least the first pre-test question popup etc.), then that would be nice, but it's much more important that the subject doesn't have to wait during the test so again not a biggie.

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