Bug #1391

Loading issue: not playable until all loaded?

Added by Brecht De Man over 9 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Status:FeedbackStart date:2015-09-07
Priority:HighDue date:
Assignee:Nicholas Jillings% Done:


Target version:-


The greyed out samples until loaded are great; however it seems to me I can't play any fragment until all are green, which sort of defies the purpose.
Furthermore, it seemed that they remained grey for a while, then became green in quick succession. This looks like they may be loading in parallel, which is not useful in this case. If there is any control over this, could you make it load them one by one, so that the test can be started as early as possible?
Finally, it is VERY important that the first one to load is NOT consistently the first file alphabetically. Otherwise, despite the randomisation most subjects would listen to Aaa.wav before they listen to Zzz.wav. It is of course absolutely fine to always load fragment '0' first, as long as this doesn't correspond with the same sample every time.
(This was in Safari)

Associated revisions

Revision 305:b71d91792528
Added by Nicholas Jillings over 9 years ago

Merge from "dev_main". Added MUSHRA, PHP upload scripts, APE on Firefox, multi-screen support. Bug fixes #1370, #1298, #1391, #1300, #1389.

Revision 1074:2b8c36924bfd
Added by Nicholas Jillings over 9 years ago

Merge from "dev_main". Added MUSHRA, PHP upload scripts, APE on Firefox, multi-screen support. Bug fixes #1370, #1298, #1391, #1300, #1389.

Revision 1813:d0c76483dff8
Added by Nicholas Jillings over 9 years ago

Merge from "dev_main". Added MUSHRA, PHP upload scripts, APE on Firefox, multi-screen support. Bug fixes #1370, #1298, #1391, #1300, #1389.

Revision 2080:75b17240082b
Added by Nicholas Jillings over 9 years ago

Merge from "dev_main". Added MUSHRA, PHP upload scripts, APE on Firefox, multi-screen support. Bug fixes #1370, #1298, #1391, #1300, #1389.


#1 Updated by Nicholas Jillings over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 50

For non-looped playback it is now fixed. However for looped playback, which is synchronised, it must wait for all the audio to load to work out what padding to apply.

The looped and synchronised loops will be split into two separate modes soon which will further improve this.

#2 Updated by Nicholas Jillings over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Feedback

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