Feature #1150
some other interesting stats
Status: | New | Start date: | 2015-02-04 | |
Priority: | Low | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | % Done: | 0% | ||
Category: | - | |||
Target version: | - |
Trying to figure out how to tell a user which projects (that they are involved in) have been committed to more recently than have had a file attached (as a release).
This gets the basics, independent of user:
select distinct projects.identifier from attachments, projects, changesets, repositories where attachments.container_id = projects.id and attachments.container_type = 'Project' and changesets.repository_id = repositories.id and repositories.project_id = projects.id and changesets.committed_on > attachments.created_on;
Updated by Chris Cannam about 10 years ago
This gets projects without attachments at all:
select distinct identifier from projects
where id not in
(select distinct projects.id from projects, attachments
where attachments.container_id = projects.id
and attachments.container_type = 'Project');
Updated by Chris Cannam about 10 years ago
Why am I doing this in sql at all? it would be much easier with AR. still, since I'm here:
Projects without attachments at all (revised because attachments may attach to a version) but with changesets, of which the user with the given login is a member:
select distinct projects.identifier from projects, changesets, repositories, members, users
where members.user_id = users.id
and users.login = 'login'
and members.project_id = projects.id
and projects.id = repositories.project_id
and changesets.repository_id = repositories.id
and projects.id not in
(select distinct projects.id from projects, attachments
where attachments.container_id = projects.id
and attachments.container_type = 'Project')
and projects.id not in
(select distinct projects.id from projects, attachments, versions
where attachments.container_id = versions.id
and attachments.container_type = 'Version'
and versions.project_id = projects.id)
Updated by Chris Cannam about 10 years ago
And projects with attachments attached to versions and with newer changesets, of which a particular user is a member:
select distinct projects.identifier from attachments, versions, projects, changesets, repositories, members, users
where members.user_id = users.id
and users.login = 'login'
and members.project_id = projects.id
and attachments.container_id = versions.id
and attachments.container_type = 'Version'
and versions.project_id = projects.id
and changesets.repository_id = repositories.id
and repositories.project_id = projects.id
and changesets.committed_on > attachments.created_on
Updated by Chris Cannam about 10 years ago
Ah no, that just finds commits newer than any attachment for the project.
Updated by Chris Cannam about 10 years ago
Crude method in code for listing projects with commits but no attachments, of which user u
is a member:
Project.all.select { |p| p.users.member?(u) }.select do |p| c = p.repository.latest_changeset.committed_on if not p.repository.nil? and not p.repository.latest_changeset.nil?; a = p.attachments.map { |a| a.created_on }.compact.sort.last; v = p.versions.map { |v| v.attachments.map { |a| a.created_on }.compact.sort.last }.compact.sort.last; not c.nil? and a.nil? and v.nil? end.map { |p| p.identifier }
and projects with commits more recent than the last attachment:
Project.all.select { |p| p.users.member?(u) }.select do |p| c = p.repository.latest_changeset.committed_on if not p.repository.nil? and not p.repository.latest_changeset.nil?; a = p.attachments.map { |a| a.created_on }.compact.sort.last; v = p.versions.map { |v| v.attachments.map { |a| a.created_on }.compact.sort.last }.compact.sort.last; not c.nil? and ((not v.nil? and c > v) or (not a.nil? and c > a)) end.map { |p| p.identifier }