RedmineVersion » History » Version 3

Chris Cannam, 2010-11-19 01:09 PM
start with instructions on updating Redmine

1 2 Chris Cannam
h1. Which version of Redmine?
2 1 Chris Cannam
3 1 Chris Cannam
Our Redmine installation is made from a version maintained in an Hg repository (see "the Repository tab for this project":
4 1 Chris Cannam
5 1 Chris Cannam
This currently has two branches: @default@ and @yuya@.
6 1 Chris Cannam
7 1 Chris Cannam
The @default@ branch tracks Redmine trunk (we carry out an actual SVN checkout on top of the repo and commit the entire .svn tree).
8 1 Chris Cannam
9 1 Chris Cannam
The @yuya@ branch contains the Redmine Mercurial overhaul patches from Yuya Nishihara described at "Redmine issue 4455":  This branch is the one that is actually used in the "production" site, and we merge to it from default each time we update default from trunk.
10 1 Chris Cannam
11 1 Chris Cannam
The aim is to track the Redmine trunk until Yuya's Mercurial overhaul patches are merged into trunk, and then to stop tracking the trunk at the next subsequent stable release.
12 3 Chris Cannam
13 3 Chris Cannam
h2. How to update to Redmine trunk
14 3 Chris Cannam
15 3 Chris Cannam
Example: I start out doing some work in my test server, on the @cannam@ branch.  I have no uncommitted changes.  I want to update the version of Redmine that my branch is based on.
16 3 Chris Cannam
17 3 Chris Cannam
First, switch to the @default@ branch.  This (shared) branch is used only to track Redmine trunk.
18 3 Chris Cannam
19 3 Chris Cannam
@$ hg update default@
20 3 Chris Cannam
21 3 Chris Cannam
We have