FindingOldBranches » History » Version 3

Version 2 (Chris Cannam, 2012-02-02 09:31 AM) → Version 3/5 (Chris Cannam, 2012-02-02 09:32 AM)

h1. Finding Old Branches

List bug or feature branches that have not been modified since October 2011 and that have been merged into other branches since they were last modified:

$ hg -q branches | \
egrep '(bug_|feature_)' | \
while read b; do \
oldmerges=`hg log --template '{rev}\n' -r "children(last(branch('"$b"')) and date('<Oct 1 2011'))"`; \
if [ -n "$oldmerges" ] && ]; then \
echo $b ; \