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Mathieu Barthet, 2011-11-28 10:44 PM

Meeting at King's College wrap-up

Mathieu Barthet, Daniel Leech-Wilkinson, Dan Tidhar

New tutorials for Sonic Visualiser

Online video tutorials

- covering basic features:
- how to load a sound
- how to install a Vamp plugin

- video tutorials targeting the analysis of various musical variables (timing, pitch, timbre, etc.)

- video tutorials associated with the examples from "A musicologist's guide to Sonic Visualiser" by Nicholas Cook and Daniel Leech-Wilkinson

Tutorials linked to Pitch analysis:

  • How to obtain a graphic melodic shape:

- Use the MIDI tool to mark the notes
- Copy the layer in a time layer

This makes easier the analysis of the relationships of the melodic contour with tempo curves.

Example that can be used:

Strong correlation between melody & tempo contours in the performacne of the Chopin berçeuse by Cortot.

Tutorials linked to Dynamics analysis:

  • How to change the resolution of the energy curve:

- Use the Power curve Mazurka plugin
- Change the settings to change the smoothing factor

Ideas for Sonic Visualiser improvements

Layer display

It would be useful to be able to change the dynamic range of layer curves (vertical compression) and their relative positions to facilitate their comparisons.

This may be a way to adapt the display to the way we perceive different audio streams.

Example: Cortot - 8th prelude Chopin

Computation of correlation coefficients

Between different curves (e.g. Pearson r between the melodic contour curve and the tempo curve).

Ideas for new Vamp plugins

Vamp plugin to characterise the harmonic complexity of a piece

Key recognition gives a bit of information about harmonic complexity.

Harmonic complexity may be characterised by a post-processing of the chromagram.

Vamp plugin to measure the dissonance

Vamp plugin to measure the roughness

Feedback on Sonic Visualiser Library Edition

Dan L-W. and Dan T. will give some feedback on the new features from the Library Edition (e.g. templates).

Issue: order of appearance of the layer tabs

Each time a session file is opened, the tabs of the layers appear in different orders, making it impossible to refer to a specific tab number in tutorials or lectures.