LinuxBuild31 » History » Version 3

Version 2 (Chris Cannam, 2018-07-12 03:07 PM) → Version 3/6 (Chris Cannam, 2018-07-12 03:08 PM)

h1. Building SV v3.1 on Linux

The Linux build uses an Autotools @configure@ script. It's the only platform build to use this.

# Install the necessary library packages
# Run @./configure@
# Run @make@ and @make install@

The necessary system packages are the following (using Debian/Ubuntu package names):


libfftw3-dev libfishsound1-dev libid3tag0-dev liblo-dev liblrdf0-dev liblrdf0-dev@
libmad0-dev @libmad0-dev liboggz2-dev libpulse-dev libsamplerate-dev libsndfile-dev libsord-dev libsord-dev@
libxml2-utils @libxml2-utils portaudio19-dev qt5-default libqt5svg5-dev raptor-utils raptor-utils@
librubberband-dev @librubberband-dev autoconf libtool git mlton