WP1 1 Available Resources » History » Version 44

Steve Welburn, 2012-06-26 12:50 PM

1 2 Steve Welburn
h1. WP1.1 Research Of Available Resources
2 1 Steve Welburn
3 1 Steve Welburn
Results from previous projects (e.g. JISC "RDMTrain":http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/mrd/rdmtrain.aspx programme, "Research Data Management Skills Support Initiative":http://www.dcc.ac.uk/training/data-management-courses-and-training/skills-frameworks (DaMSSI), "Incremental":http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/mrd/rdmi/incremental.aspx ), as well as available material from the "DCC":http://www.dcc.ac.uk/ and other institutions, will be studied and evaluated. Disciplines will be compared and parts of the available material identified that need to be adapted to appeal to researchers in the area of digital music and audio research. In order to integrate the material into the "Vitae":http://www.vitae.ac.uk/ /RCUK "Researcher Development Framework":http://www.vitae.ac.uk/researchers/428241/Researcher-Development-Framework.html , used to assign credits by the "QMUL Learning Institute":http://www.learninginstitute.qmul.ac.uk/ , the recently released "Information-handling Lens" will also be analysed.
4 3 Steve Welburn
5 10 Steve Welburn
h2. Previous Projects
6 1 Steve Welburn
7 10 Steve Welburn
JISC "RDMTrain":http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/mrd/rdmtrain.aspx programme
8 40 Steve Welburn
9 40 Steve Welburn
Online courses:
10 40 Steve Welburn
* [[Project CAIRO]] Managing Creative Arts Research Data
11 43 Steve Welburn
* [[MANTRA]] for ??geosciences, social and political sciences and clinical psychology??
12 40 Steve Welburn
13 40 Steve Welburn
Downloadable materials:
14 40 Steve Welburn
* [[DATUM for Health]]
15 12 Steve Welburn
* "DMTpsych":http://www.dmtpsych.york.ac.uk/s.php?p=1 ??Postgraduate training for research data management in the psychological sciences??
16 12 Steve Welburn
* DataTrain for "archaeology":http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/learning/DataTrain and for "social anthropology":http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/dataman/datatrain/socanthintro.html
17 12 Steve Welburn
18 12 Steve Welburn
JISC Managing Research Data programme "RDMTrain - Disciplinary RDM Training":http://www.dcc.ac.uk/training/train-trainer/disciplinary-rdm-training/disciplinary-rdm-training
19 12 Steve Welburn
20 12 Steve Welburn
21 10 Steve Welburn
"Research Data Management Skills Support Initiative":http://www.dcc.ac.uk/training/data-management-courses-and-training/skills-frameworks (DaMSSI)
22 10 Steve Welburn
23 10 Steve Welburn
24 44 Steve Welburn
Lots of materials available from "Jorum":http://dspace.jorum.ac.uk/xmlui/advanced-search?_method=POST&field2=licence&query2=creativecommons.org&query1=research+data+management
25 44 Steve Welburn
26 36 Steve Welburn
h2. [[Legislation]]
27 36 Steve Welburn
28 35 Steve Welburn
h2. [[Research Council Requirements]]
29 35 Steve Welburn
30 10 Steve Welburn
h2. DCC and Other Institutions
31 10 Steve Welburn
32 10 Steve Welburn
"DCC - Digital Curation Centre":http://www.dcc.ac.uk/
33 17 Steve Welburn
"UK Data Archive":http://www.data-archive.ac.uk/create-manage
34 20 Steve Welburn
"JISC Digital Media":http://www.jiscdigitalmedia.ac.uk/
35 22 Steve Welburn
Manual for World Agroforestry Centre one week course on Research Data Management (published 2002, available from "University of Reading Statistical Services Centre":http://www.reading.ac.uk/ssc/publications/publications.html)
36 25 Steve Welburn
37 37 Steve Welburn
British Library "Preservation Advisory Centre (PAC)":http://www.bl.uk/blpac/index.html
38 41 Steve Welburn
NCDCR "Electonic Records":http://www.records.ncdcr.gov/erecords/ documentation - includes file naming
39 17 Steve Welburn
40 17 Steve Welburn
h2. Universities
41 18 Steve Welburn
42 23 Steve Welburn
h3. UK
43 23 Steve Welburn
44 19 Steve Welburn
45 16 Steve Welburn
"DSpace@Cambridge Help":http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/repository/help/index.html
46 1 Steve Welburn
47 17 Steve Welburn
48 21 Steve Welburn
49 23 Steve Welburn
50 24 Steve Welburn
"Exeter":http://www.exeter.ac.uk/research/excellence/datamanagement/ / "Open Exeter Blogs":http://blogs.exeter.ac.uk/openexeterrdm/blog/category/training/
51 21 Steve Welburn
52 23 Steve Welburn
h3. Other
53 23 Steve Welburn
54 1 Steve Welburn
55 23 Steve Welburn
56 24 Steve Welburn
"Melbourne":http://www.imas.unimelb.edu.au/research_data_management / "Melbourne - RDM for Researchers":http://www.eresearch.unimelb.edu.au/activities/research_data_management_for_researchers
57 26 Steve Welburn
"Dartmouth - online course":http://www.dartmouth.edu/~rc/classes/data_management/s5.shtml
58 27 Steve Welburn
59 31 Steve Welburn
"New Hampshire":http://www.unh.edu/research/data-management
60 30 Steve Welburn
"Responsible Conduct In Data Management":http://www.ori.dhhs.gov/education/products/n_illinois_u/flash/rcr.html (from US Office Of Research Integrity / U. of Illinois)
61 10 Steve Welburn
62 32 Steve Welburn
h2. Researcher Development Framework
63 10 Steve Welburn
64 11 Steve Welburn
65 10 Steve Welburn
"Researcher Development Framework":http://www.vitae.ac.uk/researchers/428241/Researcher-Development-Framework.html
66 10 Steve Welburn
67 10 Steve Welburn
"SCONUL - Society of College, National and University Libraries":http://sconul.ac.uk
68 10 Steve Welburn
"SCONUL 7 Pillars Of Wisdom":http://www.sconul.ac.uk/publications/newsletter/34/7.pdf
69 14 Steve Welburn
"SCONUL 7 Pillars Of Information Literacy":http://www.sconul.ac.uk/groups/information_literacy/seven_pillars.html
70 10 Steve Welburn
71 13 Steve Welburn
Information handling / literacy info. "published":http://www.vitae.ac.uk/policy-practice/375-533141/The-Informed-Researcher-Booklet-and-Information-literacy-lens-on-the-Vitae-Researcher-Development-Framework-out-now.html 25th April 2012.
72 13 Steve Welburn
73 33 Steve Welburn
> ...RIN, SCONUL and members of the Working Group on Information-Handling have created a mapping of information literacy onto the Vitae Researcher Development Framework, using the SCONUL Seven Pillars of Information Literacy.
74 13 Steve Welburn
75 5 Steve Welburn
h3. "Vitae RDF Lenses":http://www.vitae.ac.uk/rdflenses
76 5 Steve Welburn
77 5 Steve Welburn
"Information-handling Lens" will also be analysed - now appears to have expanded into an "information literacy" lens.
78 3 Steve Welburn
79 3 Steve Welburn
"Information literacy lens":http://www.vitae.ac.uk/CMS/files/upload/Vitae_Information_Literacy_Lens_on_the_RDF_Apr_2012.pdf.521621.download
80 3 Steve Welburn
81 33 Steve Welburn
> Information literacy is an umbrella term which encompasses concepts such as digital, visual and media literacies, academic literacy, information handling, information skills, data curation and data management. Interacting with information is at the very heart of research and informed researchers are both consumers and producers of information.
82 4 Steve Welburn
83 9 Steve Welburn
h3. "Vitae Researcher Booklets":http://www.vitae.ac.uk/researchers/169081/Researcher-booklets.html
84 4 Steve Welburn
85 9 Steve Welburn
"Informed Researcher Booklet":http://www.vitae.ac.uk/CMS/files/upload/Vitae-The-Informed-Researcher_2012.pdf.530691.download
86 8 Steve Welburn
87 8 Steve Welburn
88 8 Steve Welburn
h2. [[Resources For Learning Materials]]
89 8 Steve Welburn
90 8 Steve Welburn
h2. Links
91 8 Steve Welburn
92 8 Steve Welburn
"Doctoral Training Centres as catalysts for research data management":http://blogs.bath.ac.uk/research360/2011/12/doctoral-training-centres-as-catalysts/
93 8 Steve Welburn
"RDM training for Postgraduates and Doctoral Training Centres":http://blogs.bath.ac.uk/research360/2011/12/rdm-training-postgraduates-doctoral-training-centres/
94 8 Steve Welburn
"Open Exeter PGR Workshop on Data Management":http://blogs.exeter.ac.uk/openexeterrdm/blog/2011/12/14/first-pgr-workshop/