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Steve Welburn, 2012-11-20 12:43 PM

Sound Data Management Training (SoDaMaT)

(for general information re. Research Data Management please see the parent project Wiki)

1 SoDaMaT Overview

2 SoDaMaT Background

3 SoDaMaT Researcher Profile


Strong attention will be payed to evaluate the quality and impact on research practice of the training material. By taking advantage of the established collaborations, the material will be tested in different situations, including postgraduate courses, internal and external seminars and workshops, and tutorials at international conferences. The International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) serves the purposes of fostering the exchange of ideas between and among members whose activities, though diverse, stem from a common interest in music information retrieval. A tutorial proposal been submitted in collaboration with the Sound Software project to the 2012 ISMIR conference (8-12 October in Porto, Portugal). A tutorial proposal will also be submitted to DAFx-12 (Digital Audio Effects conference, 17-21 September in York).

The QMUL Learning Institute will provide support and know-how in evaluation methodologies and analysis.

Feedback will be collected using:
  1. anonymous questionnaires after the tutorials/workshops, tailored to the specific audience;
  2. online questionnaires;
  3. standard course evaluation for postgraduate modules;
  4. focus groups interviewed a few months after the training to establish the longer-term impact of the training.

The feedback will be used to iteratively improve the material. Revised versions of all training materials will be available by the end of the project.


We aim to achieve sustainability in the longer term both in the digital music and audio research community, and within QMUL. Our goals are:
  1. to make discipline-specific training sustainable in the digital music and audio research community. Awareness will be raised by presenting the material in collaboration with the Sound Software project at similar UK research institutions, and at discipline-specific conferences (ISMIR and DAFx). Training material will be made available for reuse through the Jorum repository.
  2. to set an example within QMUL. The project will be used as an example by the QMUL Learning Institute , the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, and the IT Services to expand the data management training to other disciplines by adapting the material and methodologies, starting from related research areas such as Signal Processing, and more generally Electronic Engineering and Computer Science. Data management training will be integrated in postgraduate curricula: every PhD student is expected to take part in approximately 210 hours of development activities (including research methods courses) over the course of their studies and the points gained are mapped against the four domains of the Vitae /RCUK Researcher Development Framework . Material for Continuous Professional Development courses for research and academic staff will also be adapted to other disciplines, and all face-to-face training will be complemented by online training material.


The work of the project is divided into four work packages (WP):

An overview of the intended content of the work packages is here

Training the Trainers

Additional Notes


Pryor, G. and Donnelly, M. (2009). Skilling up to do data: whose role, whose responsibility, whose career? The International Journal of Digital Curation. Vol. 4(2), pp. 158--170.

Research Data Management Skills Support Initiative (DaMSSI) final report

Printable Version