Evidence Promoting Good Data Management » History » Version 55

Steve Welburn, 2012-11-12 04:19 PM

1 1 Steve Welburn
h1. Evidence Promoting Good Data Management
2 1 Steve Welburn
3 18 Steve Welburn
4 18 Steve Welburn
5 20 Steve Welburn
If you have any additional examples that you would like to share, please email them to: rdm.c4dm at gmail.com
6 11 Steve Welburn
7 49 Steve Welburn
h2. Disasters!
8 49 Steve Welburn
9 55 Steve Welburn
h3. Earthquake!
10 55 Steve Welburn
11 55 Steve Welburn
* "Valuable Cancer Research Lost In Italian Earthquake":http://www.medindia.net/news/Valuable-Cancer-Research-Lost-In-Italian-Earthquake-49843-1.htm 12 April 2009 (medindia.net)
12 55 Steve Welburn
13 55 Steve Welburn
bq. A major casualty of the last week’s earthquake in Italy could be valuable research work done by a UK-based charity over the last two years.
14 55 Steve Welburn
15 55 Steve Welburn
bq. Leukaemia Busters, Southampton, has been developing pioneering drugs in a clinic in the quake-hit city of L'Aquila.
16 55 Steve Welburn
17 55 Steve Welburn
bq. Dr David Flavell, from the charity, said it was likely specially engineered leukaemia cells used to produce anti-bodies had been lost.
18 55 Steve Welburn
19 55 Steve Welburn
* "Leukaemia Busters' research survives Italian earthquake":http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/4283096.Leukaemia_research_survives_earthquake/ 10 April 2009 (Southern Daily Echo)
20 55 Steve Welburn
21 55 Steve Welburn
bq.  Two years of life-saving research into the treatment of a killer disease feared lost forever by a Hampshire charity has incredibly survived the Italian earthquake disaster.
22 55 Steve Welburn
23 55 Steve Welburn
bq.  Leukaemia Busters were delighted to discover that laboratories where scientists had spent the past two-and-a-half years working to develop pioneering drugs to fight leukaemia remain standing.
24 55 Steve Welburn
25 55 Steve Welburn
bq.  The unbelievable news came after rescue workers allowed Professor Rodolfo Ippoliti into the devastated city of L’Aquila and see for himself the destruction caused by the 6.3 magnitude quake. 
26 55 Steve Welburn
27 49 Steve Welburn
h3. Fire!
28 49 Steve Welburn
29 50 Steve Welburn
"Southampton University Mountbatten Building Fire":http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/hampshire/4390048.stm (BBC)
30 1 Steve Welburn
* "Images on Flickr":http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=Southampton%20University%20Mountbatten%20Building%20Fire
31 50 Steve Welburn
* "University vows to rebuild centre":http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/hampshire/4394294.stm (BBC)
32 50 Steve Welburn
33 50 Steve Welburn
h3. Hurricane
34 50 Steve Welburn
35 50 Steve Welburn
Hurricane Sandy
36 50 Steve Welburn
* "Sandy destroyed years of medical research": http://rt.com/usa/news/sandy-research-power-medicine-681/ 31 October 2012
37 51 Steve Welburn
38 51 Steve Welburn
bq. When Hurricane Sandy struck New York, it washed away years of scientific research from the New York University School of Medicine, including genetically modified mice, enzymes, antibodies and DNA strands.
39 50 Steve Welburn
40 52 Steve Welburn
* "NYC Science Stunned by Sandy":http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/33109/title/NYC-Science-Stunned-by-Sandy/ 2 November 2012 (The Scientist)
41 52 Steve Welburn
42 52 Steve Welburn
bq. Flooding and blackouts caused by super storm Sandy have had a devastating impact on scores of scientists in the Big Apple, with one research center losing thousands of lab mice as well as precious reagents—a situation that could set some researchers back years.
43 52 Steve Welburn
44 52 Steve Welburn
* "Help for Sandy-Stricken Scientists":http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/33223/title/Help-for-Sandy-Stricken-Scientists/ 9 November 2012 (The Scientist)
45 52 Steve Welburn
46 53 Steve Welburn
* "New York research facilities feel Sandy's wrath":http://blogs.nature.com/news/2012/10/new-york-research-facilities-feel-sandys-wrath.html 1 November 2012 (Nature blog)
47 52 Steve Welburn
48 52 Steve Welburn
bq. Although New York University (NYU) was clearly the research facility hardest hit by this week’s storm, others were also affected. Leslie Vosshall, who studies the olfactory system of mosquitoes at Rockefeller University, located about 35 blocks further up river from NYU, shut down a computer server in the basement on Sunday, but fears it could have been damaged from flooding. She has had to wait for the university to pump out the water, before she can check on it. “We do have some of the data backed up elsewhere, but it would set us back significantly.”
49 52 Steve Welburn
50 53 Steve Welburn
* "Sandy’s Toll on Medical Research":http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2012/11/animals_drowned_in_sandy_nyu_medical_research_is_set_back_years_by_dead.html 31 October 2012 (Slate)
51 52 Steve Welburn
52 52 Steve Welburn
bq. In 2001, a tropical storm called Allison flooded Houston with several feet of rain and pushed 10 million gallons of water into the medical-school basements at the University of Texas. The disaster drowned at least 4,000 rats and mice, along with 78 monkeys, 35 dogs, and 300 rabbits. (More than half the animals on campus had been living underground.) Nearby, at the Baylor College of Medicine, basement flooding killed 30,000 mice.
53 52 Steve Welburn
54 52 Steve Welburn
* "Texas researchers regroup after Tropical Storm Allison":http://www.ama-assn.org/amednews/2001/08/13/hlsa0813.htm 13 August 2001 amednews.com
55 52 Steve Welburn
56 52 Steve Welburn
bq. Soaked hard drives and drowned lab animals may delay new medical discoveries by months or years, but hope survives as research facilities dry out.
57 52 Steve Welburn
58 52 Steve Welburn
bq. Tropical Storm Allison's flood caused the following losses at Baylor College of Medicine and the University of Texas-Houston Medical School:
59 52 Steve Welburn
    One calf
60 52 Steve Welburn
    Thirty-five dogs
61 52 Steve Welburn
    Seventy-eight monkeys
62 52 Steve Welburn
    Several hundred rabbits
63 52 Steve Welburn
    More than 30,000 transgenic mice and rats
64 52 Steve Welburn
    A state-of-the-art MRI machine worth $2 million
65 52 Steve Welburn
    Ten years' worth of data on spinal cord injuries
66 53 Steve Welburn
    A 20-year collection of 60,000 breast tumor samples
67 49 Steve Welburn
68 54 Steve Welburn
69 54 Steve Welburn
* "Drowned rats":http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn864-drowned-rats.html 12 June 2001 (New Scientist)
70 54 Steve Welburn
71 54 Steve Welburn
bq. As well as destroying research animals, the floodwater has swamped computers. It has also caused power failures, knocking out the refrigerators and freezers used to store samples for research. Back-up cell cultures used for research into cancer at the Baylor College of Medicine will have died, say local officials. 
72 54 Steve Welburn
73 1 Steve Welburn
h2. Anecdotal Tales Of Lost Data
74 1 Steve Welburn
75 4 Steve Welburn
h3. Recovery of Overwritten Hard Disk Data
76 5 Steve Welburn
77 5 Steve Welburn
5 October 2005 Linux Forums - http://tinyurl.com/8t7uaop
78 5 Steve Welburn
79 3 Steve Welburn
80 21 Steve Welburn
Hi, a friend of mine just overwrote two months of her
81 21 Steve Welburn
PhD thesis with an older version. I know recovery of
82 21 Steve Welburn
overwritten data is possible, but wonder if I'd need
83 21 Steve Welburn
special hardware to do it. Does anyone know something
84 21 Steve Welburn
about this ?
85 21 Steve Welburn
86 2 Steve Welburn
Thank You.
87 3 Steve Welburn
88 1 Steve Welburn
89 1 Steve Welburn
h3. Stolen laptop had PhD research
90 5 Steve Welburn
91 5 Steve Welburn
19 March 2008 Surrey Leader - http://tinyurl.com/9hmtlv4
92 5 Steve Welburn
93 1 Steve Welburn
94 45 Steve Welburn
Thirty-five minutes spent in Langley’s Willowbrook
95 23 Steve Welburn
Shopping Centre cost a Surrey woman much more than
96 23 Steve Welburn
she had anticipated.
97 23 Steve Welburn
98 23 Steve Welburn
Langley RCMP say that while she was shopping from
99 23 Steve Welburn
1-1:35 p.m. last Monday, someone broke into her
100 23 Steve Welburn
vehicle and stole a number of items, including
101 23 Steve Welburn
a Mac iBook laptop containing the research she had 
102 23 Steve Welburn
compiled as she worked towards her PhD.
103 23 Steve Welburn
104 24 Steve Welburn
“All that information was on that computer and she
105 24 Steve Welburn
has no back-up file,” said Langley RCMP spokesman
106 24 Steve Welburn
Cpl. Brenda Marshall.
107 1 Steve Welburn
108 45 Steve Welburn
109 45 Steve Welburn
110 45 Steve Welburn
Google images of "Langley Willowbrook":https://www.google.co.uk/search?num=50&hl=en&q=Langley+Willowbrook+Shopping+Centre&&tbm=isch
111 6 Steve Welburn
112 6 Steve Welburn
h3. Happiness is the return of a stolen computer, with data intact
113 6 Steve Welburn
114 6 Steve Welburn
27 May 2010 The Press, NZ - http://tinyurl.com/38sznnh
115 6 Steve Welburn
116 6 Steve Welburn
117 6 Steve Welburn
Never has a man been so happy to see a computer full of data
118 6 Steve Welburn
119 6 Steve Welburn
120 6 Steve Welburn
Claudio De Sassi's world fell apart when a car containing almost three
121 6 Steve Welburn
years work towards his PhD was stolen two weeks ago.
122 6 Steve Welburn
De Sassi, a Canterbury University academic, could not hide his joy
123 6 Steve Welburn
yesterday as police reunited him with his stolen laptop and backpack.
124 6 Steve Welburn
125 6 Steve Welburn
126 19 Steve Welburn
h3. Thugs steal Christmas, doctoral dreams
127 8 Steve Welburn
128 8 Steve Welburn
22 December 2010 KRQE - http://tinyurl.com/9a5j56f
129 8 Steve Welburn
130 8 Steve Welburn
131 8 Steve Welburn
A tiny television sits where a big screen used to, and a Christmas tree
132 8 Steve Welburn
stands with little underneath it...
133 8 Steve Welburn
134 8 Steve Welburn
Even worse than the gifts, the crooks stole a MacBook Pro laptop and a
135 8 Steve Welburn
LaCie hard drive.
136 8 Steve Welburn
137 8 Steve Welburn
The hard drive had … her dissertation and nearly seven years of
138 8 Steve Welburn
research for her doctoral degree she was set to fnish in a few weeks.
139 8 Steve Welburn
Osuna had everything backed up on a separate hard drive in a safe, but
140 8 Steve Welburn
burglars made off with that too.
141 8 Steve Welburn
142 8 Steve Welburn
"All I could think about is that all that time is gone, all that effort,
143 8 Steve Welburn
everything is gone," Osuna said.
144 9 Steve Welburn
145 8 Steve Welburn
146 8 Steve Welburn
147 8 Steve Welburn
h3. Laptop Stolen From OSU Doctoral Student
148 8 Steve Welburn
149 8 Steve Welburn
NBC4i January 06 2011 - http://tinyurl.com/bmybv9x
150 8 Steve Welburn
151 8 Steve Welburn
152 8 Steve Welburn
...her car was broken into and her chrome Mac book pro was stolen.
153 8 Steve Welburn
She has a back-up for all but the last six months of research, but the
154 8 Steve Welburn
most important part of the research had happened recently.
155 8 Steve Welburn
156 8 Steve Welburn
157 39 Steve Welburn
h3. Lost Thesis Poster
158 39 Steve Welburn
159 39 Steve Welburn
160 1 Steve Welburn
161 40 Steve Welburn
162 39 Steve Welburn
163 42 Steve Welburn
h3. Recovery
164 42 Steve Welburn
165 42 Steve Welburn
PostgraduateForum.com > Current PhD Students, PhD Life. 29 September 2011 - http://tinyurl.com/ct5e2no
166 42 Steve Welburn
167 42 Steve Welburn
168 42 Steve Welburn
I've 'lost' my thesis
169 1 Steve Welburn
170 43 Steve Welburn
Yes, I 'lost' my thesis today, at around 12:42pm (thesis RIP), microsoft word couldn't
171 43 Steve Welburn
cope with the size of the document and my file got corrupted. I'd removed a small chunk
172 43 Steve Welburn
of it and did some formatting to decrease its size yesterday but that obviously didn't
173 43 Steve Welburn
stop it happening. After a few hours trying to recover it, I gave in and called for
174 43 Steve Welburn
help. I then found out that, even if I'd managed to recover it, it probably wouldn't
175 44 Steve Welburn
be the whole document, there could be parts missing, formatting gone awol, etc No sweat
176 44 Steve Welburn
though, I regularly back up my work so it's just today's work that's been lost, well
177 44 Steve Welburn
morning and lunch really as I spent the afternoon attempting to savage it,-) bit
178 44 Steve Welburn
stressful but hey ho, not the end of the world. So for those of you who don't back your
179 44 Steve Welburn
work up, start doing it now! And regularly! I can't possibly imagine what would have
180 44 Steve Welburn
happened to me if I'd really lost everything weeks before submission...
181 42 Steve Welburn
182 42 Steve Welburn
183 6 Steve Welburn
h2. The Lost Laptop Problem
184 6 Steve Welburn
185 6 Steve Welburn
* 2010 Ponemon Institute report for Intel re. US laptops
186 6 Steve Welburn
** On average, 2.3% of laptops assigned to employees are lost each year
187 25 Steve Welburn
** In education & research that rises to 3.7%, with 10.8% of laptops being lost before the end of their useful life
188 25 Steve Welburn
*** ~3 years i.e. within 1 PhD of allocation!
189 6 Steve Welburn
** 75% lost outside the workplace
190 6 Steve Welburn
* Very similar results from 2011 European report!
191 6 Steve Welburn
192 46 Steve Welburn
Intel 2010, The Billion Dollar Lost Laptop Problem - http://tinyurl.com/8c9m4bn
193 46 Steve Welburn
194 46 Steve Welburn
Intel 2011, The Billion Euro Laptop Problem - http://tinyurl.com/9wpbxn9
195 7 Steve Welburn
196 7 Steve Welburn
h2. Laptop Reliability
197 7 Steve Welburn
198 7 Steve Welburn
* 2011 PC World Laptop Reliability Survey from 63,000 readers:
199 7 Steve Welburn
** 22.6% had signifcant problems during the product's lifetime
200 7 Steve Welburn
** Of which...
201 7 Steve Welburn
*** 19% had OS problems ~1 in 25 of all laptops
202 7 Steve Welburn
*** 18% had HDD problems ~1 in 25 of all laptops
203 7 Steve Welburn
*** 10% PSU problems ~1 in 50 of all laptops
204 7 Steve Welburn
205 7 Steve Welburn
PC World 2011 - http://tinyurl.com/876qza5
206 8 Steve Welburn
207 8 Steve Welburn
h2. Hard Disk Failures
208 8 Steve Welburn
209 8 Steve Welburn
* Failure Trends In A Large Disk Drive Population
210 8 Steve Welburn
** Usenix conference on File and Storage Technologies 2007 (FAST '07)
211 8 Steve Welburn
** Eduardo Pinheiro & Wolf-Dietrich Weber, Google Inc.
212 8 Steve Welburn
* Data collected from over 100,000 disk drives at Google
213 8 Steve Welburn
* As part of repairs procedures:
214 8 Steve Welburn
** ~13% of disk drives replaced over 3 years
215 8 Steve Welburn
** ~20% of disk drives replaced over 4 years
216 8 Steve Welburn
217 8 Steve Welburn
Article: http://tinyurl.com/octz6b
218 8 Steve Welburn
219 38 Steve Welburn
[[Failure Trends In A Large Disk Drive Population|More info]]
220 37 Steve Welburn
221 8 Steve Welburn
h2. Data management in the cloud
222 8 Steve Welburn
223 8 Steve Welburn
See JISC/DCC document "Curation In The Cloud" - http://tinyurl.com/8nogtmv
224 8 Steve Welburn
225 8 Steve Welburn
Service agreements may give wide-ranging rights to the data service.
226 8 Steve Welburn
227 8 Steve Welburn
h3. Google Terms Of Service
228 8 Steve Welburn
229 8 Steve Welburn
1 March 2012 Google Terms of Service : http://tinyurl.com/89dc9fa
230 8 Steve Welburn
231 8 Steve Welburn
232 8 Steve Welburn
When you upload or otherwise submit content to our Services, you give
233 8 Steve Welburn
Google (and those we work with) a worldwide license to use, host, store,
234 8 Steve Welburn
reproduce, modify, create derivative works (such as those resulting from
235 8 Steve Welburn
translations, adaptations or other changes we make so that your
236 8 Steve Welburn
content works better with our Services), communicate, publish, publicly
237 8 Steve Welburn
perform, publicly display and distribute such content. The rights you
238 8 Steve Welburn
grant in this license are for the limited purpose of operating, promoting,
239 8 Steve Welburn
and improving our Services, and to develop new ones. This license
240 8 Steve Welburn
continues even if you stop using our Services (for example, for a
241 8 Steve Welburn
business listing you have added to Google Maps).
242 8 Steve Welburn
243 8 Steve Welburn
244 8 Steve Welburn
h3. Microsoft Services Agreement
245 8 Steve Welburn
246 10 Steve Welburn
19 October 2012 Microsoft services agreement : http://tinyurl.com/8e4kucy
247 8 Steve Welburn
248 8 Steve Welburn
249 8 Steve Welburn
When you upload your content to the services, you agree that it may
250 8 Steve Welburn
be used, modifed, adapted, saved, reproduced, distributed, and
251 8 Steve Welburn
displayed to the extent necessary to protect you and to provide, protect
252 8 Steve Welburn
and improve Microsoft products and services. For example, we may
253 8 Steve Welburn
occasionally use automated means to isolate information from email,
254 8 Steve Welburn
chats, or photos in order to help detect and protect against spam and
255 8 Steve Welburn
malware, or to improve the services with new features that makes them
256 8 Steve Welburn
easier to use. When processing your content, Microsoft takes steps to
257 8 Steve Welburn
help preserve your privacy.
258 8 Steve Welburn
259 8 Steve Welburn
260 8 Steve Welburn
h2. Archiving Data
261 8 Steve Welburn
262 8 Steve Welburn
h3. BBC Domesday Project
263 8 Steve Welburn
264 8 Steve Welburn
1986 Project to do a modern-day Domesday book (early crowd-sourcing)
265 8 Steve Welburn
* Used “BBC Master” computers with data on laserdisc
266 8 Steve Welburn
* Collected 147,819 pages of text and 23,225 photos
267 8 Steve Welburn
* Media expiring and obsolete technology put the data at risk!
268 8 Steve Welburn
269 8 Steve Welburn
Domesday Reloaded (2011)
270 8 Steve Welburn
* Required emulation of software
271 8 Steve Welburn
* Images restored from original masters
272 8 Steve Welburn
* http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/domesday
273 8 Steve Welburn
274 8 Steve Welburn
To allow long-term access to data
275 8 Steve Welburn
* Don't use obscure formats!
276 8 Steve Welburn
* Don't use obscure media!
277 8 Steve Welburn
* Don't rely on technology being available!
278 8 Steve Welburn
* Do keep original source material!
279 12 Steve Welburn
280 15 Steve Welburn
Google images for "BBC Domesday":https://www.google.co.uk/search?tbm=isch&q=bbc+domesday
281 12 Steve Welburn
282 27 Steve Welburn
h2. Sharing Data
283 27 Steve Welburn
284 47 Steve Welburn
Piwowar, Heather A., Roger S. Day, and Douglas B. Fridsma. "Sharing detailed research data is associated with increased citation rate.":http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0000308
285 47 Steve Welburn
PLoS One 2.3 (2007): e308.
286 12 Steve Welburn
287 12 Steve Welburn
288 12 Steve Welburn
h2. Related Media
289 12 Steve Welburn
290 12 Steve Welburn
h3. Disk Drives Break
291 12 Steve Welburn
292 12 Steve Welburn
"DataCent collection of disk drive failure sounds":http://datacent.com/hard_drive_sounds.php
293 12 Steve Welburn
294 12 Steve Welburn
h3. Laptops Break / Get Broken
295 13 Steve Welburn
296 13 Steve Welburn
* "Shot laptop":http://lilysussman.wordpress.com/tag/laptop-destroyed/
297 22 Steve Welburn
* "Google images of broken laptops":https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=broken%20laptop&um=1&tbm=isch
298 1 Steve Welburn
299 1 Steve Welburn
h2. More To Read
300 1 Steve Welburn
301 48 Steve Welburn
Albers, S. "Editorial: Well Documented Articles Achieve More Impact":http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1568022
302 48 Steve Welburn
BuR Business Research Journal, Vol. 2, No.2, May 2009
303 1 Steve Welburn
304 48 Steve Welburn
Anderson, Richard G., et al. "The role of data/code archives in the future of economic research.":http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13501780801915574
305 48 Steve Welburn
Journal of Economic Methodology 15.1 (2008): 99-119.
306 32 Steve Welburn
307 48 Steve Welburn
Borgman, Christine L. "The conundrum of sharing research data."
308 48 Steve Welburn
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 63.6 (2012): 1059-1078.
309 1 Steve Welburn
310 48 Steve Welburn
Campbell, Eric G., et al. "Data withholding in academic genetics."
311 48 Steve Welburn
JAMA: the journal of the American Medical Association 287.4 (2002): 473-480.
312 31 Steve Welburn
313 48 Steve Welburn
Evanschitzky, Heiner, et al. "Replication research's disturbing trend.":http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0148296306002347
314 48 Steve Welburn
Journal of Business Research 60.4 (2007): 411-415.
315 1 Steve Welburn
316 48 Steve Welburn
Fischer, Beth A., and Michael J. Zigmond. "The essential nature of sharing in science."
317 48 Steve Welburn
Science and engineering ethics 16.4 (2010): 783-799.
318 48 Steve Welburn
319 1 Steve Welburn
Freckleton, R.P., P. Hulme, P. Giller and G. Kerby. 2005. "The changing face of applied ecology.":http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2664.2005.00969.x/full
320 31 Steve Welburn
J. Appl. Ecol. 42:1–3.
321 1 Steve Welburn
322 48 Steve Welburn
Gleditsch, N.P., C. Metelits and H. Strand. 2003. Posting your data: Will you be scooped or will you be famous?.
323 48 Steve Welburn
Int. Stud. Perspect. 4:89–97.
324 1 Steve Welburn
325 48 Steve Welburn
Lancaster, Larry, and Alan Rowe. "Measuring Real World Data Availability.":http://static.usenix.org/publications/library/proceedings/lisa2001/tech/full_papers/lancaster/lancaster_html/
326 48 Steve Welburn
Proceedings of the LISA 2001 15th Systems Administration Conference. 2001.
327 1 Steve Welburn
328 48 Steve Welburn
McCullough, Bruce D., Kerry Anne McGeary, and Teresa D. Harrison. "Lessons from the JMCB Archive.":http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/mcb/summary/v038/38.4mccullough.html
329 48 Steve Welburn
Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 38.4 (2006): 1093-1107.
330 1 Steve Welburn
331 48 Steve Welburn
Piwowar, Heather A., and Wendy W. Chapman. "Public sharing of research datasets: a pilot study of associations."
332 48 Steve Welburn
Journal of informetrics 4.2 (2010): 148-156.
333 1 Steve Welburn
334 48 Steve Welburn
Piwowar, Heather A., et al. "Towards a data sharing culture: recommendations for leadership from academic health centers."
335 48 Steve Welburn
PLoS medicine 5.9 (2008): e183.
336 31 Steve Welburn
337 48 Steve Welburn
Schroeder, Bianca, and Garth A. Gibson. "Disk failures in the real world: What does an MTTF of 1,000,000 hours mean to you.":http://www.usenix.org/event/fast07/tech/schroeder/schroeder.pdf
338 48 Steve Welburn
Proceedings of the 5th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST). 2007.
339 48 Steve Welburn
340 48 Steve Welburn
Vandewalle, Patrick, Jelena Kovacevic, and Martin Vetterli. "Reproducible research in signal processing."
341 48 Steve Welburn
Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE 26.3 (2009): 37-47.
342 48 Steve Welburn
343 48 Steve Welburn
Whitlock, Michael C. "Data archiving in ecology and evolution: best practices."
344 48 Steve Welburn
Trends in ecology & evolution 26.2 (2011): 61-65.
345 48 Steve Welburn
346 48 Steve Welburn
Whitlock, Michael C., et al. "Data archiving."
347 48 Steve Welburn
The American Naturalist 175.2 (2010): 145-146.
348 48 Steve Welburn
349 48 Steve Welburn
Wicherts, Jelte M., Marjan Bakker, and Dylan Molenaar. "Willingness to share research data is related to the strength of the evidence and the quality of reporting of statistical results."
350 48 Steve Welburn
PloS one 6.11 (2011): e26828.