- An acoustic pattern generation tool

Code has now moved to the official SimScene repository ( ). The current page will be kept mainly for
the wiki/demos.

Copyright (c) Emmanouil Theofanis Chourdakis <> is a collection of tools to synthesize an audio scene from independent sound events.
It is inspired by Lagrange et al. simScene ( but takes
a different direction. The goal of is to (1) have a python implementation of such a
system since python is the platform of choice for developers accustomed with deep learning packages
or other python package candy and (2) to allow generating audio scenes from spreadsheet files.

Please direct any comments, suggestions, etc. to Emmanouil Chourdakis <>

This code is licensed under GPLv3. Please see LICENSE for more info.


Please see the Wiki

logo.png 141 KB, downloaded 62 times Emmanouil Theofanis Chourdakis, 2017-10-03 07:17 PM

full-scene.wav 5.05 MB, downloaded 3 times Emmanouil Theofanis Chourdakis, 2017-10-03 07:19 PM