MeetingNotes19Oct2012 » History » Version 3

Chris Cannam, 2012-10-19 04:42 PM

1 1 Chris Cannam
h1. Meeting Notes 19 Oct 2012
2 1 Chris Cannam
3 1 Chris Cannam
Present: Karen, Chris, Luis
4 1 Chris Cannam
5 1 Chris Cannam
 * Karen is working on initial prototype using Drupal 7
6 1 Chris Cannam
 * Development site is at
7 2 Chris Cannam
 * Some concerns about BibTeX management -- what sort of uses will we want to make of the detailed structure from publications records. Asks C and L to provide some examples of BibTeX and/or Endnote data and to sketch use cases for these
8 2 Chris Cannam
 * Search: finding things by text search considered useful for first draft but no more
9 3 Chris Cannam
 * Agreed that user management and authentication are out of scope for PoC
10 2 Chris Cannam
 * Question of whether to use publication title as the visible title for an "experimental record" -- C thought this was probably OK (?)
11 3 Chris Cannam
 * Question of whether a publication needs to be "wholly" RR to qualify (e.g. if only data is available but not code, etc)
12 3 Chris Cannam
13 3 Chris Cannam
We need to find more examples of RR or potentially RR publications to put in the test site!