How to create RRR from scratch » History » Version 7

Version 6 (Daniele Barchiesi, 2013-12-03 05:31 PM) → Version 7/8 (Daniele Barchiesi, 2013-12-05 11:09 AM)

h1. How to create RRR from scratch

h2. Setup Drupal website environment

This will depend on whether you are developing the website on your local machine or on a remote server.

h3. Local machine (tested on MacBook air)

* Install XAMMP - web stack including database and web server apache
** Download relevant version from
** Run the installer
** Open XAMPP manager application and start all the servers (MySQL, Apache and ProFTPD)
* Navigate to your XAMMP/htdocs/ folder

h3. Remote server (tested on a Linux machine running Ubuntu)

* ssh to remote machine
* setup http web server (e.g. apache)
* edit web server configuration files
* go to your /var/www folder

h2. Install software, using for example, apt-get install

* Install drush - command line utility to manage Drupal websites
* Install git - command line utility to manage version control

h2. Create new database

* run the following command
mysqladmin -u root -p create dbname

where dbname is the name of the database and root is the user

* set privileges following instructions in the INSTALL.dbtype file in the Drupal folder (where dbtype is the kind of database used - e.g. MySQL)

h2. Install drupal and use git to track its repository
* run the following command
drush dl drupal --package-handler=git_drupalorg
* Rename the folder with the name of your site site_name

h2. Configure Drupal

* Point a browser to localhost/site_name
* Start the Drupal configuration

h3. Verify requirements

* Enable php GD extension
apt-get install php5-gd (enable php gd extension)
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

* Create writable files directory
mkdir site_name/sites/default/files
chmod ga+w site_name/sites/default/files

* Create writable settings file
cp site_name/sites/default/default.settings.php site_name/sites/default/settings.php
chmod ga+w site_name/sites/default/settings.php

h3. Configure site
* Revoke public and group write permissions to avoid security issues
chmod ga-w site_name/sites/default/settings.php
chmod ga-w site_name/sites/default/

At this point, you have a clean Drupal website that can be accessed locally at http://host/site_name

h2. Obtain RRR modules and settings
* Clone the RR repository to a folder of your choice by running the command
hg clone
* Copy the features module rr-repo/sites/all/modules/experiments_list to the modules folder of your website XAMPP/htdocs/site_name/sites/all/modules
* Enable modules by running
drush pm-enable experiments_list

h2. Notes
* The module simpletest requires php-curl. To install run the following command
apt-get install php5-curl