Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAACContextMain AAC context
 CAACEncContextAAC encoder context
 CAacPsyBandInformation for single band used by 3GPP TS26.403-inspired psychoacoustic model
 CAacPsyChannelSingle/pair channel context for psychoacoustic model
 CAacPsyCoeffsPsychoacoustic model frame type-dependent coefficients
 CAacPsyContext3GPP TS26.403-inspired psychoacoustic model specific data
 CAACPsyContextContext used by psychoacoustic model
 CAACSBRContextAacsbr functions pointers
 CAC3BlockData for a single audio block
 CAC3EncodeContextAC-3 encoder private context
 CAC3EncOptionsEncoding Options used by AVOption
 CAC3HeaderInfoCoded AC-3 header values up to the lfeon element, plus derived values
 CAMRFixedSparse representation for the algebraic codebook (fixed) vector
 CAMRNBFrameAMRNB unpacked data frame
 CAMRNBSubframeAMRNB unpacked data subframe
 CAPEContextDecoder context
 CAPEFilterFilters applied to the decoded data
 CAPEPredictorFilter histories
 CASSStructure containing the whole split ASS data
 CASSCodesCallbacksSet of callback functions corresponding to each override codes that can be encountered in a "Dialogue" Text field
 CASSDialogFields extracted from the [Events] section
 CASSScriptInfoFields extracted from the [Script Info] section
 CASSStyleFields extracted from the [V4(+) Styles] section
 CAT1CtxThe atrac1 context, holds all needed parameters for decoding
 CAT1SUCtxSound unit struct, one unit is used per channel
 CATempoContextFilter state machine
 CAudioDataAudio buffer used for intermediate storage between conversion phases
 CAudioFragmentA fragment of audio waveform
 CPayloadContext::AUHeadersMpeg 4 AU headers
 CAVABufferSinkParamsStruct to use for initializing an abuffersink context
 CAVBPrintBuffer to print data progressively
 CAVBufferRefA reference to a data buffer
 CAVBufferSinkParamsStruct to use for initializing a buffersink context
 CAVClassDescribe the class of an AVClass context structure
 CAVCodecContextMain external API structure
 CAVCodecDescriptorThis struct describes the properties of a single codec described by an AVCodecID
 CAVFilterFilter definition
 CAVFilterChannelLayoutsA list of supported channel layouts
 CAVFilterContextAn instance of a filter
 CAVFilterFormatsA list of supported formats for one end of a filter link
 CAVFilterInOutA linked-list of the inputs/outputs of the filter chain
 CAVFilterLinkA link between two filters
 CAVFilterPadA filter pad used for either input or output
 CAVFormatContextFormat I/O context
 CAVFracThe exact value of the fractional number is: 'val + num / den'
 CAVFrameThis structure describes decoded (raw) audio or video data
 CAVIOContextBytestream IO Context
 CAVIOInterruptCBCallback for checking whether to abort blocking functions
 CAVOptionRangeA single allowed range of values, or a single allowed value
 CAVOptionRangesList of AVOptionRange structs
 CAVPacketThis structure stores compressed data
 CAVPanScanPan Scan area
 CAVParserStateStructure to store parser state of AVFormat
 CAVParserStreamStateStructure to store parser state of one AVStream
 CAVPictureFour components are given, that's all
 CAVPixFmtDescriptorDescriptor that unambiguously describes how the bits of a pixel are stored in the up to 4 data planes of an image
 CAVProbeDataThis structure contains the data a format has to probe a file
 CAVProgramNew fields can be added to the end with minor version bumps
 CAVRationalRational number numerator/denominator
 CAVSHAHash context
 CAVStreamStream structure
 CAVSyncPointHelper structure describing keyframe search state of one stream
 CAVVDPAUContextThis structure is used to share data between the libavcodec library and the client video application
 CBandSubband structure - hold all variables for each subband
 CBandCodingPathStructure used in optimal codebook search
 CBitAllocBit allocation
 CBundleData structure used for decoding single Bink data type
 Ccell_sIn the ELBG jargon, a cell is the set of points that are closest to a codebook entry
 CChannelCouplingCoupling parameters
 CChannelElementChannel element - generic struct for SCE/CPE/CCE/LFE
 CChannelParamsSample data coding information
 CCodeOne code in hash table
 CContextsupport non continuous caching support keeping files support filling with a background thread
 CDiracParseContextFind the end of the current frame in the bitstream
 CDPBDecoded Picture Buffer (DPB)
 CDVPacketFor DV, one packet corresponds exactly to one frame
 Cdxva_contextThis structure is used to provides the necessary configurations and data to the DXVA2 FFmpeg HWAccel implementation
 CDynamicRangeControlDynamic Range Control - decoded from the bitstream but not processed further
 CEightSvxContextDecoder context
 Celbg_dataELBG internal data
 CEVRCAFrameEVRC-A unpacked data frame
 CFCBParamOptimized fixed codebook excitation parameters
 CFFBufQueueStructure holding the queue
 CFFIIRFilterCoeffsIIR filter global parameters
 CFFIIRFilterStateIIR filter state
 CFFPsyBandSingle band psychoacoustic information
 CFFPsyChannelSingle channel psychoacoustic information
 CFFPsyChannelGroupPsychoacoustic information for an arbitrary group of channels
 CFFPsyContextContext used by psychoacoustic model
 CFFPsyModelCodec-specific psychoacoustic model implementation
 CFFPsyWindowInfoWindowing related information
 CFFSchroEncodedFrameSingle encoded frame returned from Dirac or Schroedinger
 CFFSchroQueueA simple queue implementation used in libschroedinger
 CFFSchroQueueElementQueue element
 CFilterParamsFilter data
 CFloat11G.726 11bit float
 Cframe_type_descDescription of frame types
 CFrameListLinked list used to store timestamps and frame sizes of all frames in the FIFO for the first input
 CFrameListDataPortion of struct vpx_codec_cx_pkt from vpx_encoder.h
 CFrameModeParameters and tables that are different for each frame type
 CFrameThreadContextContext stored in the client AVCodecContext thread_opaque
 CFrapsContextLocal variable storage
 CG722Context::G722BandThe band[0] and band[1] correspond respectively to the lower band and higher band
 CG723_1_SubframeG723.1 unpacked data subframe
 CGradFunContextHolds instance-specific information for gradfun
 CH264DSPContextContext for storing H.264 DSP functions
 CH264PredContextContext for storing H.264 prediction functions
 CHFParamHarmonic filter parameters
 Chist_entryAn histogram is an array of HIST_SIZE hist_entry storing all the energies recorded (with an accuracy of 1/HIST_GRAIN) of the loudnesses from ABS_THRES (at 0) to ABS_UP_THRES (at HIST_SIZE-1)
 CHpelDSPContextHalf-pel DSP context
 CHTTPAuthStateHTTP Authentication state structure
 CHuffContextContext used for code reconstructing
 CIndividualChannelStreamIndividual Channel Stream
 CIVIBandDescInformation for Indeo wavelet band
 CIVIHuffDescHuffman codebook descriptor
 CIVIHuffTabMacroblock/block huffman table descriptor
 CIVIMbInfoInformation for Indeo macroblock (16x16, 8x8 or 4x4)
 CIVIPlaneDescColor plane (luma or chroma) information
 CIVITileInformation for Indeo tile
 CLibSchroFrameContextSchroFrame and Pts relation
 CLLSModelLinear least squares model
 CLongTermPredictionLong Term Prediction
 CLZWEncodeStateLZW encode state
 Cmant_groupsGrouped mantissas for 3-level 5-level and 11-level quantization
 CMMCOMemory management control operation
 CModeTabParameters and tables that are different for every combination of bitrate/sample rate
 CMotionEstContextMotion estimation context
 CMsvideo1EncContextEncoder context
 Cogg_codecCopyright (C) 2005 Michael Ahlberg, MÃ¥ns RullgÃ¥rd
 Coggvorbis_privateParse the vorbis header Vorbis Identification header from Vorbis_I_spec.html::vorbis-spec-codec [vorbis_version] = read 32 bits as unsigned integer | Not used [audio_channels] = read 8 bit integer as unsigned | Used [audio_sample_rate] = read 32 bits as unsigned integer | Used [bitrate_maximum] = read 32 bits as signed integer | Not used yet [bitrate_nominal] = read 32 bits as signed integer | Not used yet [bitrate_minimum] = read 32 bits as signed integer | Used as bitrate [blocksize_0] = read 4 bits as unsigned integer | Not Used [blocksize_1] = read 4 bits as unsigned integer | Not Used [framing_flag] = read one bit | Not Used
 COptionAn option extracted from the commandline
 COptionGroupListA list of option groups that all have the same group type (e.g
 CPayloadContextRTP/JPEG specific private data
 CPerThreadContextContext used by codec threads and stored in their AVCodecContext thread_opaque
 CPPContextPostprocess context
 CPPFilterPostprocessing filter
 CPPFParamPitch postfilter parameters
 CPPModePostprocessing mode
 CPPSPicture parameter set
 CPredictorStatePredictor State
 CPsyLamePresetLAME psy model preset struct
 CQCELPFrameQCELP unpacked data frame
 CQDM2ContextQDM2 decoder context
 CQDM2SubPNodeA node in the subpacket list
 CRateControlContextRate control context
 CRemovelogoContextThis code implements a filter to remove annoying TV logos and other annoying images placed onto a video stream
 CRoqTempDataTemporary vars
 CRTMPContextProtocol handler context
 CRTMPPacketStructure for holding RTMP packets
 CRTSPMessageHeaderThis describes the server response to each RTSP command
 CRTSPStatePrivate data for the RTSP demuxer
 CRTSPStreamDescribe a single stream, as identified by a single m= line block in the SDP content
 CRTSPTransportFieldThis describes a single item in the "Transport:" line of one stream as negotiated by the SETUP RTSP command
 CRV34DecContextDecoder context
 CRV34VLCVLC tables used by the decoder
 CRVMapDescRun-value (RLE) table descriptor
 CSBRDataSpectral Band Replication per channel data
 CSchroDecoderParamsLibschroedinger decoder private data
 CSchroEncoderParamsLibschroedinger encoder private data
 CSingleChannelElementSingle Channel Element - used for both SCE and LFE elements
 Cslice_buffer_sUsed to minimize the amount of memory used in order to optimize cache performance
 CSliceInfoEssential slice information
 CSpectralBandReplicationSpectral Band Replication
 CSpectrumParametersSpectral Band Replication header - spectrum parameters that invoke a reset if they differ from the previous header
 CSPSSequence parameter set
 CTemporalNoiseShapingTemporal Noise Shaping
 Ctheora_paramsCopyright (C) 2005 Matthieu CASTET, Alex Beregszaszi
 CTM2CodesHuffman codes for each of streams
 CTM2HuffStructure for gathering Huffman codes information
 CTreeData needed to decode 4-bit Huffman-coded value
 CTSContextTrueSpeech decoder context
 Ctwinvq_dataTwinVQ codebooks
 Cvaapi_contextThis structure is used to share data between the FFmpeg library and the client video application
 CVC1ContextThe VC1 Context
 Cvda_contextThis structure is used to provide the necessary configurations and data to the VDA FFmpeg HWAccel implementation
 Cvdpau_render_stateThis structure is used as a callback between the FFmpeg decoder (vd_) and presentation (vo_) module
 CWmallChannelCtxFrame-specific decoder context for a single channel
 CWmallDecodeCtxMain decoder context
 CWMAProChannelCtxFrame specific decoder context for a single channel
 CWMAProChannelGrpChannel group for channel transformations
 CWMAProDecodeCtxMain decoder context
 CWMAVoiceContextWMA Voice decoding context
 Cx11grabX11 Device Demuxer context
 CXMVAudioPacketAn audio packet with an XMV file
 CXMVDemuxContextContext for demuxing an XMV file
 CXMVVideoPacketA video packet with an XMV file
 Cxvid_contextStructure for the private Xvid context
 Cxvid_ff_pass1Structure for the private first-pass plugin
 CZmbvEncContextEncoder context