C_GUID | |
CA64Context | |
CAACAC3ParseContext | |
CAACADTSHeaderInfo | |
CAACBSFContext | |
CAACCoefficientsEncoder | |
CAACContext | Main AAC context |
CAACEncContext | AAC encoder context |
CAACEncOptions | |
CaacPlusAudioContext | |
CAacPsyBand | Information for single band used by 3GPP TS26.403-inspired psychoacoustic model |
CAacPsyChannel | Single/pair channel context for psychoacoustic model |
CAacPsyCoeffs | Psychoacoustic model frame type-dependent coefficients |
CAacPsyContext | 3GPP TS26.403-inspired psychoacoustic model specific data |
CAACPsyContext | Context used by psychoacoustic model |
CAACSBRContext | Aacsbr functions pointers |
CAascContext | |
CAC3BitAllocParameters | |
CAC3Block | Data for a single audio block |
CAC3DSPContext | |
CAC3EncodeContext | AC-3 encoder private context |
CAC3EncOptions | Encoding Options used by AVOption |
CAC3HeaderInfo | Coded AC-3 header values up to the lfeon element, plus derived values |
CAC3Mant | |
CACELPFContext | |
CACELPVContext | |
CAConvertContext | |
CACTContext | |
Caddrinfo | |
CADPCMChannelStatus | |
CADPCMDecodeContext | |
CADPCMEncodeContext | |
CADTSContext | |
CADXChannelState | |
CADXContext | |
CADXDemuxerContext | |
CADXParseContext | |
CAFCDemuxContext | |
CAFormatContext | |
CAIFFInputContext | |
CAIFFOutputContext | |
Cal_data | |
Cal_format_info | |
CALACContext | |
CAlacEncodeContext | |
CAlacLPCContext | |
Calgo | |
CAlphaExtractContext | |
CAlphaMergeContext | |
CAlsaData | |
CALSBlockData | |
CALSChannelData | |
CALSDecContext | |
CALSSpecificConfig | |
CAMergeContext::amerge_input | |
CAMergeContext | |
CAMRContext | |
CAMRFixed | Sparse representation for the algebraic codebook (fixed) vector |
CAMRNBFrame | AMRNB unpacked data frame |
CAMRNBSubframe | AMRNB unpacked data subframe |
CAMRWBContext | |
CAMRWBFrame | |
CAMRWBSubFrame | |
CAnmContext | |
CAnmDemuxContext | |
CAnsiContext | |
CANullContext | |
CAPadContext | |
CAPEContext | Decoder context |
CAPEFilter | Filters applied to the decoded data |
CAPEFrame | |
CAPEPredictor | Filter histories |
CAPERangecoder | |
CAPERice | |
CAQTitleContext | |
CAResampleContext | |
CArithCoder | |
CASFContext | |
CASFIndex | |
CASFMainHeader | |
CASFPayload | |
CASFStream | |
CAShowInfoContext | |
CASNSContext | |
CAspectContext | |
CASS | Structure containing the whole split ASS data |
CASSCodesCallbacks | Set of callback functions corresponding to each override codes that can be encountered in a "Dialogue" Text field |
CAssContext | |
CASSContext | |
CASSDialog | Fields extracted from the [Events] section |
CASSEncodeContext | |
CASSFields | |
CASSScriptInfo | Fields extracted from the [Script Info] section |
CASSSection | |
CASSSplitContext | |
CASSStyle | Fields extracted from the [V4(+) Styles] section |
CASTMuxContext | |
CAStreamSyncContext | |
CASV1Context | |
CASyncContext | |
CAT1Ctx | The atrac1 context, holds all needed parameters for decoding |
CAT1SUCtx | Sound unit struct, one unit is used per channel |
CATempoContext | Filter state machine |
CAtom | |
CATRAC3Context | |
CAttrNameMap | |
CAudioChannelMap | |
CAudioConvert | |
CAudioData | Audio buffer used for intermediate storage between conversion phases |
CAudioFadeContext | |
CAudioFragment | A fragment of audio waveform |
CAudioFrame | |
CAudioFrameQueue | |
CAudioInterleaveContext | |
CAudioMix | |
CAudioParams | |
CAudioPhaserContext | |
CAudioTrack | |
CPayloadContext::AUHeaders | Mpeg 4 AU headers |
Cav_aes_block | |
Cav_alias | |
Cav_intfloat32 | |
Cav_intfloat64 | |
CAVABufferSinkParams | Struct to use for initializing an abuffersink context |
CAVAudioConvert | |
CAVAudioFifo | |
CAVAudioResampleContext | |
CAVBitStreamFilter | |
CAVBitStreamFilterContext | |
CAVBlowfish | |
CAVBPrint | Buffer to print data progressively |
CAVBuffer | |
CAVBufferPool | |
CAVBufferRef | A reference to a data buffer |
CAVBufferSinkParams | Struct to use for initializing a buffersink context |
CAVChapter | |
CAVClass | Describe the class of an AVClass context structure |
CAVCodec | AVCodec |
CAVCodecContext | Main external API structure |
CAVCodecDefault | |
CAVCodecDescriptor | This struct describes the properties of a single codec described by an AVCodecID |
CAVCodecGuid | |
CAVCodecInternal | |
CAVCodecParser | |
CAVCodecParserContext | |
CAVCodecTag | |
CAVComponentDescriptor | |
CAVDictionary | |
CAVDictionaryEntry | |
CAVExpr | |
CAVExtFloat | |
CAVFifoBuffer | |
CAVFilter | Filter definition |
CAVFilterChannelLayouts | A list of supported channel layouts |
CAVFilterCommand | |
CAVFilterContext | An instance of a filter |
CAVFilterFormats | A list of supported formats for one end of a filter link |
CAVFilterGraph | |
CAVFilterInOut | A linked-list of the inputs/outputs of the filter chain |
CAVFilterLink | A link between two filters |
CAVFilterPad | A filter pad used for either input or output |
CAVFilterPool | |
CAVFloatDSPContext | |
CAVFormatContext | Format I/O context |
CAVFrac | The exact value of the fractional number is: 'val + num / den' |
CAVFrame | This structure describes decoded (raw) audio or video data |
CAVFrameSideData | |
CAVHWAccel | AVHWAccel |
CAVIContext | |
CAVIIentry | |
CAVIIndex | |
CAVIndexEntry | |
CAVInputFormat | |
CAVInteger | |
CAVIOContext | Bytestream IO Context |
CAVIOInterruptCB | Callback for checking whether to abort blocking functions |
CAVIStream | |
CAviSynthContext | |
CAviSynthLibrary | |
CAVMD5 | |
CAVMetadataConv | |
CAVOpenCLDeviceList | |
CAVOpenCLDeviceNode | |
CAVOpenCLExternalEnv | |
CAVOpenCLKernelEnv | |
CAVOpenCLPlatformNode | |
CAVOption | AVOption |
CAVOptionRange | A single allowed range of values, or a single allowed value |
CAVOptionRanges | List of AVOptionRange structs |
CAVOutputFormat | |
CAVPacket | This structure stores compressed data |
CAVPacketList | |
CAVPanScan | Pan Scan area |
CAVParserState | Structure to store parser state of AVFormat |
CAVParserStreamState | Structure to store parser state of one AVStream |
CAVPicture | Four components are given, that's all |
CAVPixFmtDescriptor | Descriptor that unambiguously describes how the bits of a pixel are stored in the up to 4 data planes of an image |
CAVProbeData | This structure contains the data a format has to probe a file |
CAVProfile | AVProfile |
CAVProgram | New fields can be added to the end with minor version bumps |
CAVRational | Rational number numerator/denominator |
CAVRC4 | |
CAVRnContext | |
CAVS_FilterInfo | |
Cavs_format | |
CAVS_Value | |
CAVS_VideoFrame | |
CAVS_VideoFrameBuffer | |
CAVS_VideoInfo | |
CAvsContext | |
CAVSContext | |
CAVSFrame | |
CAVSHA | Hash context |
CAVStream | Stream structure |
CAVSubtitle | |
CAVSubtitleRect | |
CAVSyncPoint | Helper structure describing keyframe search state of one stream |
CAVTimecode | |
CAVTreeNode | |
CAVVDPAUContext | This structure is used to share data between the libavcodec library and the client video application |
CBand | Subband structure - hold all variables for each subband |
CBandCodingPath | Structure used in optimal codebook search |
CBBoxContext | |
CBethsoftvidContext | |
CBFIContext | |
CBigInt | |
CBinDemuxContext | |
CBinkAudioContext | |
CBinkContext | |
CBinkDemuxContext | |
CBinkDSPContext | |
CBiquadsContext | |
CBitAlloc | Bit allocation |
CBitBuf | |
CBlackDetectContext | |
CBlackFrameContext | |
CBlendContext | |
CBlock | |
CBlockInfo | |
CBlockNode | |
CBlockTypeContext | |
CBlurayContext | |
CBMPParseContext | |
CBMVContext | |
CBMVDecContext | |
CBoxBlurContext | |
CBRPixHeader | |
CBRSTMDemuxContext | |
CBuf | |
CAStreamSyncContext::buf_queue | |
Cbuff_data | |
CBufferPoolEntry | |
CBufferSinkContext | |
CBufferSourceContext | |
CBundle | Data structure used for decoding single Bink data type |
CBVID_DemuxContext | |
CC93BlockRecord | |
CC93DecoderContext | |
CC93DemuxContext | |
CCABACContext | |
CCACAContext | |
CCAFContext | |
CCaffContext | |
CCamStudioContext | |
CCAVSDSPContext | |
CCdataDemuxContext | |
CCDGraphicsContext | |
CCDIOContext | |
CCDXLDemuxContext | |
CCDXLVideoContext | |
CCelEvaluation | |
CCell | |
Ccell_s | In the ELBG jargon, a cell is the set of points that are closest to a codebook entry |
CCellAutoContext | |
CCELPFContext | |
CCELPMContext | |
CCFrameBuffer | |
CChanCache | |
Cchannel_name | |
CChannelCoupling | Coupling parameters |
CChannelData | |
CChannelElement | Channel element - generic struct for SCE/CPE/CCE/LFE |
CChannelMap | |
CChannelMapContext | |
CChannelMapInfo | |
CChannelParams | Sample data coding information |
CChannelSplitContext | |
CChannelUnit | |
CChapterContext | |
CCHDContext | |
CCIDEntry | |
CCinAudioContext | |
CCinDemuxContext | |
CCinepakContext | |
CCinFileHeader | |
CCinFrameHeader | |
CCinVideoContext | |
CCLLCContext | |
CCmvContext | |
CCNGContext | |
CCode | One code in hash table |
CCodeBook | |
CCodecMime | |
CCodecTags | |
CCodingSpool | |
CCoefVLCTable | |
CColorBalanceContext | |
CColorChannelMixerContext | |
CColorEntry | |
CColorMatrixContext | |
CCommand | |
Ccomp_types | |
CCompactContext | |
CCompatReleaseBufPriv | |
CCompressionOptions | |
Cconcat_data | |
CConcatContext::concat_in | |
Cconcat_nodes | |
CConcatContext | |
CConcatFile | |
CContext | support non continuous caching support keeping files support filling with a background thread |
Ccook | |
Ccook_gains | |
CCookParseContext | |
CCOOKSubpacket | |
CCParam | |
CCpiaContext | |
Ccpucaps_s | |
CCRCState | |
CCropContext | |
CCropDetectContext | |
CCryptoContext | |
CCurvesContext | |
Ccvid_strip | |
CCyuvDecodeContext | |
CDataContext | |
CDataRateData | |
CDBCtx | |
Cdc1394_data | |
Cdc1394_frame_format | |
Cdc1394_frame_rate | |
CDCAContext | |
CDCADSPContext | |
CDCAParseContext | |
CDCTBlockCoder | |
CDCTContext | |
Cdec_2dvlc | |
CDecimateContext | |
CDecorr | |
CDefaultContext | |
CDelogoContext | |
CDeshakeContext | |
CDfaContext | |
►Cdict | |
Cmusixmatch.api.JsonResponseMessage | |
Cmusixmatch.api.JsonResponseMessage | |
Cmusixmatch.api.JsonResponseMessage | |
Cmusixmatch.api.JsonResponseMessage | |
Cmusixmatch.api.QueryString | |
Cmusixmatch.api.QueryString | |
Cmusixmatch.api.QueryString | |
Cmusixmatch.api.QueryString | |
►Cmusixmatch.api.ResponseMessage | |
Cmusixmatch.api.JsonResponseMessage | |
Cmusixmatch.api.JsonResponseMessage | |
Cmusixmatch.api.JsonResponseMessage | |
Cmusixmatch.api.JsonResponseMessage | |
Cmusixmatch.api.XMLResponseMessage | |
Cmusixmatch.api.XMLResponseMessage | |
Cmusixmatch.api.XMLResponseMessage | |
Cmusixmatch.api.XMLResponseMessage | |
Cmusixmatch.api.ResponseMessage | |
Cmusixmatch.api.ResponseMessage | |
Cmusixmatch.api.ResponseMessage | |
►Cmusixmatch.base.Item | |
Cmusixmatch.album.Album | |
Cmusixmatch.album.Album | |
Cmusixmatch.album.Album | |
Cmusixmatch.album.Album | |
Cmusixmatch.artist.Artist | |
Cmusixmatch.artist.Artist | |
Cmusixmatch.artist.Artist | |
Cmusixmatch.artist.Artist | |
Cmusixmatch.lyrics.Lyrics | |
Cmusixmatch.lyrics.Lyrics | |
Cmusixmatch.lyrics.Lyrics | |
Cmusixmatch.lyrics.Lyrics | |
Cmusixmatch.subtitle.Subtitle | |
Cmusixmatch.subtitle.Subtitle | |
Cmusixmatch.subtitle.Subtitle | |
Cmusixmatch.subtitle.Subtitle | |
Cmusixmatch.track.Track | |
Cmusixmatch.track.Track | |
Cmusixmatch.track.Track | |
Cmusixmatch.track.Track | |
Cmusixmatch.base.Item | |
Cmusixmatch.base.Item | |
Cmusixmatch.base.Item | |
CDigestParams | |
CDilateContext | |
Cdirac_source_params | |
CDiracArith | |
CDiracBlock | |
CDiracContext | |
CDiracDSPContext | |
CDiracFrame | |
CDiracParseContext | Find the end of the current frame in the bitstream |
CDiracParseUnit | |
CDispositions | |
CDitherContext | |
CDitherDSPContext | |
CDitherState | |
CDNXHDContext | |
CDNXHDEncContext | |
CDNXHDParserContext | |
CDPB | Decoded Picture Buffer (DPB) |
CDPCMContext | |
CDPXContext | |
CDrawBoxContext | |
Cdrawtext_function | |
CDrawTextContext | |
Cdshow_ctx | |
CDSPContext | DSPContext |
CDTSHDDemuxContext | |
Cdv1394_data | |
Cdv1394_init | |
Cdv1394_status | |
Cdv_vlc_pair | |
CDVBSubContext | |
CDVBSubDisplayDefinition | |
CDVBSubObject | |
CDVBSubObjectDisplay | |
CDVBSubParseContext | |
CDVBSubRegion | |
CDVBSubRegionDisplay | |
CDVBSubtitleContext | |
CDVDemuxContext | |
CDVDNavParseContext | |
CDVDSubContext | |
CDVDSubParseContext | |
CDVDSubtitleContext | |
CDVMuxContext | |
CDVPacket | For DV, one packet corresponds exactly to one frame |
CDVprofile | |
CDVVideoContext | |
CDVwork_chunk | |
CDWTCompose | |
CDWTContext | |
CDXAContext | |
CDxaDecContext | |
Cdxva2_picture_context | |
Cdxva_context | This structure is used to provides the necessary configurations and data to the DXVA2 FFmpeg HWAccel implementation |
CDynamicRangeControl | Dynamic Range Control - decoded from the bitstream but not processed further |
CDynBuffer | |
CEaDemuxContext | |
CEarwaxContext | |
CEbml | |
Cebml_master | |
CEbmlBin | |
CEbmlList | |
CEbmlSyntax | |
CEBUR128Context | |
CEdgeDetectContext | |
CEightBpsContext | |
CEightSvxContext | Decoder context |
Celbg_data | ELBG internal data |
Celem_to_channel | |
►CElementTree | |
Cmusixmatch.api.XMLResponseMessage | |
Cmusixmatch.api.XMLResponseMessage | |
Cmusixmatch.api.XMLResponseMessage | |
Cmusixmatch.api.XMLResponseMessage | |
CEncBlockInfo | |
Cendianess | |
Ceq2_param_t | |
CERContext | |
Cerror_entry | |
CEscape124Context | |
CEscape130Context | |
CEvalContext | |
CEVRCAFrame | EVRC-A unpacked data frame |
CEVRCContext | |
►CException | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.ServiceException | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.ServiceException | |
►Cmusixmatch.api.Error | |
Cmusixmatch.api.ResponseMessageError | |
Cmusixmatch.api.ResponseMessageError | |
Cmusixmatch.api.ResponseMessageError | |
Cmusixmatch.api.ResponseMessageError | |
Cmusixmatch.api.Error | |
Cmusixmatch.api.Error | |
Cmusixmatch.api.Error | |
CEXRChannel | |
CEXRContext | |
CEXRThreadData | |
CFaacAudioContext | |
CFadeContext | |
CFBDevContext | |
CFCBParam | Optimized fixed codebook excitation parameters |
CFeedData | |
CFFBoundingBox | |
CFFBufQueue | Structure holding the queue |
CFFDemuxSubtitlesQueue | |
CFFDrawColor | |
CFFDrawContext | |
CFFIIRFilterCoeffs | IIR filter global parameters |
CFFIIRFilterContext | |
CFFIIRFilterState | IIR filter state |
CFFMContext | |
CFFPsyBand | Single band psychoacoustic information |
CFFPsyChannel | Single channel psychoacoustic information |
CFFPsyChannelGroup | Psychoacoustic information for an arbitrary group of channels |
CFFPsyContext | Context used by psychoacoustic model |
CFFPsyModel | Codec-specific psychoacoustic model implementation |
CFFPsyPreprocessContext | |
CFFPsyWindowInfo | Windowing related information |
CFFRawVideoDemuxerContext | |
CFFSchroEncodedFrame | Single encoded frame returned from Dirac or Schroedinger |
CFFSchroQueue | A simple queue implementation used in libschroedinger |
CFFSchroQueueElement | Queue element |
CFFStream | |
CFFTCoefficient | |
CFFTComplex | |
CFFTContext | |
CFFTDComplex | |
CFFTTone | |
CFFV1Context | |
CFFVdpPictureInfo | |
CFieldContext | |
CFieldMatchContext | |
CFieldOrderContext | |
CFifoContext | |
CFileContext | |
CFileLogContext | |
CFillBlockCoder | |
Cfilm_sample | |
CFilmDemuxContext | |
CFilmstripDemuxContext | |
CFilmstripMuxContext | |
Cfilter_t | |
CFilterGraph | |
CFilterParam | |
CFilterParams | Filter data |
CFLACContext | |
CFLACDSPContext | |
CFlacEncodeContext | |
CFlacFrame | |
CFLACFrameInfo | |
CFLACHeaderMarker | |
CFLACParseContext | |
CFLACStreaminfo | |
CFlacSubframe | |
CFlashSV2Context | |
CFlashSVContext | |
CFlatContext | |
CFlicDecodeContext | |
CFlicDemuxContext | |
CFlipContext | |
CFliteContext | |
CFloat11 | G.726 11bit float |
CFLVContext | |
CFLVStreamContext | |
Cfmt_map | |
CFmtConvertContext | |
CFormatContext | |
CFormatEntry | |
CFourXContext | |
CFourxmDemuxContext | |
CFPSContext | |
CFragment | |
CFrame | |
Cframe_header | |
Cframe_type_desc | Description of frame types |
CFrameCode | |
CFrameInfo | |
CFrameList | Linked list used to store timestamps and frame sizes of all frames in the FIFO for the first input |
CFrameListData | Portion of struct vpx_codec_cx_pkt from vpx_encoder.h |
CFrameMode | Parameters and tables that are different for each frame type |
CFramePool | |
CFrameStepContext | |
CFrameThreadContext | Context stored in the client AVCodecContext thread_opaque |
CFrapsContext | Local variable storage |
CFrei0rContext | |
CFrmContext | |
CFRWUContext | |
Cft_error | |
CG722Context::G722Band | The band[0] and band[1] correspond respectively to the lower band and higher band |
CG722Context | |
Cg723_1_context | |
CG723_1_Subframe | G723.1 unpacked data subframe |
CG726Context | |
CG726Tables | |
CG729Context | |
CG729DemuxerContext | |
CG729FormatDescription | |
CGainBlock | |
CGainInfo | |
CGEQContext | |
CGetBitContext | |
CGetByteContext | |
CGIFContext | |
CGIFDemuxContext | |
CGifState | |
CGopherContext | |
CGradFunContext | Holds instance-specific information for gradfun |
CGranuleDef | |
CGSMContext | |
CGSMDemuxerContext | |
CGSMParseContext | |
CGUIDoffset | |
Cgxf_stream_info | |
CGXFContext | |
CGXFStreamContext | |
CGXFTimecode | |
CH261Context | H261Context |
CH263Info | |
CH263State | |
CH264BSFContext | |
CH264ChromaContext | |
CH264Context | H264Context |
CH264DSPContext | Context for storing H.264 DSP functions |
CH264PredContext | Context for storing H.264 prediction functions |
CH264QpelContext | |
CHaarBlockCoder | |
CHeapElem | |
CHFParam | Harmonic filter parameters |
CHintSample | |
CHintSampleQueue | |
Chist_entry | An histogram is an array of HIST_SIZE hist_entry storing all the energies recorded (with an accuracy of 1/HIST_GRAIN) of the loudnesses from ABS_THRES (at 0) to ABS_UP_THRES (at HIST_SIZE-1) |
CHisteqContext | |
CHistogramContext | |
CHLSContext | |
Chnode | |
CHpelDSPContext | Half-pel DSP context |
CHQDN3DContext | |
CHTTPAuthState | HTTP Authentication state structure |
CHTTPContext | |
CHueContext | |
CHuffCode | |
CHuffContext | Context used for code reconstructing |
CHuffEntry | |
CHuffTable | |
CHYuvContext | |
CIcoDemuxContext | |
CIcoImage | |
CIcoMuxContext | |
CID3v2EMFunc | |
CID3v2EncContext | |
CID3v2ExtraMeta | |
CID3v2ExtraMetaAPIC | |
CID3v2ExtraMetaGEOB | |
CIdcinContext | |
CIdcinDemuxContext | |
CIDETContext | |
CIdStrMap | |
Ciec61883_data | |
CIEC61937Context | |
CIffContext | |
CIffDemuxContext | |
CILBCDecContext | |
CILBCEncContext | |
CIlContext | |
CImageBlockCoder | |
CIMbInfo | |
CIMCChannel | |
CIMCContext | |
CImgUtils | |
CIndeo3DecodeContext | |
CIndividualChannelStream | Individual Channel Stream |
CINIContext | |
CInputFile | |
CInputFilter | |
CInputStream | |
►Cint | |
Cmusixmatch.api.ResponseStatusCode | |
Cmusixmatch.api.ResponseStatusCode | |
Cmusixmatch.api.ResponseStatusCode | |
Cmusixmatch.api.ResponseStatusCode | |
Cintegrator | |
CInterlaceContext | |
CInterleavePacket | |
CInterval | |
CIntMotionVector | |
CIntraX8Context | |
CIntraX8DSPContext | |
CIPAddressACL | |
CIPMVEContext | |
CIpvideoContext | |
CIr2Context | |
CIssDemuxContext | |
CIVI45DecContext | |
CIVIBandDesc | Information for Indeo wavelet band |
CIVIHuffDesc | Huffman codebook descriptor |
CIVIHuffTab | Macroblock/block huffman table descriptor |
CIVIMbInfo | Information for Indeo macroblock (16x16, 8x8 or 4x4) |
CIVIPicConfig | |
CIVIPlaneDesc | Color plane (luma or chroma) information |
CIVITile | Information for Indeo tile |
CJ2kBand | |
CJ2kCblk | |
CJ2kCodingStyle | |
CJ2kComponent | |
CJ2kDecoderContext | |
CJ2kEncoderContext | |
CJ2kPass | |
CJ2kPrec | |
CJ2kQuantStyle | |
CJ2kResLevel | |
CJ2kT1Context | |
CJ2kTgtNode | |
CJ2kTile | |
CJackData | |
CJACOsubContext | |
CJLSState | |
CJoinContext | |
CJpeglsContext | |
CJSONContext | |
CJvContext | |
CJVDemuxContext | |
CJVFrame | |
CKerndeintContext | |
CKernelCode | |
Ckey_info | |
Ckeypoint | |
CKgvContext | |
CKLVPacket | |
CKmvcContext | |
Clag_rac | |
CLagarithContext | |
CLAMEContext | |
CLangEntry | |
CLATMContext | |
CLATMParseContext | |
CLavfiContext | |
CLclDecContext | |
CLclEncContext | |
ClibAVEnumMediaTypes | |
ClibAVEnumPins | |
ClibAVFilter | |
ClibAVPin | |
Clibcelt_context | |
CLibGSMDecodeContext | |
CLibOpenJPEGContext | |
Clibopus_context | |
CLibopusEncContext | |
CLibopusEncOpts | |
CLibQuviContext | |
CLibRTMPContext | |
CLibSchroFrameContext | SchroFrame and Pts relation |
CLibSpeexContext | |
CLibSpeexEncContext | |
CLifeContext | |
Cline | |
►Clist | |
►Cmusixmatch.base.ItemsCollection | |
Cmusixmatch.album.AlbumsCollection | |
Cmusixmatch.album.AlbumsCollection | |
Cmusixmatch.album.AlbumsCollection | |
Cmusixmatch.album.AlbumsCollection | |
Cmusixmatch.artist.ArtistsCollection | |
Cmusixmatch.artist.ArtistsCollection | |
Cmusixmatch.artist.ArtistsCollection | |
Cmusixmatch.artist.ArtistsCollection | |
Cmusixmatch.track.TracksCollection | |
Cmusixmatch.track.TracksCollection | |
Cmusixmatch.track.TracksCollection | |
Cmusixmatch.track.TracksCollection | |
Cmusixmatch.base.ItemsCollection | |
Cmusixmatch.base.ItemsCollection | |
Cmusixmatch.base.ItemsCollection | |
CListEntry | |
CLLSModel | Linear least squares model |
CLOCOContext | |
CLongTermPrediction | Long Term Prediction |
Clowdelay_slice | |
CLPCContext | |
CLutContext | |
CLXFDemuxContext | |
CLZOContext | |
CLZWEncodeState | LZW encode state |
CLZWState | |
CMACEContext | |
CMacroBlock | |
CMadContext | |
Cmant_groups | Grouped mantissas for 3-level 5-level and 11-level quantization |
CMatroskaAttachement | |
CMatroskaBlock | |
CMatroskaChapter | |
CMatroskaCluster | |
CMatroskaDemuxContext | |
CMatroskaIndex | |
CMatroskaIndexPos | |
CMatroskaLevel | |
CMatroskaMuxContext | |
CMatroskaSeekhead | |
CMatroskaTag | |
CMatroskaTags | |
CMatroskaTagTarget | |
CMatroskaTrack | |
CMatroskaTrackAudio | |
CMatroskaTrackCompression | |
CMatroskaTrackEncoding | |
CMatroskaTrackEncryption | |
CMatroskaTrackOperation | |
CMatroskaTrackPlane | |
CMatroskaTrackVideo | |
CMaxisXADemuxContext | |
CMBContext | |
CMCDParam | |
CMD5Context | |
CMDECContext | |
►CMediaSource | |
CCustomSource | |
Cmicrodvd_tag | |
CMicroDVDContext | |
CMimicContext | |
CMinima | |
CMixContext | |
CMJpegContext | |
CMJpegDecodeContext | |
CMJPEGParserContext | |
Cmkv_cuepoint | |
Cmkv_cues | |
Cmkv_seekhead | |
Cmkv_seekhead_entry | |
Cmkv_track | |
CMLPDecodeContext | |
CMLPDSPContext | |
CMLPHeaderInfo | |
CMLPParseContext | |
CMMCO | Memory management control operation |
CMmContext | |
CMmDemuxContext | |
CMMFContext | |
CMMSContext | |
CMMSHContext | |
CMMSStream | |
CMMSTContext | |
CModel | |
CModel2 | |
CModel256 | |
CModeTab | Parameters and tables that are different for every combination of bitrate/sample rate |
CModPlugContext | |
CMoofOffset | |
Cmotion_vect | |
CMotionEstContext | Motion estimation context |
CMotionPixelsContext | |
CMotionVector | |
CMOVAtom | |
CMovChannelLayout | |
CMovChannelLayoutMap | |
CMOVContext | |
CMOVDref | |
CMOVFragment | |
CMOVFragmentInfo | |
CMovieContext | |
CMOVIentry | |
CMovieStream | |
CMOVIndex | |
CMOVMuxContext | |
CMOVParseTableEntry | |
CMOVSbgp | |
CMOVStreamContext | |
CMOVStsc | |
CMOVStts | |
CMovTextContext | |
CMOVTrackExt | |
CMP3Context | |
CMP3DecContext | |
CMp4Descr | |
CMP4DescrParseContext | |
CMp4vParseContext | |
Cmp_codec_info_s | |
Cmp_colorkey_t | |
Cmp_image | |
Cmp_keymap | |
Cmp_win_t | |
CMPADecodeContext | |
CMPADecodeHeader | |
CMPADSPContext | |
CMPCContext | |
CMPCFrame | |
CMPContext | |
CMpeg1Context | |
CMPEG4AudioConfig | |
CMpegAudioContext | |
CMpegAudioParseContext | |
CMpegDemuxContext | |
CMpegEncContext | MpegEncContext |
CMpegMuxContext | |
CMpegTSContext | |
CMpegTSFilter | |
CMpegTSPESFilter | |
CMpegTSSection | |
CMpegTSSectionFilter | |
CMpegTSService | |
CMpegTSWrite | |
CMpegTSWriteStream | |
CMPL2Context | |
CMPSubContext | |
CMPTestContext | |
CMpvParseContext | |
CMqcCxState | |
CMqcState | |
CMsrleContext | |
CMSS12Context | |
CMSS1Context | |
CMSS2Context | |
CMSS2DSPContext | |
CMSS3Context | |
CMSS4Context | |
CMsvideo1Context | |
CMsvideo1EncContext | Encoder context |
CMTVDemuxContext | |
CMvcContext | |
CMvContext | |
CMviDemuxContext | |
CMVTable | |
CMXFCodecUL | |
CMXFContainerEssenceEntry | |
CMXFContext | |
CMXFCryptoContext | |
CMXFDescriptor | |
CMXFIndexEntry | |
CMXFIndexTable | |
CMXFIndexTableSegment | |
CMXFLocalTagPair | |
CMXFMetadataReadTableEntry | |
CMXFMetadataSet | |
CMXFPackage | |
CMXFPartition | |
CMXFSamplesPerFrame | |
CMXFSequence | |
CMXFStreamContext | |
CMXFStructuralComponent | |
CMXFTimecodeComponent | |
CMXFTrack | |
CMXGContext | |
CMXpegDecodeContext | |
CMyAVPacketList | |
CNellyMoserDecodeContext | |
CNellyMoserEncodeContext | |
CNode | |
CNoiseContext | |
CNSVContext | |
CNSVStream | |
CNUTContext | |
CNuvContext | |
CNUVContext | |
►Cobject | |
C7digital-python.lib.oauth7digital.Oauth7digital | |
C7digital-python.lib.oauth7digital.Oauth7digital | |
C7digital-python.lib.oauth.OAuthClient | |
C7digital-python.lib.oauth.OAuthClient | |
C7digital-python.lib.oauth.OAuthConsumer | |
C7digital-python.lib.oauth.OAuthConsumer | |
C7digital-python.lib.oauth.OAuthDataStore | |
C7digital-python.lib.oauth.OAuthDataStore | |
C7digital-python.lib.oauth.OAuthRequest | |
C7digital-python.lib.oauth.OAuthRequest | |
C7digital-python.lib.oauth.OAuthServer | |
C7digital-python.lib.oauth.OAuthServer | |
►C7digital-python.lib.oauth.OAuthSignatureMethod | |
C7digital-python.lib.oauth.OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1 | |
C7digital-python.lib.oauth.OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1 | |
C7digital-python.lib.oauth.OAuthSignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT | |
C7digital-python.lib.oauth.OAuthSignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT | |
C7digital-python.lib.oauth.OAuthSignatureMethod | |
C7digital-python.lib.oauth.OAuthToken | |
C7digital-python.lib.oauth.OAuthToken | |
►C7digital-python.lib.py7digital._BaseObject | |
►C7digital-python.lib.py7digital._Search | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.AlbumCharts | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.AlbumCharts | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.AlbumReleases | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.AlbumReleases | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.AlbumSearch | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.AlbumSearch | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.ArtistBrowse | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.ArtistBrowse | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.ArtistDetail | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.ArtistDetail | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.ArtistSearch | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.ArtistSearch | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.TrackSearch | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.TrackSearch | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital._Search | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.Album | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.Album | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.Artist | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.Artist | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.Label | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.Label | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.Tag | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.Tag | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.Track | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital.Track | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital._BaseObject | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital._Request | |
C7digital-python.lib.py7digital._Request | |
►C7digital-python.lockerEndpoint._LockerBase | |
C7digital-python.lockerEndpoint.DownloadUrls | |
C7digital-python.lockerEndpoint.DownloadUrls | |
C7digital-python.lockerEndpoint.Format | |
C7digital-python.lockerEndpoint.Format | |
C7digital-python.lockerEndpoint.LockerArtist | |
C7digital-python.lockerEndpoint.LockerArtist | |
C7digital-python.lockerEndpoint.LockerItem | |
C7digital-python.lockerEndpoint.LockerItem | |
C7digital-python.lockerEndpoint.LockerRelease | |
C7digital-python.lockerEndpoint.LockerRelease | |
C7digital-python.lockerEndpoint.LockerTrack | |
C7digital-python.lockerEndpoint.LockerTrack | |
C7digital-python.lockerEndpoint.Track | |
C7digital-python.lockerEndpoint.Track | |
C7digital-python.lockerEndpoint._LockerBase | |
C7digital-python.lockerEndpoint.Locker | |
C7digital-python.lockerEndpoint.Locker | |
Cmusixmatch.api.Request | |
Cmusixmatch.api.Request | |
Cmusixmatch.api.Request | |
Cmusixmatch.api.Request | |
►Cmusixmatch.base.Base | |
Cmusixmatch.base.Item | |
Cmusixmatch.base.Item | |
Cmusixmatch.base.Item | |
Cmusixmatch.base.Item | |
Cmusixmatch.base.ItemsCollection | |
Cmusixmatch.base.ItemsCollection | |
Cmusixmatch.base.ItemsCollection | |
Cmusixmatch.base.ItemsCollection | |
Cmusixmatch.base.Base | |
Cmusixmatch.base.Base | |
Cmusixmatch.base.Base | |
COCVContext | |
COCVFilterEntry | |
Cogg | |
Cogg_codec | Copyright (C) 2005 Michael Ahlberg, Måns Rullgård |
Cogg_state | |
Cogg_stream | |
Coggcelt_private | |
COGGContext | |
Coggopus_private | |
COGGPage | |
COGGPageList | |
COGGStreamContext | |
Coggvorbis_private | Parse the vorbis header Vorbis Identification header from Vorbis_I_spec.html::vorbis-spec-codec [vorbis_version] = read 32 bits as unsigned integer | Not used [audio_channels] = read 8 bit integer as unsigned | Used [audio_sample_rate] = read 32 bits as unsigned integer | Used [bitrate_maximum] = read 32 bits as signed integer | Not used yet [bitrate_nominal] = read 32 bits as signed integer | Not used yet [bitrate_minimum] = read 32 bits as signed integer | Used as bitrate [blocksize_0] = read 4 bits as unsigned integer | Not Used [blocksize_1] = read 4 bits as unsigned integer | Not Used [framing_flag] = read one bit | Not Used |
COggVorbisDecContext | |
COggVorbisEncContext | |
COMAContext | |
COpaqueList | |
COpenclContext | |
COpenclErrorMsg | |
COption | An option extracted from the commandline |
COptionDef | |
COptionGroup | |
COptionGroupDef | |
COptionGroupList | A list of option groups that all have the same group type (e.g |
COptionParseContext | |
COptionsContext | |
COutputConfiguration | |
COutputFile | |
COutputFilter | |
COutputStream | |
COverlayContext | |
CPacketDesc | |
CPacketQueue | |
CPadContext | |
CPAFDemuxContext | |
CPAFVideoDecContext | |
CPage | |
CPalette | |
CPanContext | |
CParseContext | |
CParser | |
CPayloadContext | RTP/JPEG specific private data |
CPCA | |
CPCMAudioDemuxerContext | |
CPCMDecode | |
CPCXContext | |
CPermsContext | |
CPerThreadContext | Context used by codec threads and stored in their AVCodecContext thread_opaque |
CPESContext | |
CPfCoeff | |
CPGSSubContext | |
CPGSSubPicture | |
CPGSSubPictureReference | |
CPGSSubPresentation | |
CPicContext | |
CPicture | Picture |
CPixContext | |
CPixdescTestContext | |
CPixelFormatTag | |
CPJSContext | |
CPlane | |
CPlaneContext | |
CPMbInfo | |
CPMPContext | |
CPNGDecContext | |
CPNGDSPContext | |
CPNGEncContext | |
CPNGParseContext | |
CPNMContext | |
CPoint | |
CPPContext | Postprocess context |
CPPFilter | Postprocessing filter |
CPPFilterContext | |
CPPFParam | Pitch postfilter parameters |
CPPMode | Postprocessing mode |
CPPS | Picture parameter set |
CPredictor | |
CPredictorState | Predictor State |
CProbRange | |
CProbRangesQueue | |
CProgram | |
Cprores_profile | |
CProresContext | |
CProresDSPContext | |
CProresThreadData | |
CPSContext | |
CPSDSPContext | |
CPsyLamePreset | LAME psy model preset struct |
Cpthread_cond_t | |
Cpthread_t | |
Cpullup_buffer | |
Cpullup_context | |
Cpullup_field | |
Cpullup_frame | |
CPulse | |
CPulseData | |
CPutBitContext | |
CPutByteContext | |
CPVAContext | |
CQCELPBitmap | |
CQCELPContext | |
CQCELPFrame | QCELP unpacked data frame |
CQCPContext | |
CQDM2Complex | |
CQDM2Context | QDM2 decoder context |
CQDM2SubPacket | Subpacket |
CQDM2SubPNode | A node in the subpacket list |
Cqitem | |
CQpegContext | |
CQtrleContext | |
CQtrleEncContext | |
CR3DContext | |
CRA144Context | |
CRA288Context | |
CRALFContext | |
CRange | |
Crange_t | |
CRangeCoder | |
CRateControlContext | Rate control context |
CRateControlEntry | |
CRawDVContext | |
CRawVideoContext | |
CRawVideoDemuxerContext | |
CRCCMPEntry | |
CRCEntry | |
CRcOverride | |
CRCVContext | |
CRDFTContext | |
CRDTDemuxContext | |
CRealTextContext | |
Crect | |
CRectangle | |
CRemovelogoContext | This code implements a filter to remove annoying TV logos and other annoying images placed onto a video stream |
CResampleContext | |
CResampler | |
CResults | |
Crgb_pixfmt_map_entry | |
CRiceContext | |
CRICEContext | |
CRl2Context | |
CRl2DemuxContext | |
CRLTable | RLTable |
CRMDemuxContext | |
CRMMuxContext | |
CRMStream | |
Croq_cell | |
Croq_qcell | |
CRoqCodebooks | |
CRoqContext | |
CRoqDemuxContext | |
CROQDPCMContext | |
CRoqTempData | Temporary vars |
CRPLContext | |
CRpzaContext | |
CRTJpegContext | |
CRTMP_HTTPContext | |
CRTMPContext | Protocol handler context |
CRTMPEContext | |
CRTMPPacket | Structure for holding RTMP packets |
CRTPContext | |
CRTPDemuxContext | |
CRTPDynamicProtocolHandler | |
CRTPMuxContext | |
CRTPPacket | |
CRTPStatistics | |
CRTSPActionServerSetup | |
CRTSPMessageHeader | This describes the server response to each RTSP command |
CRTSPState | Private data for the RTSP demuxer |
CRTSPStatusMessage | |
CRTSPStream | Describe a single stream, as identified by a single m= line block in the SDP content |
CRTSPTransportField | This describes a single item in the "Transport:" line of one stream as negotiated by the SETUP RTSP command |
►CRuntimeError | |
C7digital-python.lib.oauth.OAuthError | |
C7digital-python.lib.oauth.OAuthError | |
CRV34DecContext | Decoder context |
CRV34DSPContext | |
CRV34ParseContext | |
CRV34VLC | VLC tables used by the decoder |
CRVDecContext | |
CRVMapDesc | Run-value (RLE) table descriptor |
CSAMIContext | |
CSampleFmtInfo | |
CSANMFrameHeader | |
CSANMVideoContext | |
CSAPState | |
CSavedContext | |
Csbg_demuxer | |
Csbg_fade | |
Csbg_parser | |
Csbg_script | |
Csbg_script_definition | |
Csbg_script_event | |
Csbg_script_synth | |
Csbg_script_tseq | |
Csbg_string | |
Csbg_timestamp | |
CSBRData | Spectral Band Replication per channel data |
CSBRDSPContext | |
CScaleContext | |
CScanTable | Scantable |
CSchroDecoderParams | Libschroedinger decoder private data |
CSchroEncoderParams | Libschroedinger encoder private data |
CSchroParseUnitContext | |
CSchroVideoFormatInfo | |
CSCTPContext | |
Csdl_overlay_pix_fmt_entry | |
CSDLContext | |
Csection | |
CSectionHeader | |
Csegment | |
CSegmentContext | |
CSegmentListEntry | |
CSelectContext | |
CSendCmdContext | |
CSeparateFieldsContext | |
CSeqDemuxContext | |
CSeqVideoContext | |
Cstart.ServerExample | |
CSetFieldContext | |
CSetPTSContext | |
CSetTBContext | |
CSgiContext | |
CSGIRLEContext | |
CSgiState | |
CSHINEContext | |
CShortenContext | |
CShowInfoContext | |
CShowSpectrumContext | |
CShowWavesContext | |
CSIFFContext | |
CSilenceDetectContext | |
CSineContext | |
CSingleChannelElement | Single Channel Element - used for both SCE and LFE elements |
CSiprContext | |
CSiprModeParam | |
CSiprParameters | |
CSLConfigDescr | |
Cslice_buffer_s | Used to minimize the amount of memory used in order to optimize cache performance |
CSliceContext | |
CSliceInfo | Essential slice information |
CSmackerContext | |
CSmackerFrame | |
CSmackVContext | |
CSmartblurContext | |
CSmcContext | |
CSMJPEGContext | |
CSMJPEGMuxContext | |
CSmoothContext | |
CSmoothStreamingContext | |
CSMUSHContext | |
CSndioData | |
CSnowContext | |
CSnowDWTContext | |
Csockaddr_storage | |
CSoftFloat | |
CSonicContext | |
CSoXContext | |
CSpecifierOpt | |
CSpectralBandReplication | Spectral Band Replication |
CSpectrumParameters | Spectral Band Replication header - spectrum parameters that invoke a reset if they differ from the previous header |
Cspeex_params | |
CSplitContext | |
CSPS | Sequence parameter set |
CSRTContext | |
CSRTPContext | |
CSRTPProtoContext | |
CSrtStack | |
CStagefrightContext | |
CStereo3DContext | |
CStereoComponent | |
►Cstr | |
Cmusixmatch.api.Method | |
Cmusixmatch.api.Method | |
Cmusixmatch.api.Method | |
Cmusixmatch.api.Method | |
CStrChannel | |
CStrDemuxContext | |
CStreamContext | |
CStreamInfo | |
CStreamMap | |
CStreamType | |
CInputStream::sub2video | |
CSubBand | |
CSubcelEvaluation | |
CSubPicture | |
CSubStream | |
CSubViewer1Context | |
CSubViewerContext | |
CSUNRASTContext | |
CSuper2xSaIContext | |
CSuperBlock | |
Csvq1_pmv_s | |
CSVQ1Context | |
CSVQ3Context | |
CSWFContext | |
CSwrContext | |
CSwsContext | |
CSwsFilter | |
CSwsVector | |
CSyncpoint | |
CSynthFilterContext | |
CTAKDecContext | |
CTAKDemuxContext | |
CTAKParseContext | |
CTAKStreamInfo | |
CTargaContext | |
CTask | |
CTCPContext | |
CTEDCaptionsDemuxer | |
CTeeContext | |
CTelecineContext | |
CTemporalNoiseShaping | Temporal Noise Shaping |
►CTestCase | |
Ctests.api.TestError | |
Ctests.api.TestError | |
Ctests.api.TestJsonResponseMessage | |
Ctests.api.TestJsonResponseMessage | |
Ctests.api.TestMethod | |
Ctests.api.TestMethod | |
Ctests.api.TestQueryString | |
Ctests.api.TestQueryString | |
Ctests.api.TestRequest | |
Ctests.api.TestRequest | |
Ctests.api.TestResponseMessage | |
Ctests.api.TestResponseMessage | |
Ctests.api.TestResponseStatusCode | |
Ctests.api.TestResponseStatusCode | |
Ctests.api.TestXMLResponseMessage | |
Ctests.api.TestXMLResponseMessage | |
Ctests.apikey.TestArtist | |
Ctests.apikey.TestArtist | |
Ctests.apikey.TestArtistsCollection | |
Ctests.apikey.TestArtistsCollection | |
Ctests.apikey.TestLyrics | |
Ctests.apikey.TestLyrics | |
Ctests.apikey.TestSubtitle | |
Ctests.apikey.TestSubtitle | |
Ctests.apikey.TestTrack | |
Ctests.apikey.TestTrack | |
Ctests.apikey.TestTracksCollection | |
Ctests.apikey.TestTracksCollection | |
►Ctests.base.TestBase | |
►Ctests.base.TestItem | |
Ctests.album.TestAlbum | |
Ctests.album.TestAlbum | |
Ctests.artist.TestArtist | |
Ctests.artist.TestArtist | |
Ctests.lyrics.TestLyrics | |
Ctests.lyrics.TestLyrics | |
Ctests.subtitle.TestSubtitle | |
Ctests.subtitle.TestSubtitle | |
Ctests.track.TestTrack | |
Ctests.track.TestTrack | |
Ctests.base.TestItem | |
Ctests.base.TestBase | |
►Ctests.base.TestCollection | |
Ctests.album.TestAlbumsCollection | |
Ctests.album.TestAlbumsCollection | |
Ctests.artist.TestArtistsCollection | |
Ctests.artist.TestArtistsCollection | |
Ctests.track.TestTracksCollection | |
Ctests.track.TestTracksCollection | |
Ctests.base.TestCollection | |
CTestSourceContext | |
CTextContext | |
CTgqContext | |
CTgvContext | |
Ctheora_params | Copyright (C) 2005 Matthieu CASTET, Alex Beregszaszi |
CTheoraContext | |
CThpDemuxContext | |
Cthread_arg | |
CThreadContext | |
CThreadFrame | |
Cthumb_frame | |
CThumbContext | |
CTiertexSeqFrameBuffer | |
CTiffContext | |
CTiffEncoderContext | |
CTiffGeoTag | |
CTiffGeoTagKeyName | |
CTiffGeoTagNameType | |
CTileContext | |
CTimeFilter | |
CTimeStamp | |
CTInterlaceContext | |
CTLSContext | |
CTM2Codes | Huffman codes for each of streams |
CTM2Context | |
CTM2Huff | Structure for gathering Huffman codes information |
CTMVContext | |
CTonalComponent | |
CTqiContext | |
CTrack | |
CTrackedMethod | |
CTracks | |
CTransContext | |
CTransform | |
CTree | Data needed to decode 4-bit Huffman-coded value |
CG722Context::TrellisNode | |
CTrellisNode | |
CG722Context::TrellisPath | |
CTrellisPath | |
CTrueMotion1Context | |
CTSCC2Context | |
CTsccContext | |
CTSContext | TrueSpeech decoder context |
CTTAChannel | |
CTTAContext | |
CTTAFilter | |
CTTARice | |
CTtyDemuxContext | |
CTwinContext | |
Ctwinvq_data | TwinVQ codebooks |
CTWOLAMEContext | |
CUDPContext | |
CUltimotionDecodeContext | |
Cunit_value | |
CUnsharpContext | |
CURLContext | |
CURLProtocol | |
CUtVideoContext | |
CUtvideoContext | |
CUtVideoExtra | |
CV210DecContext | |
Cvaapi_context | This structure is used to share data between the FFmpeg library and the client video application |
Cvariant | |
Cvariant_info | |
CVBDecContext | |
CVBLEContext | |
CVC1Context | The VC1 Context |
CVC1DSPContext | |
CVC1ParseContext | |
CVCR1Context | |
Cvda_context | This structure is used to provide the necessary configurations and data to the VDA FFmpeg HWAccel implementation |
CVDABufferContext | |
CVDADecoderContext | |
Cvdpau_render_state | This structure is used as a callback between the FFmpeg decoder (vd_) and presentation (vo_) module |
Cvf_format_context_t | |
Cvf_image_context_s | |
Cvf_info_s | |
Cvf_instance | |
Cvf_priv_s | |
Cvf_seteq_s | |
Cvfw_ctx | |
Cvideo_data | |
CVideoData | |
CVideoDemuxData | |
CVideoDSPContext | |
CVideoMuxData | |
CVideoPicture | |
CVideoRateAbbr | |
CVideoSizeAbbr | |
CVideoState | |
CVimaContext | |
CVivoContext | |
CVLC | |
CVLCcode | |
CVLCSet | |
CVlcState | |
Cvmd_frame | |
CVmdAudioContext | |
CVmdDemuxContext | |
CVmdVideoContext | |
CVmncContext | |
Cvo_functions_s | |
Cvo_info_s | |
Cvo_mpegpes_t | |
Cvo_rect | |
CVObj | |
Cvoc_dec_context | |
Cvoc_enc_context | |
Cvoice_entry | |
CVolDetectContext | |
CVolumeContext | |
Cvorbis_codebook | |
Cvorbis_context_s | |
Cvorbis_enc_codebook | |
Cvorbis_enc_context | |
Cvorbis_enc_floor | |
Cvorbis_enc_floor_class | |
Cvorbis_enc_mapping | |
Cvorbis_enc_mode | |
Cvorbis_enc_residue | |
Cvorbis_floor | |
Cvorbis_floor::vorbis_floor_u::vorbis_floor0_s | |
Cvorbis_floor1_entry | |
Cvorbis_floor::vorbis_floor_u::vorbis_floor1_s | |
Cvorbis_floor::vorbis_floor_u | |
Cvorbis_mapping | |
Cvorbis_mode | |
Cvorbis_residue | |
CVorbisDSPContext | |
CVorbisParseContext | |
CVp3DecodeContext | |
CVP3DSPContext | |
CVp3Fragment | |
Cvp56_context | |
CVP56DSPContext | |
CVP56Macroblock | |
CVP56Model | |
CVP56mv | |
CVP56RangeCoder | |
CVP56RefDc | |
CVP56Tree | |
CVP8Context | |
CVP8DecoderContext | |
CVP8DSPContext | |
CVP8EncoderContext | |
CVP8FilterStrength | |
CVP8Frame | |
CVP8Macroblock | |
CVP8ThreadData | |
CVPlayerContext | |
CVqaContext | |
CvqEntry | |
CVqfContext | |
CWAVDemuxContext | |
Cwavesynth_context | |
CWAVMuxContext | |
CWavpackContext | |
CWavpackFrameContext | |
CWc3DemuxContext | |
CWebVTTContext | |
Cwin32_cond_t | |
CWMACodecContext | |
CWmallChannelCtx | Frame-specific decoder context for a single channel |
CWmallDecodeCtx | Main decoder context |
CWMAProChannelCtx | Frame specific decoder context for a single channel |
CWMAProChannelGrp | Channel group for channel transformations |
CWMAProDecodeCtx | Main decoder context |
CWMAVoiceContext | WMA Voice decoding context |
CWmv2Context | |
CWMV2DSPContext | |
CWNV1Context | |
CWriter | |
CWriterContext | |
Cws_interval | |
Cws_intervals | |
CWsVqaDemuxContext | |
CWtvChunkEntry | |
CWtvContext | |
CWtvFile | |
CWTVRootEntryTable | |
CWtvStream | |
CWtvSyncEntry | |
CWvChannel | |
CWVContext | |
CWVMuxContext | |
Cx11grab | X11 Device Demuxer context |
CX264Context | |
Cx_and_coeff | |
CXanContext | |
CXavsContext | |
CXbinContext | |
CXFaceContext | |
CXMLContext | |
Cxmm_reg | |
CXMVAudioPacket | An audio packet with an XMV file |
CXMVDemuxContext | Context for demuxing an XMV file |
CXMVVideoPacket | A video packet with an XMV file |
Cxvid_context | Structure for the private Xvid context |
Cxvid_ff_pass1 | Structure for the private first-pass plugin |
Cxvmc_pix_fmt | |
CXWMAContext | |
CYADIFContext | |
Cyop_dec_context | |
CYopDecContext | |
CYuvPixel | |
CZeroCodecContext | |
CZmbvContext | |
CZmbvEncContext | Encoder context |