getOnsetsAndSynchronyWithFillin.m File Reference

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length of fill1 length (fill1) 'length of fill2'length(fill2) for i
 celloFills (i)
 celloFillsi (i)
 violinFills (i)
 violinFillsi (i)
 segs1 (celloFillsi+(0:length(celloFillsi)-1))
 segs1 (~segs1)
 segs2 (violinFillsi+(0:length(violinFillsi)-1))
 segs2 (~segs2)


returns the segment onset times and an array of delay between each pair of corresponding onsets Also takes two arrays containing segments where function [segs1, segs2, differences]
 violin = csvread(csv2)
use only the segmentation times celloSegmentations = cello(:,1)
 violinSegmentations = violin(:,1)
 celloFills = []
 celloFillsi = []
 violinFills = []
 violinFillsi = []
 segDivision = segLength * (fill1(2,i)/4)
 newSegPosition = thisSegment + segDivision
end for i
end celloFills violinFills NOW FILL IN THE DATA segs1 = zeros(1,length(celloSegmentations)+length(celloFills))

Function Documentation

celloFills ( i  )
celloFillsi ( i  )
length of fill1 length ( fill1  )
segs1 ( celloFillsi 0:length(celloFillsi)-1)
segs1 ( segs1)
segs2 ( violinFillsi 0:length(violinFillsi)-1)
segs2 ( segs2)
violinFills ( i  )
violinFillsi ( i  )

Variable Documentation

celloFills = []

Definition at line 17 of file getOnsetsAndSynchronyWithFillin.m.

celloFillsi = []

Definition at line 18 of file getOnsetsAndSynchronyWithFillin.m.

use only the segmentation times celloSegmentations = cello(:,1)

Definition at line 14 of file getOnsetsAndSynchronyWithFillin.m.

returns the segment onset times and an array of delay between each pair of corresponding onsets Also takes two arrays containing segments where function[segs1, segs2, differences]
Initial value:
= getOnsetsAndSynchronyWithFillin(csv1, csv2, fill1,fill2)
%load the two audio segmentations
cello = csvread(csv1)

Definition at line 4 of file getOnsetsAndSynchronyWithFillin.m.

end for i
Initial value:
= 1:length(fill2)
segNumber = fill2(1,i)
length of fill1 length(fill1) 'length of fill2'length(fill2) for i

Definition at line 43 of file getOnsetsAndSynchronyWithFillin.m.

newSegPosition = thisSegment + segDivision

Definition at line 35 of file getOnsetsAndSynchronyWithFillin.m.

segDivision = segLength * (fill1(2,i)/4)

Definition at line 34 of file getOnsetsAndSynchronyWithFillin.m.

Initial value:
= celloSegmentations(segNumber)
segLength = celloSegmentations(segNumber+1) - celloSegmentations(segNumber)
use only the segmentation times celloSegmentations

Definition at line 31 of file getOnsetsAndSynchronyWithFillin.m.

violin = csvread(csv2)

Definition at line 10 of file getOnsetsAndSynchronyWithFillin.m.

violinFills = []

Definition at line 19 of file getOnsetsAndSynchronyWithFillin.m.

violinFillsi = []

Definition at line 20 of file getOnsetsAndSynchronyWithFillin.m.

violinSegmentations = violin(:,1)

Definition at line 15 of file getOnsetsAndSynchronyWithFillin.m.