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Panos Kudumakis, 2017-10-11 05:33 PM

Invited talk on IM AF by Panos Kudumakis, Malaga, Spain 11 April 2013

MPEG-A: Interactive Music Application Format

MixRights featuring collaborative music creation & remixing, karaoke & chords, tagging & sharing in social nets & counting .... music citations! On YouTube

IEEE UK & Ireland Members Open Day 2017, London, 7 Oct. 2017 (video@4h16m)
Interactive Music Summit, Google Campus, London, 25 Nov. 2016
Sonar+D, Barcelona, 16-18 June 2016.
Interactive Music Hack-Fest, London, 11 June 2016


Sonic Visualiser with IM AF support featuring automatic chords extraction aligned in time with lyrics:
Executables for windows & mac os/x & Source code
La Fuga an IM AF (.ima) song by Emilio Molina Martínez.
Tiny Human an IM AF (.ima) song by Imogen Heap.

We would like to further enhance IM AF with new technologies. Topics for student projects available (at all levels UG/MSc/PhD) to be taken are given below. Programming languages background is a prerequisite as well as willingness to learn new ones, e.g., HTML5. Furthermore, students are expected to develop knowledge and skills on working with latest standards (MPEG, EBU, DMP) as well as acquire commercial and market perspective of music technologies for internet, broadcasting and mobile applications.

If you would like to involve in this project please contact p.kudumakis at


  • Thomas Wilmering (C4DM Post-doc)
    Music remix & derivative works IP rights tracking with
    MPEG-21 Media Value Chain Ontology (MVCO) Extensions on Time-Segments & Multi-Track Audio:
    1. Requirements, Warsaw, PL, June 2015
    2. Text of ISO/IEC 21000-19 AMD 1 & associated Reference Software ISO/IEC 21000-8 AMD 4, to be published
    3. Reference Software Guidelines, Hobart, AU, April 2017

Related publications

  • Jesús C. García, Panos Kudumakis, Isabel Barbancho, Lorenzo J. Tardón and Mark Sandler, 'Enabling interactive and interoperable semantic music applications', Springer Handbook for Systematic Musicology, Apr. 2014. In press.
  • Panos Kudumakis, Inseon Jang and Mark Sandler, 'A New Interactive MPEG Format for the Music Industry', 7th International Symposium on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval (CMMR'10), Málaga, Spain, 21-24 June, 2010.
