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Panos Kudumakis, 2016-04-26 04:36 PM

MPEG-A: Interactive Music Application Format
MixRights (remix, tag, share and count ..... music citations !) will be presented at Sonar+D in Barcelona, 16-18 June 2016.
Sonic Visualiser with IM AF support featuring automatic chords extraction aligned in time with lyrics:
Source code
Executables for windows & mac os/x
La Fuga an IM AF (.ima) song by Emilio Molina Martínez.
Tiny Human an IM AF (.ima) song by Imogen Heap.
HTML5 IM AF Player ver. 3 by Mariano Mora-Mcginity.
Featuring music remix.
HTML5 IM AF Player ver. 2 by Luke Barlow.
Featuring robustness & zoom in/out.
HTML5 IM AF Player ver. 1 by Giacomo Herrero.
Featuring multi-track audio, lyrics, album picture & metadata.
- Lyrics extraction and/or highlighting for karaoke apps EPSRC: Music Repurposing
- Rights tracking for fair artists remuneration MVCO (Rethink Music & Mycelia)
- Dynamic adaptive audio streaming DASH
- 3D audio mixing MPEG-H Audio
- Second screen music recommendation
- Vocaloid animation
If you would like to involve in this project please contact p.kudumakis at
- Mariano Mora-Mcginity (C4DM PhD Candidate)
Music remix: derivative works rights tracking
HTML5 IM AF Player ver. 3
Featuring music remix & sharing using MVCO Ext
- Thomas Wilmering (C4DM Post-doc)
Music remix: derivative works rights tracking
Requirements for a Media Value Chain Ontology
WD ISO/IEC 21000-19/AMD1 on time-segments & multi-track audio, Jun. 2015
- Luke Barlow (C4DM collaborator)
HTML5 IM AF Player ver. 2
Featuring robustness & zoom in/out.
DMRN+9 Dec. 2014.
- Jesús C. García (Univ. of Malaga)
IM AF codec in Sonic Visualiser
Featuring lyrics, metadata, dynamic volume, URL
MSc Thesis, Jun. 2014 - in Spanish Awarded Best Thesis by COIT-AORM & AITA, 30 Oct. 2015
53rd AES Paper, Jan. 2014
- Costantino Taglialatela (C4DM visitor)
IM AF codec in Sonic Visualiser
Featuring still pictures, rules, presets, groups, EQ
MSc Thesis, Jul. 2013
53rd AES Paper, Jan. 2014
- Giacomo Herrero (Univ. of Malaga)
HTML5 IM AF Player ver. 1
Featuring multi-track audio, lyrics, album picture & metadata
CMMR'13 Paper, Oct. 2013
- Eugenio Oñate (C4DM)
IM AF encoder: proof of concept
Featuring multi-track audio
MSc Thesis, Aug. 2012
DMRN+7 Paper, Dec. 2012
Related publications
- Jesús C. García, Panos Kudumakis, Isabel Barbancho, Lorenzo J. Tardón and Mark Sandler, 'Enabling interactive and interoperable semantic music applications', Springer Handbook for Systematic Musicology, Apr. 2014. In press.
- Panos Kudumakis, Inseon Jang and Mark Sandler, 'A New Interactive MPEG Format for the Music Industry', 7th International Symposium on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval (CMMR'10), Málaga, Spain, 21-24 June, 2010.
- IM AF: What's next?
- IM AF MSc study by Tracy Redhead - 2015
- IM AF functionality in STEMS by NI - 2015