Installation » History » Version 7

Jeremy Gow, 2012-10-03 11:09 AM
Revised instructions

1 7 Jeremy Gow
h1. Installing IDyOM
2 1 Marcus Pearce
3 1 Marcus Pearce
h2. Prerequisites
4 1 Marcus Pearce
5 2 Marcus Pearce
* "Steel Bank Common Lisp [SBCL]":
6 7 Jeremy Gow
* "Quicklisp": is a library manager for Common Lisp.  Just download "<code>quicklisp.lisp</code>":
7 7 Jeremy Gow
* An SQL database.  I would recommend  "SQLite": 
8 1 Marcus Pearce
9 7 Jeremy Gow
Many people find "Emacs": with "Slime": useful for Common Lisp development.  Package management systems can simplify the installation of these prerequisites, e.g. "Fink": or "Macports": for OS X.
10 2 Marcus Pearce
11 7 Jeremy Gow
See the "CLSQL Manual": for information on other database systems you can use and how to access them from Common Lisp.  If you prefer not to use Quicklisp, you will need to install the following Lisp libraries: "UFFI":, "CLSQL":, "CL-PPCRE":, "PS-Graph":, "Midi":
12 1 Marcus Pearce
13 7 Jeremy Gow
h2. Install Quicklisp
14 1 Marcus Pearce
15 7 Jeremy Gow
To install Quicklisp to a directory <code>DIR</code>, you need to load "<code>quicklisp.lisp</code>": in Lisp:
16 1 Marcus Pearce
17 1 Marcus Pearce
18 7 Jeremy Gow
(load "quicklisp.lisp")
19 7 Jeremy Gow
(quicklisp-quickstart:install :path "DIR/quicklisp/")
20 7 Jeremy Gow
21 1 Marcus Pearce
22 1 Marcus Pearce
23 7 Jeremy Gow
h2. Download IDyOM
24 1 Marcus Pearce
25 7 Jeremy Gow
Download the following zip files and unpack them into <code>DIR/quicklisp/local-projects/</code>
26 1 Marcus Pearce
27 2 Marcus Pearce
* "MIPS":
28 1 Marcus Pearce
* "AMuSE":
29 2 Marcus Pearce
* "amuse-viewpoints":
30 1 Marcus Pearce
* "mtp-admin":
31 1 Marcus Pearce
* "ppm-star":
32 1 Marcus Pearce
* "idyom":
33 1 Marcus Pearce
34 7 Jeremy Gow
h2. Load IDyOM
35 1 Marcus Pearce
36 7 Jeremy Gow
You can now use Quicklisp to load IDyOM, and install the external Lisp libraries it depends on:
37 1 Marcus Pearce
38 5 Marcus Pearce
39 7 Jeremy Gow
(ql:quickload "idyom")
40 5 Marcus Pearce
41 7 Jeremy Gow
The first time IDyOM is loaded, an error "There is no class named AMUSE-SEGMENTATION:GROUND-TRUTH-SEGMENTER" may bring up the debugger.  Press 2 [ACCEPT] and the installation should complete.
42 1 Marcus Pearce
43 7 Jeremy Gow
h2. Create a database
44 1 Marcus Pearce
45 7 Jeremy Gow
IDyOM is now installed, but you will need a database in order to use it.  To create an SQLite database in directory <code>DIR</code>:
46 5 Marcus Pearce
47 7 Jeremy Gow
48 7 Jeremy Gow
(clsql:connect '("DIR/example.db") :if-exists :old :database-type :sqlite3)
49 7 Jeremy Gow
50 7 Jeremy Gow
51 2 Marcus Pearce
52 7 Jeremy Gow
You may now proceed to the [[tutorial]].