Installation » History » Version 1

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Marcus Pearce, 2012-02-02 12:03 PM



  • Many people find Emacs with Slime useful for Common Lisp development.

These can be obtained using asdf-install, e.g.:

(require 'asdf-install)
(asdf-install:install "clsql")



Each subdirectory in the code contains one or more system definition files with a .asd extension. The location of these files needs to be registered as follows:

 (require :asdf) ; Load asdf.
 (push "/full/path/to/system/file" asdf:*central-registry*) ; Tell asdf where each system is registered.

You may want to add these lines to your .sbclrc configuration file.

An easy way to achieve the above is to symlink each .asd file to a single directory and add that to asdf:*central-registry*.


Alternatively there is software available for managing library installation for common lisp:

These may also be used to install the dependencies listed above.