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Luis Figueira, 2011-03-15 05:09 PM
started writing doc

1 1 Luis Figueira
h1. An Introduction to Mercurial
2 1 Luis Figueira
3 1 Luis Figueira
Mercurial is a distributed revision control tool. 
4 1 Luis Figueira
5 1 Luis Figueira
6 1 Luis Figueira
h2. Basic Commands
7 1 Luis Figueira
8 1 Luis Figueira
These are some of the commands you'll find in the easyMercurial interface:
9 1 Luis Figueira
10 1 Luis Figueira
*add*          add the specified files on the next commit
11 1 Luis Figueira
*commit*       commit the specified files or all outstanding changes
12 1 Luis Figueira
*diff*         diff repository (or selected files)
13 1 Luis Figueira
*incoming*     show new changesets found in source (in the easyMercurial interface this command is called Preview)
14 1 Luis Figueira
*merge*        merge working directory with another revision
15 1 Luis Figueira
*pull*         pull changes from the specified source
16 1 Luis Figueira
*push*         push changes to the specified destination
17 1 Luis Figueira
*revert*       restore individual files or directories to an earlier state
18 1 Luis Figueira
*update*       update working directory (or switch revisions)
19 1 Luis Figueira
20 1 Luis Figueira
21 1 Luis Figueira
h2. Typical Workflow
22 1 Luis Figueira
23 1 Luis Figueira
24 1 Luis Figueira
25 1 Luis Figueira
h3. External resources
26 1 Luis Figueira
27 1 Luis Figueira
For a simple tutorial on Mercurial, please go to