Class AccessibleCheckbox

  • java.lang.Object
    • LinearLayout

  • public class AccessibleCheckbox
    extends LinearLayout
    A check box list that can be operated without looking at the display.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AccessibleCheckbox

        public AccessibleCheckbox(Context context)
      • AccessibleCheckbox

        public AccessibleCheckbox(Context context,
                                  AttributeSet attrs)
    • Method Detail

      • setAccessibilityService

        public void setAccessibilityService(AccessibilityService service)
        Sets the accessibility service for this class.
        service - the AccessibilityService for this class
      • getAccessibilityService

        public AccessibilityService getAccessibilityService()
        Returns a reference to the accessibility service for this class.
        the AccessibilityService for this class
      • setValues

        public void setValues(java.lang.String[] values,
                              boolean[] valueChecks)
        Sets the values to display to the user.
        values - the values to display
        valueChecks - The initial checks. If valueChecks[i] is true then values[i] will be checked when displayed to the user
      • getChecks

        public boolean[] getChecks()
        Returns the checks of the current values. To be called after this checkbox has been displayed to the user to collect their checks.
        the current checks
      • getSelectedValue

        public java.lang.String getSelectedValue()
        Returns the currently selected value of the list.
        the currently selected value of the list
      • getSelectedValuePosition

        public int getSelectedValuePosition()
        Returns the position in the list of the currently selected value.
        the position in the list of the currently selected value
      • sendAccessibilityEvent

        public void sendAccessibilityEvent(int eventType)
        This method is empty to prevent the screen reader to speak when clicking on this text view.
      • sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked

        public void sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(AccessibilityEvent event)
        This method is empty to prevent the screen reader to speak when clicking on this text view.