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Brecht De Man, 2015-05-16 12:31 PM


Open perceptual evaluation toolbox. See [1] for more information, and please refer to it if you use this toolbox in your work.

[1] B. De Man and Joshua D. Reiss, "APE: Audio Perceptual Evaluation toolbox for MATLAB," presented at the 136th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, 2014.

APE logo small

Note: while the toolbox works fine with MATLAB_R2014b and older versions, problems with the 2015 version due to differences in syntax and functions have been reported.

HTML5/Javascript version

See https://code.soundsoftware.ac.uk/projects/webaudioevaluationtool for a similar but browser-based listening test environment. This has the advantage of not requiring proprietary software, being easily scalable, allowing for remote tests, among other things.

APE.png - APE logo png 328 KB, downloaded 2067 times Brecht De Man, 2014-03-20 10:02 AM

APElogo.png - APE logo small 22.3 KB, downloaded 1673 times Brecht De Man, 2014-03-20 10:04 AM