Notes on first meeting » History » Version 2

Version 1 (Gyorgy Fazekas, 2012-02-22 07:35 PM) → Version 2/32 (Gyorgy Fazekas, 2012-02-22 11:19 PM)

h1. Notes on first meeting

h2. Topics discussed (roughly)

** What are the main research use cases for an Audio Features Ontology (AF) ?
** Are they served well by the existing AF ? well?
** If not, what are the most important extensions we need to do?
** Does the fundamental structure of the ontology need to be changed?
** Personal Objectives: what are we going to do with a modified/re-engineered ontology?
** What is the relation of AF to existing software, including:

*software like

Sonic Annotator, SV, SAWA, AudioDB other tools...
and projects like OMRAS2, EASAIER, new Semantic Media/Semantic Audio grants... EASAIER client, AudioDB

h2. Use cases:


** drive audio effects -> adaptive effect (controlling effects)
** KM like use case: association of audio effects and audio features e.g. pitch shifter won’t change onsets
** part of the AFX ontology
** more audio features
** technical classification of audio effects

** Finding structure, repeated sequences of features
** Beat related stuff, BPM (tempo, major/minor is it an audio feature, not necessarilty)
** Chords => Chord ontology
** Melody and notes

** Improve SAWA
** Facilitate the development of intelligent music production systems
** Release large content based metadata repositories in RDF
** Re-release the MSD in RDF (??)
** Deploy a knowledge based environment for content-based audio analysis based on the concept of the Knowledge Machine that can combine multiple modalities
** Research reproducibility using Ontologies as a model to exchange research data.

h2. Resources:

h3. Some work related to Steve's use cases, segmentation and Ontologies:

** SALAMI Project: Kevin Page, DaveDeRoure
** The Segment Ontology:
** PopStructure Ontology: Kurt Jacobson Unpublished.
(Example available:
** Similarity Ontology: Kurt Jacobson

Open issues:

h3. Domain and scope:

** Are Musicological concepts outside the scope of an AF ?
** Physical features : Acoustic features, Perceptual Features, DSP type, Musical Features

h3. Fundamental structure of existing AF: structure:

** Does it serve you well?
** For example, loudness is defined as a segment in AF, and it does not fit a perceptual attribute well.
** What depth do we want ? (both in terms of scope and the level of detail in describing a feature extraction workflow)
** How AF relates to the DSP workflows used in extracting them?

h2. Existing resources :

h3. Some work related to Steve's use cases, segmentation and Ontologies:

** SALAMI Project: Kevin Page, DaveDeRoure
** The Segment Ontology:
** PopStructure Ontology: Kurt Jacobson Unpublished.
(Example available:
** Similarity Ontology: Kurt Jacobson

h2. Ideas/resources
Ideas for new Ontologies: ontologies:

** Steve Steve: has worked on Acoustics related ontology

** Creating a DSP ontology:
** include processing steps down to math operations
(this can take advantage to the math:namespace in CWM:
** describe common DSP parameters

** create an Acoustics Ontology ontology
** describe Musicological concepts
** describe concepts related to cognitive and perceptual issues

h2. Currently missing features

** MFCC-s are missing
** Rythmogram
** RMS energy
** combined features, e.g. weighted combinations or combinations, statistical averages over features

h2. Development issues

** chaining, combination, weighting
** how you associate features with arbitrary data

** summary feature types

** SM (similarity matrix) are they part of the ontoogy?

** how to describe salience, can you hear it, can you perceive, is there an agreement
** how to describe weighting, confidence

** mood, music psychology, cognition, emotion, (perception ?)

** provenance => music provenance

** need for deprecation and versioning

h2. Long term objectives:

Some concrete tasks that can be done as the outcome of the collaboration:

** A version of Sonic Annotator that produces output adhering according to the new ontology

** Are we making people happier by doing so?
** gradual transition period?

** extend other software toolkits; e.g. a verison of Marsyas in C++

** multitrack processing using Sonic Annotator (this feature might come along soon)

h2. Some immediate Immediate tasks (TODO):

** collect more resources
** Verify the relationship between AF as is, and other feature/segmentation Ontologies segmentation ontologies
** what other software uses it?
** papers and literature review
** relation to projects e.g. SIEMAC

collect features that we need

** define plugins, LADSPA, VAMP, Marsyas, CLAM, libextract, COMirva, MIRtoolbox, Supercollider, other frameworks

scope (extend the diagram (diagram of the a set of ontologies: )

** collect specific application examples from existing processing chain / workflow

collect software/projects that use/produce audio features:

** plugins, LADSPA, VAMP, Marsyas, CLAM, libextract, COMirva, MIRtoolbox, Supercollider, other frameworks