This week's site updates

BibTeX, DOIs, a clearer choice for public or private in new projects, and some visual tweaks
Added by Chris Cannam over 12 years ago

This week we've made some improvements to the publications module, including adding support for retrieving BibTeX format records. Take a look at a project with some associated publications in it (like this one) and you'll see a new BibTeX link next to every publication.

We've also added a DOI field for publications, where you can supply the Digital Object Identifier associated with your paper.

Also in this week's updates, we've clarified the "public or private" choice in the "New Project" page -- previously it defaulted to public, which has occasionally caught people out who didn't read the form closely enough! Now there is no default, so you have to make a decision when creating a project. We hope the descriptions are also a little clearer.

Finally, we've made some small visual and typographic updates which we hope give things a friendlier air.

More improvements in the pipeline, particularly in the area of exploring and discovering projects, so watch this space!
