Feature #468

Feature #466: WP1 Training material design

WP1.2 Online Reference Material

Added by Steve Welburn over 12 years ago. Updated almost 12 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:2012-06-01
Priority:NormalDue date:2013-01-31
Assignee:Steve Welburn% Done:


Target version:-


Feature #471: WP1.2a Draft Online MaterialClosedSteve Welburn

Feature #472: WP1.2b Final Online MaterialNewSteve Welburn


#1 Updated by Steve Welburn over 12 years ago

The Incremental project recommends in its final report (page 21) to "create a collection of webpages to help researchers find tools and assistance". Examples will include FAQs, fact-sheets, online step-by-step guides (e.g. on creating a data management plan for PIs writing a project proposal), short instructional videos (e.g. on how to deposit a data set into a repository, from metadata collection to choosing a license). It will target both new members of staff who could not participate in face-to-face training, and those who need quick reference material or want to learn in greater depth after a seminar. It will also contain information on where to get help for different problems (e.g. copyrights, technical) inside the institution. The online material will be prepared first because it should be already in place when face-to-face training is given.

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