Bug #429

CVX issue with 64-bit machines using 32-bit MATLAB (or vice-versa)

Added by Luis Figueira over 12 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:2012-03-08
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:Luis Figueira% Done:


Target version:-


Another issue, which mainly concerns the implementation of sedumi (or the version of CVX included in SMALLbox) is that it may be not run on 64-bit machines using 32-bit MATLAB (or vice versa). For instance, everything works fine on my 64-bit iMAc running a 64-bit version of MATLAB (R2011b) but on my 64-bit Macbook the 32-bit version of MATLAB (R2010a) will crash each time i run sedumi or CVX (with predefined solver sedumi). This problem does not occur with sdpt3.

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