Bug #427

Wrong CVX folders initialisation

Added by Luis Figueira over 12 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:2012-03-08
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:Luis Figueira% Done:


Target version:-


Certain things in SMALLboxSetup need to be fixed.

Once you run SMALLboxSetup the CVX toolbox sub-folders sedumi and sdpt3 are added in the MATLAB path. Therefore, both solvers can be accessed and used. However, if instead of calling sedumi or sdpt3 i run a CVX script (which calls one of thoses solvers according to the user's preference) the sub-folders are then removed from the MATLAB path.

What I suggest and considering the fact that SMALLbox is supposed to integrate only the CVX toolbox we keep the default setting of CVX in SMALLbox, and we avoid adding its subfolers to the path.

Related issues

Related to Feature #428: New SMALL init script Closed 2012-03-08

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