Feature #1181

Add keyboard shortcut for deleting time instants

Added by Mathieu Ramona almost 10 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:2015-04-13
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


I'm currently having a great pleasure using Sonic Visualiser for annotating onsets on musical tracks.
In fact I first run the QM onset detection and then correct manually. My task mainly consists in removing false positives.

The software is well designed, and convenient, I can navigate between the existing time instants with the Page Up/Down keys. However, it would be really great to have a keyboard shortcut to delete the current time instant, because actually I need to click it with the mouse, which costs time and is useless (since I am on a time instant with Page Up/Down, I should have to locate it).

I realize you might already have millions of keyboard shortcuts, but if you find it useful... thanks in advance.

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