MATFeb2014 » History » Version 9

Chris Cannam, 2014-03-31 01:21 PM

1 1 Chris Cannam
h1. Software Carpentry workshop for MAT at QMUL, Feb 2014
2 1 Chris Cannam
3 1 Chris Cannam
h2. Teaching material and supplementary links
4 1 Chris Cannam
5 3 Chris Cannam
h3. Day 1
6 3 Chris Cannam
7 1 Chris Cannam
* *Introduction to Shell* -- "Tutorial script":/documents/73 -- "Crib sheet on Unix shell commands":/documents/74
8 1 Chris Cannam
* *Version control* -- "Introductory slides":/documents/75 -- "Tutorial script":/projects/easyhg/wiki/SC2012BootcampPlan
9 1 Chris Cannam
10 6 Chris Cannam
h3. Day 2
11 6 Chris Cannam
12 6 Chris Cannam
* *Introduction to Python* -- "Tutorial script":/documents/71 -- "Repository with code":/projects/swc-python-intro
13 6 Chris Cannam
14 6 Chris Cannam
Other subjects not covered on the day, that may be of interest:
15 6 Chris Cannam
16 6 Chris Cannam
* *Audio in Python* -- "Repository with code (includes example of plotting in Python)":/projects/swc-python-audio
17 6 Chris Cannam
* *Data management* -- "Slides from Feb 2013":/documents/72
18 6 Chris Cannam
* *Unit testing* -- "Tutorial script from Feb 2013":/projects/ssw-swc-2013/wiki/SWC2013TDD
19 6 Chris Cannam
* *What We Know* -- "Slides":/documents/70 about software-development working practices
20 6 Chris Cannam
21 1 Chris Cannam
h2. Other material from us
22 1 Chris Cannam
23 1 Chris Cannam
* We offer "a number of one-page info sheets": on topics related to this workshop
24 1 Chris Cannam
* This very site, "":, is a code hosting site for projects by UK-based audio and music researchers. If you're interested in audio and music, please do register and make use of it! Repository hosting uses Mercurial, and your projects can be public or private.
25 1 Chris Cannam
26 1 Chris Cannam
h2. Links about the software in the workshop
27 1 Chris Cannam
28 9 Chris Cannam
* In day 1 we used "Mercurial": and "EasyMercurial":
29 9 Chris Cannam
30 9 Chris Cannam
* In day 2 we used "Python":, "SciPy":, "Matplotlib":
31 9 Chris Cannam
32 9 Chris Cannam
* We did not use (but could have used!) "Nose":, "scikits.audiolab":
33 9 Chris Cannam
34 9 Chris Cannam
* The "SciPy Superpack": is a good way to get Python packages installed on OS/X
35 9 Chris Cannam
36 9 Chris Cannam
* There are at least two bundled distributions of Python with scientific libraries and visualisation modules, which you can use to install a complete working Python system: "Anaconda": and "Canopy": These come from different companies but they are both distributions of the same (open source) libraries, and are completely compatible when it comes to running your own code.
37 1 Chris Cannam
38 1 Chris Cannam
h2. Topical links
39 1 Chris Cannam
40 1 Chris Cannam
h3. Unix and shell
41 1 Chris Cannam
42 1 Chris Cannam
* "Mac OS X man pages online":
43 1 Chris Cannam
* "Software Carpentry lessons":
44 1 Chris Cannam
* "ELE595 - Software Tools For Engineers": -- Undergraduate module at QMUL. Weeks 5-10 covered Unix
45 1 Chris Cannam
* "Unix tutorial @ University of Surrey":
46 1 Chris Cannam
47 1 Chris Cannam
To use Unix commands on a Windows machine, you will need to install additional software (e.g. "MinGW": or "Cygwin":
48 1 Chris Cannam
NB: Cygwin doesn't install nano, Python or Mercurial by default - they need to be selected in the setup.
49 1 Chris Cannam
50 1 Chris Cannam
The Windows command prompt and powershell provide similar facilities to the Unix shell, but with different commands and syntax! Of the two, the command prompt is very similar to the basic Unix tools we introduced, but Powershell is more powerful.
51 1 Chris Cannam
52 1 Chris Cannam
* Some Windows command prompt "tutorials":
53 1 Chris Cannam
* Official Microsoft "Windows Powershell Owners Manual":
54 1 Chris Cannam
55 1 Chris Cannam
If you own an android tablet or phone, then that is a Unix device. It doesn't come with a command prompt by default, but you can "install one": NB: this may be dangerous for your device!
56 1 Chris Cannam
57 1 Chris Cannam
If you want to try a full Unix system, then "VirtualBox": can be used to create a "virtual machine" - a fake computer that runs inside your normal session. You can then install a Linux distribution on that virtual machine.
58 1 Chris Cannam
59 1 Chris Cannam
h3. Version Control
60 1 Chris Cannam
61 1 Chris Cannam
On Windows, "TortoiseHg": provides an alternative interface to Mercurial - you can right-click files in Windows Explorer. It's more techy than EasyMercurial!
62 1 Chris Cannam
63 1 Chris Cannam
 * "Software Carpentry version control lessons":
64 7 Chris Cannam
65 8 Chris Cannam
h1. Schedules etc
66 7 Chris Cannam
67 7 Chris Cannam
h2. Dates/Where
68 7 Chris Cannam
69 7 Chris Cannam
*  Day 1: Afternoon of 12th February 2014 -- MAT lab
70 7 Chris Cannam
*  Day 2: Afternoon of 26th March 2014 -- MAT lab
71 7 Chris Cannam
72 7 Chris Cannam
h2. Schedule
73 7 Chris Cannam
74 7 Chris Cannam
h3. Day 1
75 7 Chris Cannam
76 7 Chris Cannam
This is the actual schedule, i.e. with timings as they were on the day.
77 7 Chris Cannam
78 7 Chris Cannam
Official slot 13.00-17.00.
79 7 Chris Cannam
80 7 Chris Cannam
Attendance 18/22.
81 7 Chris Cannam
82 7 Chris Cannam
* Start - 13.05
83 7 Chris Cannam
* Short intro - Chris - 13.05 to 13.10
84 7 Chris Cannam
* *Shell* - Steve - 13.10 to 14.40
85 7 Chris Cannam
* Break - 14.40 to 15.10
86 7 Chris Cannam
* *Version control* - Chris - 15.10 to 16.50
87 7 Chris Cannam
* End - 16.50
88 7 Chris Cannam
89 7 Chris Cannam
h3. Day 2
90 7 Chris Cannam
91 7 Chris Cannam
Provisional schedule.
92 7 Chris Cannam
93 7 Chris Cannam
Official slot 13.00-17.00.
94 7 Chris Cannam
95 7 Chris Cannam
* Start - 13.05
96 7 Chris Cannam
* *Python* - Bogdan - 13.05 to 14.40
97 7 Chris Cannam
* Break - 14.45 to 15.15
98 7 Chris Cannam
* *Python and NumPy* - Bogdan - 15.20 to 16.30
99 7 Chris Cannam
* End - 16.30