MATFeb2013Material » History » Version 13

Version 12 (Chris Cannam, 2013-02-08 02:23 PM) → Version 13/27 (Chris Cannam, 2013-02-08 02:24 PM)

h1. MAT Software Carpentry Feb 2013 - Material from the workshop

* *Introduction to Shell* -- "Tutorial script":/documents/73 -- "Crib sheet on Unix shell commands":/documents/74
* *Introduction to Python* -- "Tutorial script":/documents/71
* *Version control* -- "Introductory slides":/documents/75 -- "Tutorial script":/projects/easyhg/wiki/SC2012BootcampPlan
* *Data management* -- "Slides":/documents/72
* *Testing* -- "Tutorial script":/projects/ssw-swc-2013/wiki/SWC2013TDD
* *What We Know* -- "Slides":/documents/70

* *Assessed Exercise* -- [[MATFeb2013AssessedExercise|Details]]

h2. Other useful links

* We used "Python":, "SciPy":, "Matplotlib":, "Nose":, "scikits.audiolab":, "Mercurial":, "EasyMercurial":
* The "SciPy Superpack": is a good way to get Python packages installed on OS/X
Our project offers "a number of one-page info sheets": on topics related to this workshop
* This very site, "":, is a code hosting site for projects by UK-based audio and music researchers. If you're interested in audio and music, please do register and make use of it! Repository hosting uses Mercurial, and your projects can be public or private.