C4DM2013 » History » Version 13

Version 12 (Luis Figueira, 2013-03-11 05:06 PM) → Version 13/24 (Luis Figueira, 2013-03-11 05:14 PM)

h1. Software Carpentry workshop for C4DM at QMUL, March 2013

h2. Dates/Where

* 15th and 22nd March 2013
** 10am - 4:00pm
** ITL Top Floor meeting room (*Building 5*
** Building *5*
on this "map":http://www.qmul.ac.uk/docs/about/26065.pdf)


h2. Pre requisites

Please bring you own laptop with the following [[C4DM2013 Software|software]] installed. Headphones are also handy.

h2. Planned schedule

h3. Day 1 (15th March 2013)

h4. Morning (10am to 12:30pm)

* *Introduction* - "material":/attachments/650/intro.pdf - 5 mins - *Chris*
* *Shell* - "material":/documents/73 - 45 mins - *Chris*
* Short coffee break
* *Python* - "material":/documents/71 - 90 mins - *Bogdan*

h4. Afternoon (1 to 4pm)

* *Version control* - "intro slides":/documents/75, "material":/projects/easyhg/wiki/SC2012BootcampPlan - 90 mins - *Luis*
* *Data management* - "material":/documents/72 - 60 mins - *??*

h3. Day 2 (22nd March 2013)

h4. Morning (10am to 12:30pm)

** *Scientific Python* - material in preparation - 60 mins - *Luis/Bogdan*
** Coffee
** *Making Noise with Python* - material in preparation based on "this":/projects/audio-bootcamp-planning from Codasign - 60 mins - *Luis/Bogdan*

h4. Afternoon (1.15 to 4pm)

* *Testing* - [[SWC2013TDD|material]] - 90 mins - *Chris*
* *What We Know* - "material":/documents/70 - 50 mins - *Chris*