Workplan » History » Version 16
Version 15 (Steve Welburn, 2012-11-13 12:29 PM) → Version 16/20 (Steve Welburn, 2012-11-13 12:30 PM)
h1. Workplan
The work of the project is divided into four work packages (WP).
{{include(WP1 Training Material Design)}}
{{include(WP2 Test and evaluation)}}
h2. [[WP3 Embedding]] WP3 Embedding
This work package will be carried out to organise the various workshops, courses and seminars in collaboration with the partners.
h3. WP3 Deliverables
* D3.1 Final report on embedding.
h2. WP4 Communication and Management
h3. WP4.1 Project management
The project will be managed on a day-to-day basis by the PI, with project meetings held weekly to assess progress and problems. This has been our practice throughout the Sound Software project and previous JISC-funded projects. The CIs will participate in the management process to ensure compatibility and continuity with the requirements of the Sound Software project from a management and technical perspective respectively.
h3. WP4.2 Dissemination
The project results will be disseminated through blog posts, Twitter, and official reports on the project's website. Results will also be presented at discipline-specific conferences (ISMIR, DAFx), and to other similar UK-based research institutions via the partnership with the Sound Software project.
h3. WP4 Deliverables
* D4.1 Project site and feed.
* D4.2 Final report and publication of the material in the "Jorum": repository.
h2. References
??"DaMSSI final report":
The work of the project is divided into four work packages (WP).
{{include(WP1 Training Material Design)}}
{{include(WP2 Test and evaluation)}}
h2. [[WP3 Embedding]] WP3 Embedding
This work package will be carried out to organise the various workshops, courses and seminars in collaboration with the partners.
h3. WP3 Deliverables
* D3.1 Final report on embedding.
h2. WP4 Communication and Management
h3. WP4.1 Project management
The project will be managed on a day-to-day basis by the PI, with project meetings held weekly to assess progress and problems. This has been our practice throughout the Sound Software project and previous JISC-funded projects. The CIs will participate in the management process to ensure compatibility and continuity with the requirements of the Sound Software project from a management and technical perspective respectively.
h3. WP4.2 Dissemination
The project results will be disseminated through blog posts, Twitter, and official reports on the project's website. Results will also be presented at discipline-specific conferences (ISMIR, DAFx), and to other similar UK-based research institutions via the partnership with the Sound Software project.
h3. WP4 Deliverables
* D4.1 Project site and feed.
* D4.2 Final report and publication of the material in the "Jorum": repository.
h2. References
??"DaMSSI final report":