WP1 Training Material Design » History » Version 3

Steve Welburn, 2012-11-21 01:01 PM

1 1 Steve Welburn
h1. WP1 Training Material Design
2 1 Steve Welburn
3 1 Steve Welburn
h2. WP1 Training Material Design
4 1 Steve Welburn
5 1 Steve Welburn
Although the basic principles of data management are valid for both postgraduate students, and research and academic staff, we decided to make a distinction between the two groups (WP1.3 and WP1.4) - a PhD student starting on his project and a PI writing a grant proposal might want to focus on different aspects of data management. The online material (WP1.2) will cover all aspects and be relevant to both groups.
6 1 Steve Welburn
7 1 Steve Welburn
h3. [[WP1_1 Research Of Available Resources|WP1.1 Research Of Available Resources]]
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9 1 Steve Welburn
Results from previous projects (e.g. JISC "RDMTrain":http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/mrd/rdmtrain.aspx programme, "Research Data Management Skills Support Initiative":http://www.dcc.ac.uk/training/data-management-courses-and-training/skills-frameworks (DaMSSI), "Incremental":http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/mrd/rdmi/incremental.aspx ), as well as available material from the "DCC":http://www.dcc.ac.uk/ and other institutions, will be studied and evaluated. Disciplines will be compared and parts of the available material identified that need to be adapted to appeal to researchers in the area of digital music and audio research. In order to integrate the material into the "Vitae":http://www.vitae.ac.uk/ /RCUK "Researcher Development Framework":http://www.vitae.ac.uk/researchers/428241/Researcher-Development-Framework.html , used to assign credits by the "QMUL Learning Institute":http://www.learninginstitute.qmul.ac.uk/ , the recently released "Information-handling Lens" will also be analysed.
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11 3 Steve Welburn
h3. [[WP1_2 Online Training Material|WP1.2 Online Training Material]]
12 1 Steve Welburn
13 1 Steve Welburn
The Incremental project recommends in its "final report":http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/preservation/incremental/documents/Incremental_Scoping_Report_170910.pdf (page 21) to "create a collection of webpages to help researchers find tools and assistance". Examples will include FAQs, fact-sheets, online step-by-step guides (e.g. on creating a data management plan for PIs writing a project proposal), short instructional videos (e.g. on how to deposit a data set into a repository, from metadata collection to choosing a license). It will target both new members of staff who could not participate in face-to-face training, and those who need quick reference material or want to learn in greater depth after a seminar. It will also contain information on where to get help for different problems (e.g. copyrights, technical) inside the institution. The online material will be prepared first because it should be already in place when face-to-face training is given.
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15 1 Steve Welburn
h3. WP1.3 Research Staff Material
16 1 Steve Welburn
17 1 Steve Welburn
Material will be designed that targets research and academic staff involved in funded research projects, although the basic principles will be relevant to students as well. Experience from the Sound Software project showed that different material is useful at different stages of a project. We will thus create a range of training materials to cover some of these stages, to be presented in different formats (e.g. short seminars, tutorials, workshops), and to be integrated by online material. Examples include, but are not limited to:
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# a five-minute long "executive" pitch on the benefits of data management;
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# hands-on workshops for CIs and PIs on data management planning for research projects;
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# conference tutorials giving an overview of research data management;
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# material for short seminars with in-depth analysis of single aspects of data management such as available tools, policies, and discipline specific challenges.
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This material will be presented at internal seminars, discipline-specific conferences and, in collaboration with the Sound Software project, at other institutions in the UK working in the area of digital music and audio research.
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26 1 Steve Welburn
h3. WP1.4 Post-Graduate Course Material
27 1 Steve Welburn
28 1 Steve Welburn
Discipline-focused material for face-to-face training sessions will be designed. The material will cover the basics of good data management practise, point out its benefits, and touch on discipline-specific challenges such as copyrights and licenses, with discipline-specific examples, based on the recently developed C4DM Data Management System. Also, the students, as suggested by the DaMSSI project "final report":http://www.dcc.ac.uk/webfm_send/532 (Conclusions, page 15, paragraph 5), will be instructed to create a Data Management Plan for their PhD projects, to be included in their Research Proposal. The material should be sufficient to cover at most one or two sessions in a module. For more in-depth study, the students will then be referred to the online material. The material will be tested first with postgraduate students at C4DM, and then at other research groups in the Digital Music Research Network.
29 1 Steve Welburn
30 1 Steve Welburn
h3. WP1 Deliverables
31 1 Steve Welburn
32 2 Steve Welburn
* [[WP1_1_Available_Resources|D1.1]] Summary and analysis of material already available.
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* [[Sound_Data_Management_Training|D1.2]] First draft of the online material.
34 1 Steve Welburn
* D1.3 First draft of the research staff material.
35 1 Steve Welburn
* D1.4 First draft of the postgraduate course material.
36 1 Steve Welburn
* D1.5 Updated version of the research staff material.
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* D1.6 Updated version of the online reference material.
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* D1.7 Updated version of the postgraduate course material.