Sound Data Management Training » History » Version 91

Steve Welburn, 2012-10-23 02:40 PM

1 5 Steve Welburn
h1. WP1.2 Online Training Material
2 1 Steve Welburn
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We consider three stages of a research project, and the appropriate research data management considerations for each of those stages. The stages are:
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* [[Before The Research|before the research]];
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* [[During The Research|during the research]];
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* [[At The End Of The Research|at the end of the research]].
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In addition, we consider the [[Research Management|responsibilities of a Principal Investigator]] regarding data management.
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{{include(Data Management By Research Stage)}}
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h2. Why manage research data ?
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Funder requirements:
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Ponemon reports for Intel on the "Lost Laptop problem" ~10% of Education and Research laptops are lost during their lifetime.
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PC World study on laptop failure rates: 20-30% of laptops with a significant failure
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h3. Failure Trends In A Large Disk Drive Population
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Identified ~13% of hard drives being replaced over 3 years, 20% over 4 years as a result of a repair being required!
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FAST '07 paper on "Failure Trends In A Large Disk Drive Population":
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Google report on over 100,000 consumer-grade disk drives from 80-400 GB produced in or after 2001 and used within Google. Data collected December 2005 - August 2006. Disk drives had a burn-in process and only those that were commissioned for use were included in the study - certain basic defects may well be excluded from this report. Also, discs were largely use in servers resulting in (relatively) large hours used relative to desktop / laptop computers.
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bq. the most accurate definition we can present of a failure event for our study is: a drive is considered to have failed if it was replaced as part of a repairs procedure. Note that this definition implicitly excludes drives that were replaced due to an upgrade.
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~3% in first 3 months, ~2% up to 1 year, ~8% @ 2 years, ~9% @ 3 years, ~6% @ 4 years, ~7% @ 5 years
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NB: Variation with model and manufacturer!
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In the first 6 months, the risk of failure is highest for low & high utilisation!
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* ~10% for high utilisation in the first 3 months
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* for 3-year old drives ~4-5% chance of failure whatever the utilisation
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* failures are most likely at low drive temperatures (on start-up ?) i.e. < 25 deg. C
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* drives over 2 years old are most likely to fail at high temperatures (could be mode of failure ?)
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Disks with SMART scan errors are 10 times more likely to fail - almost 30% of drives with a SMART scan error failed within 8 months of the error.
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* If a drive up to 8 months old gets a scan error, there's a 90% chance of it surviving at least 8 months
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* If a drive over 2 years old gets a scan error, there's a 60% chance of it surviving at least 8 months
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* If you have more than 1 scan error on a drive, it's significantly less likely to survive
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* Similar for SMART reallocation counts AFR almost 20% if reallocation occurs in first 3 months
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* ...but over 36% of failed drives had zero counts on all variables
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bq. Talagala and Patterson [20] perform a detailed error analysis of 368 SCSI disk drives over an eighteen month period, reporting a failure rate of 1.9%. Results on a larger number of desktop-class ATA drives under deployment at the Internet Archive are presented by Schwarz et al [17]. They report on a 2% failure rate for a population of 2489 disks during 2005, while mentioning that replacement rates have been as high as 6% in the past. Gray and van Ingen [9] cite observed failure rates ranging from 3.3-6% in two large web properties with 22,400 and 15,805 disks respectively. A recent study by Schroeder and Gibson [16] helps shed light into the statistical properties of disk drive failures. The study uses failure data from several large scale deployments, including a large number of SATA drives. They report a significant overestimation of mean time to failure by manufacturers and a lack of infant mortality effects. None of these user studies have attempted to correlate failures with SMART parameters or other environmental factors.
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Hard drive manufacturers often quote yearly failure rates below 2% [2]
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User studies have seen rates as high as 6% [9]
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Between 15-60% of drives returned to manufacturers having been considered to have failed by users have no defect as far as the manufacturers are concerned [7]
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Between 20-30% “no problem found” cases were observed after analyzing failed drives from a study of 3477 disks [11]
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Failure rates are known to be highly correlated with drive models, manufacturers and vintages [18].
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Sharing Detailed Research Data Is Associated with Increased Citation Rate
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Gleditsch, N.P., C. Metelits and H. Strand. 2003. Posting your data: Will you be scooped or will you be famous?.
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Int. Stud. Perspect. 4:89–97.
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Freckleton, R.P., P. Hulme, P. Giller and G. Kerby. 2005. The changing face of applied ecology.
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J. Appl. Ecol. 42:1–3.
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h2. Overarching concerns
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Human participation - ethics, data protection
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Audio data - copyright
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Storage - where ? how ? SLA ?
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Short-term resilient storage for work-in-progress
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Long-term archival storage for research data outputs
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Curation of archived data - refreshing media and formats
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Drivers - FoI, RCUK