Publishing research data » History » Version 5

Version 4 (Steve Welburn, 2012-08-28 04:02 PM) → Version 5/69 (Steve Welburn, 2012-08-28 04:04 PM)

h1. Publishing research data

Research data can be published on the internet through:
* generic web archives (e.g. "":
* research data sites (e.g. "figshare":
* thematic repositories dedicated to a specific discipline / subject area - sadly there is no sign of an appropriate repository for digital music and audio research
* institutional repositories dedicated to research from a specific organisation (e.g. QMUL have "a repository": through which "Green open access": copies of papers can be published).

Within the Centre for Digital Music, we now have a "research data repository": for publishing reserach data outputs from the group .

Of the journals most commonly asssociated with C4DM outputs, three allow the addition of supplemental materials when publishnig a paper: Journal web-sites:
* The online "Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA)": is published through the "American Institute of Physics": and allows authors to submit "supplementary materials": with journal papers.
* "Computer Music Journal (CMJ)": is published by MIT Press. Again, "supplementary materials": can be published with journal articles
* The "IEEE Signal Processing Society": publish the "IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing": and will publish "??multimedia files (audio, images, video) and Matlab code??":

The * ACM
"Journal of the Audio Engineering Society": doesn't currently support data attachments for papers.

Repositories "list": from the "DCC":

"Who's using DSpace ?":

Within the University of London, the "School of Advanced Study": has a "repository": of humanities-related items.

"University of the Arts London": have an online "repository":

"Edina": provides a national data centre

bq. EDINA is a UK national academic data centre, designated by JISC on behalf of UK funding bodies to support the activity of universities, colleges and research institutes in the UK, by delivering access to a range of online data services through a UK academic infrastructure, as well as supporting knowledge exchange and ICT capacity building, nationally and internationally.

Services hosted at EDINA include:
* JISC "Mediahub":
* OpenDepot open access to journal papers
* Mapping data