Project CAIRO - Managing Creative Arts Research Data

Online course materials consisting of four units: Downloadable from Jorum:

Introduction to Research Data Management


Presents a workflow for arts data management:
Planning -> Creating -> Shaping -> Long-term management

Planning should be good practice - science is largely about data collection and evaluation. Planning this process is part of experimental design. Can you easily meet more than just immediate data needs and contribute to the community at large ?
  • Who's it for ?
  • What documentation is required ?
  • Are there stipulations on data management (timescales, repositories, publish, sensitivity) ?
  • Is assessment required ? How do we enable it ?
  • Are there guidelines we should follow (e.g. institutional) ?
  • If we will publish data, do repositories have requirements for formats ?
Creating is day-to-day working data management:
  • collecting permissions as required
  • documenting data
  • considering file formats
  • backups
Shaping is curation:
  • selection of data
  • extending metadata
  • use of sustainable file formats

Long-term management is after-the-research management of data - NB: the nature of this means that it will involve handing data over to a long-term archive. Occasional activities required (e.g. changing file formats)

AHRC rules are that data needs to be kept for 3 years after a project concludes. (see Research Council Requirements)

Creating Research Data

Focuses on actions before data is created:

HE and FE institutions should ensure that [...] employees and students are aware that, while some exemptions are granted for the use of personal data for research purposes, the majority of the Data Protection Principles must still be conformed to — there is no blanket exemption.
(JISC Data Protection Code of Practice for the HE and FE Sectors (2001))

The simplest way to deal with DPA is to remove personal information. Anonymised data doesn't come under the DPA. So consider carefully whether any personal details in data add to its usefulness or could be removed

Managing Research Data

Delivering Research Data

Identifying issues that come to light after the creation of research data, and overcoming those issues.