Losing Portable Devices » History » Version 2

Version 1 (Steve Welburn, 2012-11-16 12:34 PM) → Version 2/3 (Steve Welburn, 2014-12-08 10:46 AM)

h2. Losing Portable Devices

h3. Rising Trend in Lost USB Flash Drives

"All USB":http://blog.allusb.com, 2 March 2011 - http://tinyurl.com/bqr78r3

bq. At more than 500 laundromats and dry cleaners in the UK, 17,000 USB flash drives were left behind between December 2010 and January 2011. According to the study’s researchers at Credant Technologies, that’s a 400 percent increase in lost devices compared to the year before.


"London’s Businesses “Facing Daily Data Loss Risks”, Says EMC":http://www.techweekeurope.co.uk/data-storage/emc-top-tips-data-loss-156352

bq. Research from EMC and Mozy found that over a third (34 percent) of workers admitted to losing a work device with data stored on it over the past 12 months, with laptops, smartphones, USB drives and hard drives the main victims.

bq. Additional research by EMC found that 45 percent of organisations aren’t able to recover all their data following a data loss incident, with the average business facing an annual financial loss of $585,892.

However, see also: "Time to stop the 'Fake' research":https://www.business-cloud.com/articles/opinion/time-stop-%E2%80%9Cfake%E2%80%9D-research