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Steve Welburn, 2012-07-11 02:52 PM


(part of WP1_1_Research_Of_Available_Resources)

JISC Web2 Rights
JISC Legal


Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

Fair dealing / fair use

Use in education

Lots of fact sheets at The UK Copyright Service

Includes the Top 10 Copyright Myths

UK Intellectual Property Office has a page on copyright including a downloadable booklet.

Pay The Piper has a post explaining music copyright

If you compose a completely original piece of music then it is your own property - you own the copyright, in other words.

Arranging existing music is fraught with difficulties. To put it very simply (and this is indeed a gross simplification) until the composer has been dead for seventy years his music is copyright and you may not make a written arrangement of it without permission.

...lots more good info on the page though

Music Publishers Association - MPA

Performing Rights Society - PRS

Guide to Copyright in Schools

Australian IP law blog posts re. media and copyright. Includes: US articles from Public Domain Sherpa Tutorial on Copyright and the Public Domain
  • What makes a derivative work
    derivative must use enough of the prior work that the average person would conclude that it had been based on or adapted from the prior work
  • Compilations
    compilations are (c) if they show minimal creativity (e.g. not just all works by someone or by date)
  • Copyright Renewal
    Many works did not have copyright renewed and therefore went out of copyright and into the public domain in the US - estimated 15% of works had copyright renewed. Renewals will appear in the online US copyright database for works from 1950-1963,

CHM Super Sound (a South Pacific record company) state that :

A melodic phrase of a song is in copyright. The lyrics are in copyright. Chord progressions in a music composition however, are not copyright material.

Data Protection

Data Protection Act 1998

Freedom Of Information

Freedom Of Information Act 2000
