Incremental » History » Version 1

Steve Welburn, 2012-06-26 02:15 PM

1 1 Steve Welburn
h1. Incremental
2 1 Steve Welburn
3 1 Steve Welburn
4 1 Steve Welburn
* Managing sensitive data in performing arts - narrated slideshow ("Jorum":
5 1 Steve Welburn
* Re-use, sharing, and archiving sensitive research data: a practical overview - slideshow ("Jorum":
6 1 Steve Welburn
* How data centres and repositories can help with research data management ("Jorum":
7 1 Steve Welburn
* Archiving sensitive research data ("Jorum":
8 1 Steve Welburn
* Managing music data ("Jorum":
9 1 Steve Welburn
* Managing multimedia research data ("Jorum":
10 1 Steve Welburn
* How the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) applies to research data ("Joprum":
11 1 Steve Welburn
* FAQ for Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Requests for Research Data - narrated slideshow ("Jorum":
12 1 Steve Welburn
* Intellectual Property Rights and Research Data: Focus on copyright - narrated slideshow ("Jorum":
13 1 Steve Welburn
* Who owns IPR? - flowchart ("Jorum":
14 1 Steve Welburn
* University of Glasgow: bidding for grant funding workflow ("Jorum":
15 1 Steve Welburn
* University of Cambridge: bidding for funding workflow ("Jorum":
16 1 Steve Welburn
* The university ethics process and how it impacts on making creative work ("Jorum":
17 1 Steve Welburn
* The benefits of sharing research data ("Jorum":
18 1 Steve Welburn
19 1 Steve Welburn
20 1 Steve Welburn
* UK research funders' data policies ("Jorum":
21 1 Steve Welburn
* Organising files and folders ("Jorum":
22 1 Steve Welburn
* Adding metadata to Microsoft Office documents ("Jorum":
23 1 Steve Welburn
* Choosing the right digital storage media for you ("Jorum":
24 1 Steve Welburn
* Selecting which data to keep ("Jorum":
25 1 Steve Welburn
* Common Image Formats ("Jorum":
26 1 Steve Welburn
* Selecting which data to keep at University of Glasgow ("Jorum":
27 1 Steve Welburn
* ("Jorum":)
28 1 Steve Welburn
* ("Jorum":)
29 1 Steve Welburn
* ("Jorum":)