Freedom Of information » History » Version 2

Steve Welburn, 2012-11-20 09:39 AM

1 1 Steve Welburn
h2. Freedom Of Information
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3 2 Steve Welburn
Freedom of information (FoI) gives people the right to request data held by public bodies - it is not a question of who originated the data, rather a question of who holds it. However, the copyright relating to information supplied under FoI requests remains unchanged - 
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The Freedom of Information Act states that research data:
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* can be held indefinitely
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* is not subject to FoI requests - unless individuals are identified in published research
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* can be used for other research uses
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* and may be exempt from FoI requests on grounds of future publication or commercial interest.
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Further information:
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* QMUL information on "Freedom of Information":
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* QMUL slides for a presentation on "Data Protection, Freedom of Information and Research":
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* JISC information on "freedom of information and research data":
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The Act:
17 2 Steve Welburn
* "Freedom Of Information Act 2000":