Disasters » History » Version 6

Version 5 (Steve Welburn, 2014-08-15 10:23 AM) → Version 6/10 (Steve Welburn, 2014-08-15 10:23 AM)

h2. Disasters!

General "list of destroyed libraries":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_destroyed_libraries on Wikipedia!

h3. Earthquake!

L'Aquila earthquake, Italy

* "Valuable Cancer Research Lost In Italian Earthquake":http://www.medindia.net/news/Valuable-Cancer-Research-Lost-In-Italian-Earthquake-49843-1.htm 12 April 2009 (medindia.net)

bq. A major casualty of the last week’s earthquake in Italy could be valuable research work done by a UK-based charity over the last two years.

bq. Leukaemia Busters, Southampton, has been developing pioneering drugs in a clinic in the quake-hit city of L'Aquila.

bq. Dr David Flavell, from the charity, said it was likely specially engineered leukaemia cells used to produce anti-bodies had been lost.

* "Leukaemia Busters' research survives Italian earthquake":http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/4283096.Leukaemia_research_survives_earthquake/ 10 April 2009 (Southern Daily Echo)

bq. Two years of life-saving research into the treatment of a killer disease feared lost forever by a Hampshire charity has incredibly survived the Italian earthquake disaster.

bq. Leukaemia Busters were delighted to discover that laboratories where scientists had spent the past two-and-a-half years working to develop pioneering drugs to fight leukaemia remain standing.

bq. The unbelievable news came after rescue workers allowed Professor Rodolfo Ippoliti into the devastated city of L’Aquila and see for himself the destruction caused by the 6.3 magnitude quake.

Tohoku earthquake, Japan 2011
* "Assistance for the researchers affected by the Tohoku Earthquake, A message from the Japanese scientist community at NIH":http://www.jsdb.jp/news/etc/etc165e.htm 2 April 2011

bq. We have heard that research facilities and equipment at many universities and research institutions in the Tohoku and Kanto regions were damaged as a result of this disaster, and many scientists and students have been forced to stop their research because their valuable research samples or data have been lost. All of the staff and the researchers at NIH are deeply distressed by the devastation that has struck Japan.

h3. Fire!

Southampton University Mountbatten building
* "Fire destroys top research centre ":http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/hampshire/4390048.stm (BBC)
* "Images on Flickr":http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=Southampton%20University%20Mountbatten%20Building%20Fire
* "University vows to rebuild centre":http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/hampshire/4394294.stm (BBC)
* "Fire at University of Southampton data recovery":http://www.computerweekly.com/photostory/2240109845/Photos-Fire-at-University-of-Southampton-data-recovery/4/Mountbatten-building-University-of-Southampton-fire-data-recovery 1 March 2011 (Computer Weekly)

U. of York Chemistry - 1980
* "Aftermath of the Chemistry Department fire, May 1980":https://dlib.york.ac.uk/yodl/app/image/detail?id=york%3A13291&ref=browse (U. of York Digital Library)

U. of York History - 1992
* "Fire damage to University of York History Department, Vanbrugh College 1992":https://dlib.york.ac.uk/yodl/app/image/detail?id=york%3a15254&ref=search (U. of York Digital Library)
* "Fire damaged corridor, University of York History Department, Vanbrugh College 1992":https://dlib.york.ac.uk/yodl/app/image/detail?id=york%3a15255&ref=search (U. of York Digital Library)

U. of York, fire in student room - 1993
* "Student room after fire - Goodricke College Block C, 1993":https://dlib.york.ac.uk/yodl/app/image/detail?id=york%3a14934&ref=search (U. of York Digital Library)

U. of York chemistry building
* "University of York chemistry department fire":http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-16857952 2 February 2012 (BBC)
* "Fire at University of York's chemistry department":http://www.yorkpress.co.uk/news/9509335.Fire_at_University_of_York/ 3 February 2012 (York Press)

Strathclyde university engineering department
* "Firefighters tackle blaze at Strathclyde University":http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-16938271 7 February 2012 (BBC)

* "Further disruption for Strathclyde teaching students":http://www.journal-online.co.uk/article/9120-further-disruption-for-strathclyde-teaching-students 12 September 2012 (The Journal)
bq. The disruption began on 7 February when 150 students had to be evacuated as a fire started in the Roche Lab in the university's chemical engineering department, forcing the university to relocate lectures across the campus including the Royal College, and Students' Association building on John Street.

University of Glasgow
* "University counts cost of fire damage":http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/1617643.stm 24 October 2001 (BBC)

bq. Professor Sir Graeme Davies said that a substantial amount of research had been lost in the fire.

h3. Hurricane

Hurricane Katrina
* "Riding Out the Storm":http://www.sciencemag.org/content/309/5741/1657.full 9 September 2005 (Science)
* "Displaced Researchers Scramble to Keep Their Science Going":http://www.sciencemag.org/content/309/5743/1980.full 23 September 2005 (Science)
* "New Orleans Labs Start Their Uncertain Comeback":http://www.sciencemag.org/content/310/5752/1267.full 25 November 2005 (Science)
* "One Year After, New Orleans Researchers Struggle to Rebuild":http://www.sciencemag.org/content/313/5790/1038.full 25 August 2006 (Science)

Hurricane Sandy
* "Sandy destroyed years of medical research": http://rt.com/usa/news/sandy-research-power-medicine-681/ 31 October 2012

bq. When Hurricane Sandy struck New York, it washed away years of scientific research from the New York University School of Medicine, including genetically modified mice, enzymes, antibodies and DNA strands.

* "NYC Science Stunned by Sandy":http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/33109/title/NYC-Science-Stunned-by-Sandy/ 2 November 2012 (The Scientist)

bq. Flooding and blackouts caused by super storm Sandy have had a devastating impact on scores of scientists in the Big Apple, with one research center losing thousands of lab mice as well as precious reagents—a situation that could set some researchers back years.

* "Help for Sandy-Stricken Scientists":http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/33223/title/Help-for-Sandy-Stricken-Scientists/ 9 November 2012 (The Scientist)

* "New York research facilities feel Sandy's wrath":http://blogs.nature.com/news/2012/10/new-york-research-facilities-feel-sandys-wrath.html 1 November 2012 (Nature blog)

bq. Although New York University (NYU) was clearly the research facility hardest hit by this week’s storm, others were also affected. Leslie Vosshall, who studies the olfactory system of mosquitoes at Rockefeller University, located about 35 blocks further up river from NYU, shut down a computer server in the basement on Sunday, but fears it could have been damaged from flooding. She has had to wait for the university to pump out the water, before she can check on it. “We do have some of the data backed up elsewhere, but it would set us back significantly.”

* "Sandy wounded servers, some grievously, say services firms":http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/news/small-business/3409721/sandy-wounded-servers-some-grievously-say-services-firms/ 7 November 2012 (PC Advisor)

Sandy and Allison...

* "Sandy’s Toll on Medical Research":http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2012/11/animals_drowned_in_sandy_nyu_medical_research_is_set_back_years_by_dead.html 31 October 2012 (Slate)

bq. In 2001, a tropical storm called Allison flooded Houston with several feet of rain and pushed 10 million gallons of water into the medical-school basements at the University of Texas. The disaster drowned at least 4,000 rats and mice, along with 78 monkeys, 35 dogs, and 300 rabbits. (More than half the animals on campus had been living underground.) Nearby, at the Baylor College of Medicine, basement flooding killed 30,000 mice.

Tropical storm Allison
* "Texas researchers regroup after Tropical Storm Allison":http://www.ama-assn.org/amednews/2001/08/13/hlsa0813.htm 13 August 2001 amednews.com

bq. Soaked hard drives and drowned lab animals may delay new medical discoveries by months or years, but hope survives as research facilities dry out.

bq. Tropical Storm Allison's flood caused the following losses at Baylor College of Medicine and the University of Texas-Houston Medical School:
One calf
Thirty-five dogs
Seventy-eight monkeys
Several hundred rabbits
More than 30,000 transgenic mice and rats
A state-of-the-art MRI machine worth $2 million
Ten years' worth of data on spinal cord injuries
A 20-year collection of 60,000 breast tumor samples

* "Drowned rats":http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn864-drowned-rats.html 12 June 2001 (New Scientist)

bq. As well as destroying research animals, the floodwater has swamped computers. It has also caused power failures, knocking out the refrigerators and freezers used to store samples for research. Back-up cell cultures used for research into cancer at the Baylor College of Medicine will have died, say local officials.

h3. Flood

* "Flood descimates building, work at University of Hawaii":http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/weather/news/2004-11-01-hawaii-flood_x.htm 1 November 2004 (USA Today)

bq. HONOLULU — Heavy rain sent water as much as 8 feet deep rushing through the University of Hawaii's main research library Saturday, destroying irreplaceable documents and books, toppling doors and walls and forcing a few students to break a window to escape.

bq. Lyttle's genetic research on the Drosophila goes back 35 years and some of it is irretrievably lost, he said.

bq. McBride and much of the library staff worked all day Sunday to try to save some of the 90,000 photographs stored in the basement along with rare government documents and Hawaiian maps.

bq. The flood also destroyed computers, books, magazines and equipment.

* "Classes canceled at UH on Wednesday":http://www.kpua.net/news.php?id=3652 2 November 2004 (kpua.net)
bq. ...But researchers at the University of Hawaii, which was hard hit, say the flash flood caused untold losses of research damage in computers damaged by flood waters.

* Also risk during research for physical data... "Cereal research programs set back a season from summer flooding":http://www.manitobacooperator.ca/2014/08/12/cereal-research-programs-set-back-a-season-from-summer-flooding/ 12 August 2014 (Manitoba Co-Operator)
bq. ...All three programs have been set back a season due to data lost after their plots were inundated by the rising Assiniboine at July’s beginning ... they are starting to talk about what to do to mitigate the risk of this happening again...