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Steve Welburn, 2013-01-07 01:24 PM

Data management resources for C4DM researchers

Source Code Management

Sound Software provides Mercurial version control and assorted project management facilities (e.g. options for issue logs, Gantt charts, wikis, downloads, documentation). These facilities are available for any researcher in the audio and music field within the UK, working with UK researchers, or working on a project of interest to UK researchers.

Sound Software projects can be either public (visible to everyone) or private (visible to selected Sound Software users). We recommend that code will be published should be developed in a source code repository in a project which is intended to be public (although the project may be private for the initial development). Developing the code in this manner reminds you that it is not an appropriate place to put any private material (e.g. server details, passwords, local branding) and means that when it is time to formally publish the code you simply have to make the project public. Any private details (aforementioned server details etc.) can be stored in a private sub-project. The sub-project may also be appropriate for an internal wiki, minutes of project meetings etc.

Public project:
  • Published code repository
  • Issue tracking
  • Documentation
  • Downloads
  • News
Private sub-project:
  • Internal project management
  • Local configuration (servers, passwords, branding)
  • Internal project documentation e.g. status reports, budgets

Backing Up

For researchers within the QMUL school of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, details of available file servers can be found on the intranet. Home and research group directories are backed up to tape but bulk data storage facilities are not.

Data Publication

For C4DM researchers, data can be published through the C4DM data repository. This is a DSpace repository allowing research data to be published with basic metadata (author, preferred citation etc.).