DATUM for Health » History » Version 18

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Steve Welburn, 2012-11-13 12:50 PM

DATUM for Health

Comprises 3 sessions:
  • [[DATUM_for_Health#Session 1: Introduction To Data Management|Session 1: Introduction To Data Management]]
  • [[DATUM_for_Health#Session 2: Data Curation Lifecycle|Session 2: Data Curation Lifecycle]]
  • [[DATUM_for_Health#Session 3: Problems and practical strategies and solutions|Session 3: Problems and practical strategies and solutions]]
Plus additional notes for:

Downloadable from Jorum (CC-BY-NC-SA)

Session 1: Introduction To Data Management

  • What is research data ?
  • Where is your research data ?
  • Why manage research data
    • a requirement
    • to work effectively & efficiently
    • to protect it
    • for use and/or re-use
    • to share it
    • for preservation
    • because it is good research practice
  • How to manage research data
  • The research data lifecycle
    • Plan / Create / Analyse / Preserve / Share /Use (and repeat...)
  • Creating a DMP

Session 2: Data Curation Lifecycle

  • What is data curation ?
  • Why curate ?
    • Requirements
    • Rewards
  • DCC Data Curation Lifecycle Model
    • Conceptualise - planning
    • Create - collection & analysis
    • Appraise - selection
    • Ingest - transferring to a custodian
    • Preserve - keeping data over time
    • Store - keeping data safe
    • Access - finding data
    • Transform - generating new data

Session 3: Problems and practical strategies and solutions

  • What problems are there ?
    • Conflicting considerations
    • Resource issues
    • anything else ?
  • Conflicts
    • Confidentiality and sharing
      • personal and sensitive data - anonymisation, consent
  • Data security and storage
    • File and folder names
    • Locations
    • Email is not secure
    • Physical security - destroy USB sticks, shred documents
  • Metadata