1 SoDaMaT Overview » History » Version 1

Steve Welburn, 2012-11-20 12:41 PM

1 1 Steve Welburn
h2. Overview
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3 1 Steve Welburn
Sound Data Management Training (SoDaMaT) is an eight-month project to create and evaluate discipline-specific data management training material for digital music and audio research. The materials will be targeted to: postgraduate research students (MSc and PhD); research staff (postdoctoral researchers, CIs, PIs); and academic staff. The project is to run at the "Centre for Digital Music":http://www.elec.qmul.ac.uk/digitalmusic (C4DM) at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) from June 2012 to January 2013, in collaboration with the "QMUL Learning Institute":http://www.learninginstitute.qmul.ac.uk/ .
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5 1 Steve Welburn
The immediate objectives of the SoDaMaT project are:
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# to develop specific training material on data management planning for research projects, targeting research and academic staff in digital music and audio research;
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# to develop training material covering the different aspects of research data management, including subject-specific topics such as music copyrights, for postgraduate students, research and academic staff in the area of digital music and audio;
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# to collaborate with institutional partners at QMUL ("The Learning Institute":http://www.learninginstitute.qmul.ac.uk/), other projects ("SoundSoftware.ac.uk":http://soundsoftware.ac.uk/), and discipline-specific societies ("Digital Music Research Network":http://www.elec.qmul.ac.uk/dmrn/, "International Society for Music Information Retrieval":http://www.ismir.net/ ) to test the training material in postgraduate courses, workshops, and tutorials, and to collect feedback on their quality and impact;
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# to collaborate with institutional partners at QMUL ("Learning Institute":http://www.learninginstitute.qmul.ac.uk/ ; "School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science":http://www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/ ; "IT Services":http://www.its.qmul.ac.uk/ ) to embed the training material into postgraduate curricula and Continuous Professional Development courses to assure the long-term sustainability and generalisation of the project's results to other similar disciplines.
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The requirements will be scoped, and the training materials will be trialled, within the "Centre for Digital Music":http://www.elec.qmul.ac.uk/digitalmusic (C4DM), part of the School of "Electronic Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)":http://www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/ at QMUL.
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In addition to designing, producing, and evaluating discipline-specific training material, a wider objective is to promote good practice in research data management through education and awareness both within QMUL, and across UK and overseas research institutions in the digital music and audio area.