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Chris Cannam, 2011-09-19 03:22 PM

Project Summary and Job Descriptions

September 2011 -- We're hiring!

We need a Research Assistant and a Software Developer for six months, October 2011 - March 2012 to work on a pilot project auditing and managing research data in the Centre for Digital Music.

Please read the job descriptions below, and get in touch! This is a short project starting very soon, so the logistics won't suit everyone, but if you're available and interested do drop us a line. The application deadline is almost upon us already, so please don't delay.

Update: The deadline is today, Monday 19th September 2011. If you are at all interested, please send us your details straight away to the email address found in the job description.

ProjectSummary.pdf - Summary of the project 78.4 KB, downloaded 487 times Chris Cannam, 2011-09-14 10:01 AM

ResearchAssistant-draft.pdf - Job advertisement - Research Assistant 11.3 KB, downloaded 71 times Chris Cannam, 2011-09-14 10:01 AM

JobProfile-ResearchAssistant-draft.pdf - Job profile - Research Assistant 119 KB, downloaded 63 times Chris Cannam, 2011-09-14 10:01 AM

SoftwareDeveloper-draft.pdf - Job advertisement - Software Developer 11 KB, downloaded 66 times Chris Cannam, 2011-09-14 10:01 AM

JobProfile-SoftwareDeveloper-draft.pdf - Job profile - Software Developer 117 KB, downloaded 68 times Chris Cannam, 2011-09-14 10:01 AM