Constant-Q Library
Silvet Member List
This is the complete list of members for Silvet, including all inherited members.
applyEM(const InstrumentPack &pack, const vector< double > &column) | Silvet | protected |
emitNoteAndOffset(int start, int end, int note, FeatureList ¬eFeatures, FeatureList &onOffsetFeatures) | Silvet | protected |
emitOnset(int start, int note, FeatureList &onOffsetFeatures) | Silvet | protected |
getChromaName(int n) const | Silvet | protected |
getColumnTimestamp(int column) | Silvet | protected |
getCopyright() const | Silvet | |
getCurrentProgram() const | Silvet | |
getDescription() const | Silvet | |
getIdentifier() const | Silvet | |
getInputDomain() const | Silvet | |
getInputGainAt(Vamp::RealTime t) | Silvet | protected |
getMaker() const | Silvet | |
getMaxChannelCount() const | Silvet | |
getMinChannelCount() const | Silvet | |
getName() const | Silvet | |
getNoteFrequency(int n, int shift) const | Silvet | protected |
getNoteName(int n, int shift) const | Silvet | protected |
getOutputDescriptors() const | Silvet | |
getPack(int instrument) const | Silvet | inlineprotected |
getParameter(string identifier) const | Silvet | |
getParameterDescriptors() const | Silvet | |
getPluginVersion() const | Silvet | |
getPreferredBlockSize() const | Silvet | |
getPreferredStepSize() const | Silvet | |
getPrograms() const | Silvet | |
getRemainingFeatures() | Silvet | |
getShiftCount() const | Silvet | protected |
getVelocityFor(double strength, int column) | Silvet | protected |
Grid typedef | Silvet | protected |
HighQualityMode enum value | Silvet | |
initialise(size_t channels, size_t stepSize, size_t blockSize) | Silvet | |
insertTemplateFeatures(FeatureSet &) | Silvet | protected |
LiveMode enum value | Silvet | |
m_blockSize | Silvet | protected |
m_chromaOutputNo | Silvet | mutableprotected |
m_colsPerSec | Silvet | protected |
m_columnCount | Silvet | protected |
m_cq | Silvet | protected |
m_current | Silvet | protected |
m_fcqOutputNo | Silvet | mutableprotected |
m_fineTuning | Silvet | protected |
m_flattener | Silvet | protected |
m_haveStartTime | Silvet | protected |
m_inputGains | Silvet | protected |
m_instrument | Silvet | protected |
m_instruments | Silvet | protected |
m_liveInstruments | Silvet | protected |
m_mode | Silvet | protected |
m_notesOutputNo | Silvet | mutableprotected |
m_onOffsetsOutputNo | Silvet | mutableprotected |
m_onsetsOutputNo | Silvet | mutableprotected |
m_pianoRoll | Silvet | protected |
m_pianoRollShifts | Silvet | protected |
m_pitchOutputNo | Silvet | mutableprotected |
m_postFilter | Silvet | protected |
m_resampledCount | Silvet | protected |
m_resampler | Silvet | protected |
m_startTime | Silvet | protected |
m_templateOutputNo | Silvet | mutableprotected |
makeNoteFeature(int start, int end, int note, int shift, double strength) | Silvet | protected |
makeOffsetFeature(int col, int note, int shift) | Silvet | protected |
makeOnsetFeature(int start, int note, int shift, double strength) | Silvet | protected |
noteTrack() | Silvet | protected |
postProcess(const vector< double > &pitches, const vector< int > &bestShifts) | Silvet | protected |
preProcess(const Grid &) | Silvet | protected |
process(const float *const *inputBuffers, Vamp::RealTime timestamp) | Silvet | |
ProcessingMode enum name | Silvet | |
reset() | Silvet | |
selectProgram(string name) | Silvet | |
setParameter(string identifier, float value) | Silvet | |
Silvet(float inputSampleRate) | Silvet | |
transcribe(const Grid &, FeatureSet &) | Silvet | protected |
~Silvet() | Silvet | virtual |
Generated on Mon Mar 10 2025 07:01:38 for Constant-Q Library by