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Jeremy Gow, 2013-04-09 12:43 PM

Working with viewpoints

A number of functions are provided to help the user work with viewpoints.

Inspecting viewpoint values

music-data:composition-viewpoint will return the viewpoint values for a specific composition. For example, for composition 3 of dataset 0, the linked viewpoint '(cpint ioi) has the following values:
CL-USER> (music-data:composition-viewpoint 0 3 '(cpint ioi))
((0 12) (-300 12) (0 12) (-200 12) (-200 24) (0 12) (-100 12) (100 12) (200 12)
 (-200 24) (500 12) (0 12) (0 12) (0 12) (-100 12) (100 12) (200 12) (-700 60)
 (0 12) (0 12) (0 12) (400 12) (0 12) (100 12) (200 12) (0 24) (-700 12)
 (700 24) (0 12) (200 12) (-200 12) (-300 12) (-400 12) (200 12) (-200 12))

Similarly, music-data:dataset-viewpoint returns the values for all compositions in a specific dataset, as a list of lists.