Installation » History » Version 7
Version 6 (Marcus Pearce, 2012-02-24 10:02 AM) → Version 7/85 (Jeremy Gow, 2012-10-03 11:09 AM)
h1. Installing IDyOM Installation
h2. Prerequisites
h3. Common Lisp
* "Steel Bank Common Lisp [SBCL]":
* "Quicklisp": is a library manager for Common Lisp. Just download "<code>quicklisp.lisp</code>":
* An SQL database. I would recommend "SQLite":
Many people find "Emacs": with "Slime": useful for Common Lisp development. Package management systems
h3. Common Lisp Libraries
* Common Lisp libraries:
** "UFFI":
** "CLSQL":
** "CL-PPCRE":
** "PS-Graph":
** "Midi":
These can simplify the installation of these prerequisites, e.g. "Fink": or "Macports": for OS X. be obtained using asdf-install, e.g.:
(require 'asdf-install)
(asdf-install:install "clsql")
h3. An SQL database
I would recommend "SQLite":
See the "CLSQL Manual": for further information on other which database systems you can use and how to access them from Common Lisp. If you prefer not to use Quicklisp, you will need to install the following Lisp libraries: "UFFI":, "CLSQL":, "CL-PPCRE":, "PS-Graph":, "Midi":
h2. Install Quicklisp Installation
To install Quicklisp to a directory <code>DIR</code>, you need to load "<code>quicklisp.lisp</code>": in Lisp:
(load "quicklisp.lisp")
(quicklisp-quickstart:install :path "DIR/quicklisp/")
h2. h3. Download IDyOM
Download the following zip files and unpack them into <code>DIR/quicklisp/local-projects/</code> software
* "MIPS":
* "AMuSE":
* "amuse-viewpoints":
* "mtp-admin":
* "ppm-star":
* "idyom":
h2. Load IDyOM
You can now use Quicklisp h3. Let lisp know where to load IDyOM, and install find the external Lisp libraries it depends on: software
Each subdirectory in the code contains one or more system definition files with a <code>.asd</code> extension. The location of these files needs to be registered as follows:
(require :asdf) ; Load asdf.
(push "/full/path/to/system/file" asdf:*central-registry*) ; Tell asdf where each system is registered.
(ql:quickload "idyom")
The first time IDyOM is loaded, an error "There is no class named AMUSE-SEGMENTATION:GROUND-TRUTH-SEGMENTER"
You may bring up want to add these lines to your <code>.sbclrc</code> configuration file so that they are automatically loaded.
An easy way to achieve the debugger. Press 2 [ACCEPT] above is to symlink each <code>.asd</code> file to a single directory and the push this directory to <code>asdf:*central-registry*</code> as shown above.
h3. Automated installation should complete.
h2. Create a database
IDyOM There is now installed, but you will need a database in order to use it. To create an SQLite database in directory <code>DIR</code>: software available for managing library installation for common lisp:
<pre> * "Quicklisp":
(clsql:connect '("DIR/example.db") :if-exists :old :database-type :sqlite3) * "CLBuild":
</pre> * "CLBuild2":
which may also be used to install the dependencies listed above. WARNING: your mileage may vary using these tools.
h3. Running the code
<pre>(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'idyom)</pre>
should load the code. You may now proceed to the [[tutorial]].
h2. Prerequisites
h3. Common Lisp
* "Steel Bank Common Lisp [SBCL]":
* "Quicklisp": is a library manager for Common Lisp. Just download "<code>quicklisp.lisp</code>":
* An SQL database. I would recommend "SQLite":
Many people find "Emacs": with "Slime": useful for Common Lisp development. Package management systems
h3. Common Lisp Libraries
* Common Lisp libraries:
** "UFFI":
** "CLSQL":
** "CL-PPCRE":
** "PS-Graph":
** "Midi":
These can simplify the installation of these prerequisites, e.g. "Fink": or "Macports": for OS X. be obtained using asdf-install, e.g.:
(require 'asdf-install)
(asdf-install:install "clsql")
h3. An SQL database
I would recommend "SQLite":
See the "CLSQL Manual": for further information on other which database systems you can use and how to access them from Common Lisp. If you prefer not to use Quicklisp, you will need to install the following Lisp libraries: "UFFI":, "CLSQL":, "CL-PPCRE":, "PS-Graph":, "Midi":
h2. Install Quicklisp Installation
To install Quicklisp to a directory <code>DIR</code>, you need to load "<code>quicklisp.lisp</code>": in Lisp:
(load "quicklisp.lisp")
(quicklisp-quickstart:install :path "DIR/quicklisp/")
h2. h3. Download IDyOM
Download the following zip files and unpack them into <code>DIR/quicklisp/local-projects/</code> software
* "MIPS":
* "AMuSE":
* "amuse-viewpoints":
* "mtp-admin":
* "ppm-star":
* "idyom":
h2. Load IDyOM
You can now use Quicklisp h3. Let lisp know where to load IDyOM, and install find the external Lisp libraries it depends on: software
Each subdirectory in the code contains one or more system definition files with a <code>.asd</code> extension. The location of these files needs to be registered as follows:
(require :asdf) ; Load asdf.
(push "/full/path/to/system/file" asdf:*central-registry*) ; Tell asdf where each system is registered.
(ql:quickload "idyom")
The first time IDyOM is loaded, an error "There is no class named AMUSE-SEGMENTATION:GROUND-TRUTH-SEGMENTER"
You may bring up want to add these lines to your <code>.sbclrc</code> configuration file so that they are automatically loaded.
An easy way to achieve the debugger. Press 2 [ACCEPT] above is to symlink each <code>.asd</code> file to a single directory and the push this directory to <code>asdf:*central-registry*</code> as shown above.
h3. Automated installation should complete.
h2. Create a database
IDyOM There is now installed, but you will need a database in order to use it. To create an SQLite database in directory <code>DIR</code>: software available for managing library installation for common lisp:
<pre> * "Quicklisp":
(clsql:connect '("DIR/example.db") :if-exists :old :database-type :sqlite3) * "CLBuild":
</pre> * "CLBuild2":
which may also be used to install the dependencies listed above. WARNING: your mileage may vary using these tools.
h3. Running the code
<pre>(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'idyom)</pre>
should load the code. You may now proceed to the [[tutorial]].