Idyom » History » Version 72
Marcus Pearce, 2018-08-01 02:23 PM
1 | 11 | Jeremy Gow | h1. Running IDyOM |
2 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | |
3 | 11 | Jeremy Gow | {{>toc}} |
4 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | |
5 | 44 | Marcus Pearce | h2. <code>*idyom:idyom*</code> |
6 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | |
7 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | The top-level point of entry is <code>idyom:idyom</code>, which has three required arguments and a number of optional keyword arguments. |
8 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | |
9 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | h3. Required parameters |
10 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | |
11 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | * @dataset-id@: a dataset id, (an integer, e.g., 0) |
12 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | * @target-viewpoints@: a list of basic viewpoints to predict, e.g. '(cpitch) or '(cpitch onset) |
13 | 67 | Marcus Pearce | * @source-viewpoints@: a list of viewpoints to use in prediction, e.g. '((cpintfref cpint) ioi) to use two viewpoints: cpintfref linked with cpint and ioi; or '(cpintfref cpint ioi) to use three unlinked viewpoints: cpintfref, cpint, and ioi |
14 | 67 | Marcus Pearce | ** Note that passing <code>:select</code> will trigger viewpoint selection (see further options below) |
15 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | |
16 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | See the [[List of viewpoints]] for a description of the various viewpoints available in IDyOM. |
17 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | |
18 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | A simple call to IDyOM would be: |
19 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | <pre> |
20 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | CL-USER> (idyom:idyom 18 '(cpitch) '(cpitch)) |
21 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | 3.4519181 |
22 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | (3.7459166 3.7913148 3.5499783 3.2027783 3.5338237 3.4903128 3.4759412 2.8252819) |
23 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | ((3.586735 3.8160942 6.8622913 3.3496706 3.3494937 2.0084002 2.4969249 6.04035 |
24 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | 2.5135455 3.611938 5.617945 4.6973023 3.1194212 4.153834 2.328312 2.863982 |
25 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | 3.5802953 2.198141 4.9777308) |
26 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | (3.7181098 6.350471 4.8110385 4.712717 3.4230165 3.5964172 1.7951053 1.3934463 |
27 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | 5.252618 3.8527348 3.8151293 1.9286131 6.499048 4.1175685 1.8474439 |
28 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | 3.5475667) |
29 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | (4.031454 2.9693763 4.0899825 2.9261 1.24961 4.785756 2.1267474 2.8533628 |
30 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | 3.0932114 4.859682 3.4375515 3.6497543 5.485611 5.512378 3.1457896 2.5832813) |
31 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | (3.8783064 4.2615805 3.4476812 3.516016 3.12956 3.3235698 2.8970401 4.3073235 |
32 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | 3.7609475 2.2025976 3.6883376 2.3482933 1.623888 1.1030108 3.648819 |
33 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | 4.1074767) |
34 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | (3.8407595 4.2985744 4.4947147 4.7583337 4.5309863 3.1522655 3.7750213 |
35 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | 5.0408797 3.7760868 3.78026 2.1053405 4.7487717 3.6750562 3.6836185 1.5774668 |
36 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | 4.2355194 2.109648 2.879462 1.1504707 2.2890074 4.3080635) |
37 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | (3.7692716 3.8107364 4.005191 2.9590254 1.5087044 1.722277 4.741388 4.64542 |
38 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | 1.9565314 4.9309998 4.805511 3.6190488 3.2736812 1.834998 3.5858262 5.5998607 |
39 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | 3.7004514 2.1804154 1.924814 4.200107 4.5223045) |
40 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | (3.8725564 4.1996803 3.89821 3.8978398 2.9178553 1.5882304 1.413055 2.2741494 |
41 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | 3.9745965 3.4585989 7.8948627 2.3402674 2.172695 6.2782865 3.0781124 |
42 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | 1.6451169 1.7057719 5.9570546) |
43 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | (3.9283562 1.877443 2.0237117 4.214842 4.316505 2.8062139 2.4793828 2.6004548 |
44 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | 5.554006 2.514725 1.8137112 1.560705 2.7592404 2.4539397 3.0249727 1.2541932 |
45 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | 1.048938 1.128769 6.32025)) |
46 | 53 | Marcus Pearce | </pre> |
47 | 54 | Marcus Pearce | This predicts the pitch values in dataset 18 (containing 8 short melodies), based on previous pitches (i.e., the target and source viewpoints are both <code>cpitch</code>). IDyOM computes the information content (IC) for each note, and by default returns three values: the first is a mean note IC for the whole dataset, the second a list of mean ICs for the individual compositions, the third is a list of lists containing the IC values for each note in each composition. The <code>:detail</code> parameter controls the detail of the output, while the <code>:output-path</code> parameter allows the user to generate a spreadsheet containing detailed model output (see below for further details). |
48 | 13 | Jeremy Gow | |
49 | 2 | Marcus Pearce | h3. Statistical modelling parameters |
50 | 19 | Jeremy Gow | |
51 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | See "Pearce [2005, chapter 6]": for further description and explanation of these parameters. |
52 | 19 | Jeremy Gow | |
53 | 25 | Jeremy Gow | * @models@: the type of IDyOM model to use. Options are: |
54 | 25 | Jeremy Gow | ** @:stm@ - short-term model only, trained on the current composition. |
55 | 25 | Jeremy Gow | ** @:ltm@ - long-term model only, trained on the pretraining and resampling training data. |
56 | 19 | Jeremy Gow | ** @:ltm+@ - the long-term model, with additional incremental training on the test set; |
57 | 19 | Jeremy Gow | ** @:both@ - a combination of :stm and :ltm; |
58 | 19 | Jeremy Gow | ** @:both+@ - a combination of :stm and :ltm+ (this is the default). |
59 | 27 | Jeremy Gow | |
60 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | The LTM and STM can be configured using the @ltmo@ and @stmo@ parameters. These accept a property list with the following properties - the defaults are used if a property is omitted or no parameter list is supplied: |
61 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | * @:order-bound@: an integer indicating the bound on the order of the model, i.e. the number of past events used by the model. The default is @nil@, no bound. |
62 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | * @:mixtures@: whether to use mixtures for the model. (Default @t@). |
63 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | * @:update-exclusion@: whether to use update exclusion. (LTM default @nil@, STM default @t@.) |
64 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | * @:escape@: the model's escape method. One of @:a :b :c :d :x@. (LTM default @:c@, STM default @:x@.) |
65 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | |
66 | 25 | Jeremy Gow | For example, the following command would combine the STM and LTM, without incremental training for the latter and an STM order bound of 4: |
67 | 26 | Jeremy Gow | <pre> |
68 | 25 | Jeremy Gow | CL-USER> (idyom:idyom 1 '(cpitch) '(cpitch) :models :both :stmo '(:order-bound 4)) |
69 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | </pre> |
70 | 20 | Jeremy Gow | |
71 | 20 | Jeremy Gow | h3. Training parameters |
72 | 20 | Jeremy Gow | |
73 | 20 | Jeremy Gow | When using IDyOM to estimate note IC for a given dataset, the long-term models can be trained on other datasets (pretraining) and/or on the current dataset, i.e. via resampling (cross-validation). In the latter case, the dataset is partitioned into a training set (used to train the LTMs) and a test set (for which note IC is computed). This split is called a fold, and the modelling process can be repeated with a number of different folds in order to model the entire dataset. |
74 | 48 | Marcus Pearce | |
75 | 20 | Jeremy Gow | * @pretraining-ids@: a list of dataset ids used to pretrain the long-term models (done before resampling). Note that if pretraining-ids are supplied for an STM (i.e., <code> :models :stm</code>) the pretraining datasets are used to set the viewpoint domains (alphabet) for the models although not for training the models themselves (because they are short-term models). |
76 | 20 | Jeremy Gow | * @k@: the number of resampling (cross-validation) folds to use. The default value is 10. |
77 | 20 | Jeremy Gow | ** @1@ = no resampling, but also no training set unless the models are pretrained; |
78 | 20 | Jeremy Gow | ** @:full@ = as many folds as there are compositions in the dataset |
79 | 2 | Marcus Pearce | * @resampling-indices@: a list of numbers designating which resampling folds to use, i.e. a subset of @[0, 1, ..., k - 1]@. By default, all folds are used. |
80 | 35 | Marcus Pearce | |
81 | 35 | Marcus Pearce | *Note* that cross-validation only applies to the dataset being analysed (i.e., the one specified by the <code>dataset-id</code> argument). If a value of k=1 is supplied, the long-term models are not trained, unless a pretraining set is used. |
82 | 13 | Jeremy Gow | |
83 | 2 | Marcus Pearce | h3. Viewpoint selection parameters |
84 | 24 | Jeremy Gow | |
85 | 70 | Marcus Pearce | Instead of specifying the source viewpoints directly, IDyOM will undergo automatic viewpoint selection when the source viewpoint supplied is <code>:select</code>. This triggers a hill-climbing procedure that identifies the combination of source viewpoints which minimizes the mean information content of the specified dataset. The following parameters only have an effect when the source viewpoint supplied is <code>:select</code>. |
86 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | |
87 | 69 | Marcus Pearce | * @basis@: Identifies a set of viewpoints to be used in viewpoint selection, i.e. it will attempt to find the 'best' viewpoint system combining these, including by linking them. If :basis is excluded, the default (:auto) basis set is used. The parameter can be a list or one of the following keywords: |
88 | 46 | Marcus Pearce | ** @:pitch-full@ - The basis is a list of viewpoints useful for predicting pitch in Western music: cpitch, cpitch-class, tessitura, cpint, cpint-size, cpcint, cpcint-size, contour, newcontour, cpintfip, cpintfref, inscale. |
89 | 69 | Marcus Pearce | ** @:pitch-short@ - A shorter version of the above: cpitch, cpint, contour, cpintfref. |
90 | 46 | Marcus Pearce | ** @:bioi@ - For predicting Inter-Onset Interval (IOI): bioi, bioi-ratio, bioi-contour. |
91 | 24 | Jeremy Gow | ** @:onset@ - For predicting onset: onset, ioi, ioi-ratio, ioi-contour, metaccent |
92 | 22 | Jeremy Gow | ** @:auto@ - the basis is chosen to be the set of viewpoints that are defined in terms of one or more of the target viewpoints. This is the default. |
93 | 22 | Jeremy Gow | * @dp@: the number of decimal places to use when comparing information contents in viewpoint selection. Full floating point precision is used if this is @nil@ (the default) |
94 | 2 | Marcus Pearce | * @max-links@: the maximum number of links to use when creating linked viewpoints in viewpoint selection. The default is 2. |
95 | 64 | Marcus Pearce | * @min-links@: the minimum number of links to use when creating linked viewpoints in viewpoint selection. The default is 2. |
96 | 65 | Marcus Pearce | * @viewpoint-selection-output@: a filepath to write output for every viewpoint system considered during viewpoint selection. The default is nil meaning that no files are written. |
97 | 13 | Jeremy Gow | |
98 | 2 | Marcus Pearce | h3. Output parameters |
99 | 2 | Marcus Pearce | |
100 | 55 | Marcus Pearce | * <code>output-path</code>: a string indicating a directory in which to write the output |
101 | 50 | Marcus Pearce | ** see [[IDyOM output]] for an explanation of the output files |
102 | 56 | Marcus Pearce | ** if a value of <code>nil</code> is given, information content (IC) is written to the console (see example below) |
103 | 55 | Marcus Pearce | * <code>detail</code>: an integer which determines how the information content is averaged in the output: |
104 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | ** 1: averaged over the entire dataset |
105 | 28 | Jeremy Gow | ** 2: and also averaged over each composition |
106 | 2 | Marcus Pearce | ** 3: and also with raw IC values for each event in each composition |
107 | 62 | Marcus Pearce | * <code>overwrite</code>: whether to overwrite an existing output file if it exists. Default is not to overwrite (<code>nil</code>), pass |
108 | 62 | Marcus Pearce | <code>t</code> to overwrite output files. |
109 | 63 | Marcus Pearce | |
110 | 65 | Marcus Pearce | * <code>separator</code>: a string defining the character to use for delimiting columns in the output file (default is " ", use "," for CSV) |
111 | 13 | Jeremy Gow | |
112 | 58 | Marcus Pearce | h3. Caching parameters |
113 | 58 | Marcus Pearce | |
114 | 58 | Marcus Pearce | * <code>use-resampling-set-cache?</code> a Boolean (t/nil) to specify whether to cache resampling sets |
115 | 58 | Marcus Pearce | ** default: t (so that the random division of the dataset into k-folds is stored and reused) |
116 | 58 | Marcus Pearce | * <code>use-ltms-cache?</code> a Boolean (t/nil) controlling whether long-term models are stored and reused |
117 | 58 | Marcus Pearce | ** default: t |
118 | 58 | Marcus Pearce | |
119 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | h2. Examples |
120 | 13 | Jeremy Gow | |
121 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | h3. Mean melody IC |
122 | 51 | Marcus Pearce | |
123 | 13 | Jeremy Gow | To get mean information contents (IC) for each composition of dataset 0 in a list. The first value represents the average IC for the whole dataset, the second value is a list of average ICs for each composition in the dataset. If <code>:detail 3</code> is specified, then the output would contain a third list, containing lists of ICs for each event in each composition in the database. |
124 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | |
125 | 37 | Marcus Pearce | <pre> |
126 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | CL-USER> (idyom:idyom 0 '(cpitch) '(cpintfref cpint) :detail 2) |
127 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | 2.493305 |
128 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | (2.1368716 2.8534691 2.6938546 2.6491673 2.4993074 2.6098127 2.7728052 2.772861 |
129 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | 2.5921957 2.905856 2.3591626 2.957503 2.4042292 2.7562473 2.3996017 2.8073587 |
130 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | 2.114944 1.7434102 2.2310295 2.6374347 2.361792 1.9476132 2.501488 2.5472867 |
131 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | 2.1056154 2.8225484 2.134257 2.9162033 3.0715692 2.9012227 2.7291088 2.866882 |
132 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | 2.8795822 2.4571223 2.9277062 2.7861307 2.6623116 2.3304622 2.4217033 |
133 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | 2.0556943 2.4048684 2.914848 2.7182267 3.0894585 2.873869 1.8821808 2.640174 |
134 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | 2.8165438 2.5423129 2.3011856 3.1477294 2.655349 2.5216308 2.0667994 3.2579045 |
135 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | 2.573013 2.6035044 2.202191 2.622113 2.2621205 2.3617425 2.7526956 2.3281655 |
136 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | 2.9357266 2.3372407 3.1848125 2.67367 2.1906006 2.7835917 2.6332111 3.206142 |
137 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | 2.1426969 2.194259 2.415167 1.9769101 2.0870917 2.7844474 2.2373738 2.772138 |
138 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | 2.9702199 1.724408 2.473073 2.2464263 2.2452457 2.688889 2.6299863 2.2223835 |
139 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | 2.8082614 2.673671 2.7693706 2.3369458 2.5016947 2.3837066 2.3682225 2.795649 |
140 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | 2.9063463 2.5880773 2.0457468 1.8635312 2.4522712 1.5877498 2.8802161 |
141 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | 2.7988417 2.3125513 1.7245895 2.2404804 2.1694546 2.365556 1.5905867 1.3827317 |
142 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | 2.2706041 3.023884 2.2864542 2.1259797 2.713626 2.1967313 2.5721254 2.5812547 |
143 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | 2.8233812 2.3134546 2.6203637 2.945946 2.601433 2.1920888 2.3732007 2.440137 |
144 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | 2.4291563 2.3676903 2.734724 3.0283954 2.8076048 2.7796154 2.326931 2.1779459 |
145 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | 2.2570527 2.2688026 1.3976555 2.030298 2.640235 2.568248 2.6338177 2.157162 |
146 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | 2.3915367 2.7873137 2.3088667 2.2176988 2.4402564 2.8062992 2.784044 2.4296925 |
147 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | 2.3520193 2.6146257) |
148 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | </pre> |
149 | 13 | Jeremy Gow | |
150 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | h3. Write note IC to file |
151 | 52 | Marcus Pearce | |
152 | 13 | Jeremy Gow | To write the information contents for each note of each melody in dataset 0 to a file: |
153 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | |
154 | 38 | Marcus Pearce | <pre> |
155 | 60 | Marcus Pearce | CL-USER> (idyom:idyom 0 '(cpitch) '((cpintfref cpint)) :detail 3 :output-path "/tmp/") |
156 | 52 | Marcus Pearce | </pre> |
157 | 52 | Marcus Pearce | |
158 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | See [[IDyOM Output]] for a description of the output files. |
159 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | |
160 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | h3. Viewpoint Selection |
161 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | |
162 | 47 | Marcus Pearce | <pre> |
163 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | CL-USER> (idyom:idyom 17 '(cpitch) :select :models :stm :dp 3) |
164 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | Selecting viewpoints for the STM model on dataset 17 predicting viewpoints (CPITCH). |
165 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | Generating candidate viewpoints from: (CPITCH CPITCH-CLASS CPINT |
166 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | CPINT-SIZE CONTOUR NEWCONTOUR) |
167 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | Max. links 2, whitelist (ANY), blacklist NIL |
168 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | Candidate viewpoints: (CPITCH CPITCH-CLASS CPINT CPINT-SIZE CONTOUR |
169 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | NEWCONTOUR (CONTOUR NEWCONTOUR) |
171 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | (CPINT NEWCONTOUR) (CPINT CONTOUR) |
174 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | (CPITCH-CLASS CPINT) (CPITCH NEWCONTOUR) |
176 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | (CPITCH CPITCH-CLASS)) |
177 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | |
178 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | Selected system NIL, mean IC = NIL |
179 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | |
180 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | Selected system ((CPITCH-CLASS CONTOUR)), mean IC = 3.0302427 |
181 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | ======================================================================================= |
182 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | The selected viewpoint system with a mean IC of 3.0302427 is ((CPITCH-CLASS |
183 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | CONTOUR)) |
184 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | 3.0302427 |
185 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | (3.169925 3.169925 3.0849624 3.0849624 2.9886398 2.9886398 2.8774438 2.8774438) |
186 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | ((3.169925 3.169925) (3.169925 3.169925) (3.169925 3.0) (3.169925 3.0) |
187 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | (3.169925 2.807355) (3.169925 2.807355) (3.169925 2.5849626) |
188 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | (3.169925 2.5849626)) |
189 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | </pre> |
190 | 43 | Marcus Pearce | |
191 | 72 | Marcus Pearce | The preceding example predicts the pitch values in dataset 17 using the short-term model based on the optimal set of defined viewpoints (i.e., the set which minimizes the mean information content of the dataset, in this case with precision of three decimal places). The viewpoint selection procedure settled on a system that predicts pitch in terms of linked cpitch-class and contour. |
192 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | |
193 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | <pre> |
194 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | CL-USER> (idyom:idyom 12 '(cpitch) :select :basis :pitch-short :max-links 1) |
195 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | Selecting viewpoints for the BOTH+ model on dataset 12 predicting viewpoints (CPITCH). |
196 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | Generating candidate viewpoints from: (CPITCH CPINT CONTOUR CPINTFREF) |
197 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | Max. links 1, whitelist (ANY), blacklist NIL |
198 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | Candidate viewpoints: (CPITCH CPINT CONTOUR CPINTFREF) |
199 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | |
200 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | Selected system NIL, mean IC = NIL |
201 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | |
202 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | Selected system (CPINT), mean IC = 3.7895417 |
203 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | |
204 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | Selected system (CPITCH CPINT), mean IC = 3.7376742 |
205 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | ======================================================================================= |
206 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | The selected viewpoint system with a mean IC of 3.7376742 is (CPITCH CPINT) |
207 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | 3.7376742 |
208 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | (3.9260304 4.1582417 3.751911 3.6064732 3.2210944 2.8727105 3.0521867 4.3247104 |
209 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | 3.6203105 3.966651 3.7372475 4.083516 3.8313186 4.1036334 4.187075 3.4364297 |
210 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | 3.7849827 3.2999115 3.6294613 4.1595836) |
211 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | ((4.1709256 4.3708363 3.6702404 4.2592373 3.1589127) |
212 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | (4.5585337 4.093669 2.4383135 5.0920763 4.53643 4.230427) |
213 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | (5.090137 3.5416226 4.473012 2.9148462 3.8977542 2.5940926) |
214 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | (3.9261668 4.202055 2.9928908 4.3431 3.5786173 2.5960097) |
215 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | (4.0608945 4.230951 3.3359437 2.083827 3.4474165 2.1675336) |
216 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | (4.194988 4.1491704 3.8509068 1.0185144 2.9878855 1.0347978) |
217 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | (4.201399 3.6695127 2.7513106 4.227906 2.0919714 3.3589873 1.0642183) |
218 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | (4.1551943 4.396271 5.0603714 5.8716707 4.067729 2.3970249) |
219 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | (3.9431055 4.563211 3.3521545 4.0508695 3.5459816 2.266541) |
220 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | (4.221346 3.6652822 4.02317 5.0140486 3.4237287 3.4523292) |
221 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | (4.503613 3.3027549 4.369455 3.3479471 1.732882 5.166831) |
222 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | (4.0695643 3.6662188 4.4439473 4.9608116 3.2770386) |
223 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | (4.2264395 3.8040807 3.924297 4.070324 3.0400128 3.1923976 4.561678) |
224 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | (4.089103 3.692827 3.3639944 4.302426 4.5587425 4.6147075) |
225 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | (3.986353 5.397743 2.4407306 4.25579 4.2020874 5.218803 3.8080173) |
226 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | (4.067979 4.177483 4.3041263 1.6089504 3.4185483 3.0414906) |
227 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | (3.8922036 4.4922967 2.7819204 3.1301258 5.2425566 3.1707919) |
228 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | (4.2027206 3.868896 2.9337564 3.205565 2.980592 2.6079388) |
229 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | (4.309007 3.3705285 4.138041 4.3944063 1.9353238) |
230 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | (4.0367713 3.8443778 4.1985188 4.89163 5.230077 3.170318 3.7453916)) |
231 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | </pre> |
232 | 71 | Marcus Pearce | |
233 | 72 | Marcus Pearce | The preceding example predicts the pitch values in dataset 12 based on the optimal set of viewpoints in the <code>pitch-short</code> basis set, with up to one link at a time. The viewpoint selection procedure settled on a system that predicts pitch in terms of (unlinked) cpitch and cpint. |
234 | 13 | Jeremy Gow | |
235 | 13 | Jeremy Gow | h3. Conklin & Witten (1995) |
236 | 13 | Jeremy Gow | |
237 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | To simulate the experiments of Conklin & Witten (1995) |
238 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | |
239 | 45 | Marcus Pearce | <pre> |
240 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | CL-USER> (idyom:conkwit95) |
241 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | Simulation of the experiments of Conklin & Witten (1995, Table 4). |
242 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | System 1; Mean Information Content: 2.33 |
243 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | System 2; Mean Information Content: 2.36 |
244 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | System 3; Mean Information Content: 2.09 |
245 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | System 4; Mean Information Content: 2.01 |
246 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | System 5; Mean Information Content: 2.08 |
247 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | System 6; Mean Information Content: 1.90 |
248 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | System 7; Mean Information Content: 1.88 |
249 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | System 8; Mean Information Content: 1.86 |
250 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | NIL |
251 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | </pre> |
252 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | |
253 | 1 | Marcus Pearce | Compare with "Conklin & Witten [1995, JNMR, table 4]": |
254 | 59 | Marcus Pearce | |
255 | 66 | Marcus Pearce | h3. Identifying melodic grouping boundaries (Pearce et al., 2010, _Perception_, 39, 1367-1391). |
256 | 59 | Marcus Pearce | |
257 | 59 | Marcus Pearce | This involves applying a peak-picking algorithm to the output of <code>idyom</code>. For example, |
258 | 59 | Marcus Pearce | |
259 | 59 | Marcus Pearce | <pre> |
260 | 59 | Marcus Pearce | CL-USER> (multiple-value-bind (d1 d2 d3) |
261 | 59 | Marcus Pearce | (idyom:idyom 19 '(cpitch) '(cpitch) :k 6 :pretraining-ids '(3) :models :both+) |
262 | 59 | Marcus Pearce | (declare (ignore d1 d2)) |
263 | 59 | Marcus Pearce | (mapcar #'segmentation:peak-picker d3)) |
264 | 59 | Marcus Pearce | ((0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0) |
265 | 59 | Marcus Pearce | (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 |
266 | 59 | Marcus Pearce | 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0) |
267 | 59 | Marcus Pearce | (0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0) |
268 | 59 | Marcus Pearce | (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
269 | 59 | Marcus Pearce | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) |
270 | 59 | Marcus Pearce | (0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) |
271 | 59 | Marcus Pearce | (0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0)) |
272 | 59 | Marcus Pearce | CL-USER> |
273 | 59 | Marcus Pearce | </pre> |
274 | 59 | Marcus Pearce | |
275 | 59 | Marcus Pearce | In the output, a one indicates that the event follows a predicted grouping boundary (e.g., the first event in a new phrase) while a zero indicates that this is not the case. |