Database » History » Version 3
Version 2 (Jeremy Gow, 2013-02-21 02:25 PM) → Version 3/19 (Jeremy Gow, 2013-02-21 03:32 PM)
h1. Database management
During [[Installation]] h2. Loading the system and connecting to the database
CL-USER> (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'mtp-admin)
Then you should have set up need to connect to the SQL database that IDyOM will use to store musical data. To recap, every time you run have created. You do this using <code>clsql:connect</code> which is documented "here": The function <code>mtp-admin:connect-to-database</code> in the system you will need file "music-data.lisp": gives an example of how to connect to the database, e.g. as follows:
an SQLite database.
(clsql:connect '("DIR/example.db") :if-exists :old :database-type :sqlite3) CL-USER> (mtp-admin:connect-to-database)
h2. Initializing a new database
The first time you connect to a new newly created database, you need to setup the database tables before you can import any data:
data. You do this as follows:
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:initialise-database)
h2. Describing the contents of the database
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:describe-database)
Songs and ballads from Nova Scotia, Canada.
ID No. Compositions No. events Mean events/composition
0 152 8552 56.263157
Chorale melodies harmonised by J.S. Bach.
ID No. Compositions No. events Mean events/composition
1 185 9227 49.875675
Chorale soprano melodies harmonised by J.S. Bach.
ID No. Compositions No. events Mean events/composition
2 100 4693 46.93
Alsatian folk songs from the Essen Folk Song Collection.
ID No. Compositions No. events Mean events/composition
3 91 4496 49.406593
Pop melodies used in a segmentation experiment by Daniel Muellensiefen.
ID No. Compositions No. events Mean events/composition
29 15 1265 84.333336
Hymn melodies from Hymns Ancient and Modern.
ID No. Compositions No. events Mean events/composition
30 120 4280 35.666668
(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30)
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:describe-dataset 0 :verbose t)
Songs and ballads from Nova Scotia, Canada.
ID No. Compositions No. events Mean events/composition
0 152 8552 56.263157
CPITCH (26): (54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
72 73 74 75 76 77 79 81)
MPITCH (17): (31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47)
ACCIDENTAL (3): (-1 0 1)
DUR (14): (3 4 6 8 12 16 18 24 36 48 60 72 96 120)
DELTAST (7): (0 12 24 36 48 60 72)
BIOI (17): (1 3 4 6 8 12 16 18 24 30 36 48 60 72 84 96 120)
KEYSIG (9): (-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4)
MODE (2): (0 9)
BARLENGTH (7): (36 48 72 96 120 144 168)
PULSES (6): (2 3 4 5 6 7)
PHRASE (3): (-1 0 1)
DYN (1): (NIL)
TEMPO (19): (52 54 60 64 76 80 82 84 92 96 100 108 110 112 120 132
144 152 172)
VOICE (1): (1)
A quick way of listing the database contents is:
(clsql:print-query [select [dataset-id][description] :from [mtp-dataset] :order-by [dataset-id]])
h2. Importing Data
Before you can do this you will need to import some data. Methods exist for **kern files and midi files.
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:import-data :krn "/home/mas01mtp/research/data/kern/shanxi237/" "A test dataset" 31)
Inserting data into database: dataset 31.
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:describe-dataset 31)
A test dataset
ID No. Compositions No. events Mean events/composition
31 237 11056 46.649788
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:import-data :mid "/home/marcusp/research/data/midi/Witchcraft/" "Melodies used in de Noojier et al. (2008)" 32)
Inserting data into database: dataset 32.NIL
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:describe-dataset 32)
Melodies used in de Noojier et al. (2008)
ID No. Compositions No. events Mean events/composition
32 10 313 31.3
h2. Exporting Data
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:export-data (mtp-admin:get-composition 31 0) :mid "/tmp/")
Produces a midi file.
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:export-data (mtp-admin:get-composition 31 0) :lisp "/tmp/")
Produces a lisp readable representation of the dataset.
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:export-data (mtp-admin:get-composition 31 0) :ly "/tmp/")
Produces a lilypond file.
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:export-data (mtp-admin:get-composition 31 0) :pdf "/tmp/")
Produces a pdf score (via lilypond).
h2. Deleting a dataset
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:delete-dataset 735)
deletes dataset 735 from the database.
During [[Installation]] h2. Loading the system and connecting to the database
CL-USER> (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'mtp-admin)
Then you should have set up need to connect to the SQL database that IDyOM will use to store musical data. To recap, every time you run have created. You do this using <code>clsql:connect</code> which is documented "here": The function <code>mtp-admin:connect-to-database</code> in the system you will need file "music-data.lisp": gives an example of how to connect to the database, e.g. as follows:
an SQLite database.
(clsql:connect '("DIR/example.db") :if-exists :old :database-type :sqlite3) CL-USER> (mtp-admin:connect-to-database)
h2. Initializing a new database
The first time you connect to a new newly created database, you need to setup the database tables before you can import any data:
data. You do this as follows:
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:initialise-database)
h2. Describing the contents of the database
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:describe-database)
Songs and ballads from Nova Scotia, Canada.
ID No. Compositions No. events Mean events/composition
0 152 8552 56.263157
Chorale melodies harmonised by J.S. Bach.
ID No. Compositions No. events Mean events/composition
1 185 9227 49.875675
Chorale soprano melodies harmonised by J.S. Bach.
ID No. Compositions No. events Mean events/composition
2 100 4693 46.93
Alsatian folk songs from the Essen Folk Song Collection.
ID No. Compositions No. events Mean events/composition
3 91 4496 49.406593
Pop melodies used in a segmentation experiment by Daniel Muellensiefen.
ID No. Compositions No. events Mean events/composition
29 15 1265 84.333336
Hymn melodies from Hymns Ancient and Modern.
ID No. Compositions No. events Mean events/composition
30 120 4280 35.666668
(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30)
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:describe-dataset 0 :verbose t)
Songs and ballads from Nova Scotia, Canada.
ID No. Compositions No. events Mean events/composition
0 152 8552 56.263157
CPITCH (26): (54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
72 73 74 75 76 77 79 81)
MPITCH (17): (31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47)
ACCIDENTAL (3): (-1 0 1)
DUR (14): (3 4 6 8 12 16 18 24 36 48 60 72 96 120)
DELTAST (7): (0 12 24 36 48 60 72)
BIOI (17): (1 3 4 6 8 12 16 18 24 30 36 48 60 72 84 96 120)
KEYSIG (9): (-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4)
MODE (2): (0 9)
BARLENGTH (7): (36 48 72 96 120 144 168)
PULSES (6): (2 3 4 5 6 7)
PHRASE (3): (-1 0 1)
DYN (1): (NIL)
TEMPO (19): (52 54 60 64 76 80 82 84 92 96 100 108 110 112 120 132
144 152 172)
VOICE (1): (1)
A quick way of listing the database contents is:
(clsql:print-query [select [dataset-id][description] :from [mtp-dataset] :order-by [dataset-id]])
h2. Importing Data
Before you can do this you will need to import some data. Methods exist for **kern files and midi files.
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:import-data :krn "/home/mas01mtp/research/data/kern/shanxi237/" "A test dataset" 31)
Inserting data into database: dataset 31.
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:describe-dataset 31)
A test dataset
ID No. Compositions No. events Mean events/composition
31 237 11056 46.649788
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:import-data :mid "/home/marcusp/research/data/midi/Witchcraft/" "Melodies used in de Noojier et al. (2008)" 32)
Inserting data into database: dataset 32.NIL
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:describe-dataset 32)
Melodies used in de Noojier et al. (2008)
ID No. Compositions No. events Mean events/composition
32 10 313 31.3
h2. Exporting Data
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:export-data (mtp-admin:get-composition 31 0) :mid "/tmp/")
Produces a midi file.
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:export-data (mtp-admin:get-composition 31 0) :lisp "/tmp/")
Produces a lisp readable representation of the dataset.
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:export-data (mtp-admin:get-composition 31 0) :ly "/tmp/")
Produces a lilypond file.
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:export-data (mtp-admin:get-composition 31 0) :pdf "/tmp/")
Produces a pdf score (via lilypond).
h2. Deleting a dataset
CL-USER> (mtp-admin:delete-dataset 735)
deletes dataset 735 from the database.